Chapter 495: City Building

Name:Molting the Mortal Coil Author:
Chapter 495: City Building

Wan Ling stared him down again. Those beautiful eyes of hers seemed like they could read his thoughts and he felt sweat beading up on his back. She narrowed her eyes, but didnt say anything else. Instead she waved her hand in a gesture for him to continue. She also seemed a bit sad and Sage didnt know what that meant.

Ahem. As I was saying, since Im now the City Lord of Lionheart Town I can authorize alterations to the town. There are many upgrades to the city's infrastructure that I wish to perform. Ive had these ideas for a long time, but I was in no position to get any rulers to invest so heavily. These changes dont bring any revenue after all, so who would want to just waste their money? Of course, I know better. I believe with these changes our city will prosper and people from all over will want to live here. With greater population and popularity, Lionheart Town will grow larger and larger until we rival the county capital, and that is only a start. I dont even think it would be a stretch if the Dou Capital City came knocking at our door to get the same improvements.


Sage realized that hed used a word that didnt really exist yet, which was doubly confusing because he was speaking in the native language of this world, Public works. Roads, sewers, and lighting. I also want to delve into parks, public transportation, education, and a news outlet.

The town already has streets and drainage sewers. I didnt really catch the rest of that.

Dont worry, youll understand it all eventually. Let me show you the plans!

Wan Ling looked at him dubiously, and then she glared when he gave an estimate on the costs. Just the daily upkeep of these changes would be quite a significant expenditure, and that was without considering the huge initial investment.

If you think its a bad idea, Ill pay for it with my own funds.

Wan Ling gaze turned predatory, yet she still had quite a calm and placid smile on her face, Dont be silly. The Prosperity Company will be taking all of this new work on. If you are confident in it, then we shall follow your lead. Dont you worry, just like in the past I will take your ideas and alter them as needed.

Sage laughed, since he knew that she wouldnt let an opportunity slip past. She could tell that if he would waste that much of his own money, he was very sure of his ideas. She would just have to keep a close watch and make enough changes to keep them from losing money.

Ill leave it in your capable hands then. Oh, you should probably make a deal with Thousand Treasures for the Movie Projector just like the one for the Airship and lets see Steamcoach. That should be a decent name.

He ripped off that name without a second thought and then quickly proposed another, Oh and for the movie projectors around the town, we can call it the Prosperity Network. Ill keep sending you more of the plans for how it can work. For now, I am going to start breeding Fireflies, if I can be excused?