Chapter 503: Summoned

Name:Molting the Mortal Coil Author:
Chapter 503: Summoned

The message in Sages hands was simple enough. It was filled with flowery words, declaring how happy the Chong Clan was to know that someone from the Lang Clan survived, and also inviting him to visit them in Golden Cricket Cove. It was full of flattery and formal sounding language, and Sage was pretty sure it wasnt anything good. He threw the message into the Universe Ring and put them out of his mind. He had far too much work to do. The changes to the city had only just been completed, and there were many things that still needed to be done.

The main business area in town, centered upon the Thousand Treasures, had been rebuilt and renamed to The Street of Immortals. Theyd also conveniently saved the many marks of the Heavenly Tribulation on the street while cleaning up and repairing the damage elsewhere. The shop that Wan Ling opened up to sell the new merchandise was called Lioncloud and used the logo he designed on all of its merchandise. Since Sage was the most knowledgeable about the Immortal, he also knew that the little Dragoon wouldnt be coming back any time soon and also wouldnt lash out for being used by Sage as a mascot if he ever did.

The water supply, sewage system, and the roads built over them had been completed and already in use for a few weeks. A few parks had been built around town, and Sage had even bred and distributed Fireflies all over the city to light it up at night. A few dozen Steamcoaches were already running bus routes with firefly lanterns to light their way. It only saved a few Spirit Stones when the Fireflies were used in small quantities, but they created a delightful twinkling light that people took an instant liking to. It also helped create more of a unique atmosphere in Lionheart Town during the nights and evenings, so he filled the city with them. Most importantly, the Prosperity Network was already running, with a dozen Movie Projectors already finished and placed around the city playing a new run of shows every day. Half of them were set up in large public squares, while the other half had their own amphitheater areas so people could watch freely without causing a nuisance.

With the experience he had from his old life, it would be surprising if people werent immediately addicted. People flocked to the amphitheaters on a nightly basis to catch the run of evening shows. During the day, the programming was mostly educational, advertisements, and news reports to keep the city productive, while all the most exciting stuff was played every evening.

He wasnt going to play this time, so he only brought along Tujiu. The bald headed silver eyed member of the Tiankong siblings. He was the one that fit the mold of a brave warrior the closest. Sage also brought him along in case he had to make a quick escape. Sage hadnt yet made enough progress in a Law that allowed flight, and Tujius beast form was the most suitable as a mount, a huge fiery vulture. Ruanfu and her husband were the only better choices in that regard, but Ruanfu needed to stay and protect Lionheart Town. Of course, Sage definitely wasnt going to tell Tujiu he was taking him along as an emergency vehicle. He told Tujiu that he was the most diligent, and they needed to stay on guard against foul play on this trip. Those centipede wielding assassins in the past had been sent by someone from the Chong Clan. They needed to be on guard against another such attack, and also work on settling the score.

They left town a few hours after Sage received the message, and once they left sight of the city gates Sage smiled at Tujiu, Junior Brother. Please transform and fly us to the Transport Array.

Tujius lack of eyebrows made his look of surprise a bit odd, but the silvery holo foil look of his eyes still seemed to shimmer at Sage. Unlike Juzui, the Miniature Red Toucan, and Songji, the Violent Shadow Grouse, Tujiu loved being in his natural form. The Iridescent Flame Vulture was a large and flamboyant looking beast, so he naturally enjoyed showing off. Soon a vulture the size of a truck appeared in front of him. Glowing with iridescent flames, the colors change not only because of the temperature of the fire, but the position of the viewer, orange, red and yellow shifting and twisting around the curling flames like bubbles in the sun.

Sage leapt up onto his back and the flames dimmed where he sat down, the warmth serving to counteract the rush of cold wind caused by the speed of their flight. The normally day long trip to reach the Transport Array was shortened to just a few hours and Tujiu returned to his Human form before they teleported back to the Merciful Mollusk and boarded a coach to take them to the Chong Clan Manor. Flying was frowned upon over cities, so they could only endure the hour long coach ride through the huge and busy city before they finally found themselves in front of a house sized statue of a cricket cast in gold.