Chapter 435: Fisher Punk

Name:Molting the Mortal Coil Author:
Chapter 435: Fisher Punk

Sage brought forth many layers of defenses while the eight Blacksilver Pawns advanced on the man in the gas mask. A layer of bluish mercury slid over his skin and formed into scale shaped plates before it solidified again into a less opaque form, like he was armored by a form of metallic crystal. Between and beneath the scales a layer of a black tar like substance sheathed his body. Using the same layering defense as his Blacksilver minions, Sage kept a few cards back and let the Pawns battle for him. While he was armoring up, the group of eight were spreading out and approaching the enemy from different directions.

Only, it wasnt as simple as it sounded. Even while coming from multiple directions the concrete and steel rubble from the ground lifted into the air and shot towards them. It had seemed like the man was surrounded and would have trouble dealing with so many attackers, but instead the attackers were the ones outnumbered and confused. As one Blacksilver Pawn approached, a steel bar launched out of the ground behind it at high speed, stabbing it through the chest. Then a huge piece of stone fell onto it from the side, pinning it to the ground. Another smaller piece of concrete, with a piece of rebar poking from it fired towards its face at high speed and pierced its forehead.

It wasnt just one Blacksilver Pawn, each of them were suffering similar bombardment. It was like each of them were facing a half-dozen invisible attackers, picking up the debris and hurling it at them at high speed. Of course, none of the attacks were capable of truly destroying the Blacksilver Pawns, but the sheer weight of all that steel and concrete pinned them down and tied up their limbs. The eight of them tore out the metal spears stabbed through their bodies and twisted their limbs in unusual ways to get the leverage needed to push the huge rubble off of themselves. They continued to advance towards the leather clad fellow, but at a snails pace.

While the battle in the physical world had slowed to a stall, there was another battle underway inside Sages Spiritual Sea. The black smoke churned and roiled, washing up against the walls of the mental fortress like a wave crashing on rocks. Alright, it seems about time to set the bait. Whos the fisherman now?

With the help of the other four, the twelve of them soon cleared themselves from their confines. The more of them that grouped up together the easier it became for them to defend against and force their way through the barrage of debris. The only problem was that without any defenders, Sage became the main target once more. With the help of Foresight he spun and whirled, kicking off the concrete walls and tumbling down the street to escape the range of the punks attacks. He stayed forever in motion, his speed drastically reduced as he constantly spun around. Twisting and rolling, he kept a lookout in every direction in order to catch sight of the debris before it was sent his way. Even when he saw the attack coming, they were propelled to such velocity that he had to see it a few seconds in advance in order to avoid it. The telekinetic attacks could come from any direction at any time so he felt like hed suddenly become hyperactive, constantly looking to the sides, the rear and up into the air.

Try as he might, even Foresight was not enough to completely protect him. A car sized piece of concrete would fall towards him. It moved slowly and followed his trajectory, preventing him from easily avoiding it. Then, when it was nearly on top of him hed roll out of the way. Only, he couldnt see the trap until it was too late. A steel I-Beam, sheared off to have a point, was hiding behind the giant piece of rubble and it shot out like a spear to impale him after he avoided the concrete piece. It skid across his outer armor scales and then caught in a gap, slowed down by the thick tar and then sunk into his body. The flow of blood was sealed by the amorphous liquid of the Black Enhydros, but he was injured nonetheless. Hundreds of pounds of steel with a sharp point and moving at hundreds of miles an hour would be enough to knock a building down, but his two layers of defense combined with the strength of his physical body turned the attack into a simple stab wound.

The chunk of steel fell out of him, its bulk too large to be held up by the few inches that had pierced into him. Sage quickly gave it a kick to knock it away, not wanting to have it launched at him again at point blank range. Of course, with his blood dripping off it, the enemy brought it flying back over to himself and made it hover next to him. The bit of blood dripping from the sharp point hung just beside his head, using it to taunt the fleeing Sage.

Sage wasnt distressed, instead he smiled. With the man so focused on him, it reduced the frequency of attacks on the Blacksilver Pawns. The ones who had just all grouped up together. Decoy success!