Chapter 590: Retreat

Name:Molting the Mortal Coil Author:
Chapter 590: Retreat

The retreating enemy forces didnt seem to care much about what the many third rank Jade Horde troops were doing. To them, it looked like the weaker forces were retreating to the transport vessel to prepare for a getaway. There were so many of them, so it made sense for them to get on board while the stronger cultivators covered them. They figured that when they pulled back, Lang Sheng and his forces would get aboard the Flying Ship and flee for their lives. Most of the rank and file were upset that they wouldnt get rewarded for achieving their objective, but so many of them had died already that they were merely glad to not be counted among the casualties.

Wan Lings plans, on the other hand, were definitely not about organizing an orderly retreat. When the thousands from the Jade Horde marched onto the Flying Ship, the ramp they used to board was lifted back up and the ship lifted into the air. Then, instead of turning away, the prow spun to face the retreating enemy forces. At that moment, the forces in the middle of an orderly retreat suddenly found something was wrong. The Flying Ship started to accelerate towards them and the one armed genius, Fu Zedong, was the first to shout out a warning, Scatter! The fools are trying to ram us!

A Flying Ship was a very expensive Magical Tool, but it was created for carrying people over long distances. It was a transportation device, not a weapon. Flying Ships would usually have a few defensive formations and required the passengers to defend them. They were simply too large to do any more. It was already a difficult task to assemble rare and precious materials in order to build a weapon, let alone gather a quantity large enough to build a ship hundreds of feet long. That was why they were all so surprised when they heard Fu Zedongs shout and recognized that the ship had turned their way and started picking up speed. This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

The crossbow bolts were blocked easily by the high rank cultivators, but the shots from the steam ballista were powerful enough to punch through the defensive Qi techniques of a Core Formation Cultivator. After the first few shots punched through their comrades, the others quickly learned to dodge them, but with such a crowded battlefield it was easy to have ones vision obscured. The armaments that Wan Ling had prepared for the Flying Ship had little chance of massacring their enemies.

What it did do was create an opportunity for the others on Sages side. When they saw the huge ship charge fearlessly into the enemy ranks they were confused, but when it suddenly brandished so many weapons and started attacking the enemy they were amazed. Almost instantly, Song Lu Tian, Chong Xiezi, Kang Min, and Zhu Jiao reacted. None of them were in command of the forces backing up Sage, but they all unanimously agreed to charge. Despite having just made their difficult enemy flee, they still recognized a superior position and rushed to take it. Their whole force rushed towards the smaller half of the enemy force. With the Flying Ship splitting them into two groups and occupying their attention, Sages other allies took them unaware and smashed against their rear. With the ship as the anvil, they took the job of hammer and their surprise attack killed a hundred of their enemies almost instantly.

Even if the Defensive Formation of the Flying Ship could only hold up for a few minutes against such a large enemy force, there was a pissed off woman who didnt care about the expense. Those on the side of the Flying Ship that werent being attacked from behind were in fact the larger force and seeing their allies being overrun they redoubled their efforts. The Flying Ships shield suddenly shattered far faster than Wan Ling had thought it would and hundreds of Hoplites died from the wave of attacks that fell upon the deck. At that moment, the smaller force of Dragoons rushed out from below deck, pushing upon the doors and surging into the air. They spread out into the sky and held up shields in front of themselves, using their bodies to block the flurry of attacks from striking the Flying Ship.

By sacrificing their bodies, they bought time for another wave of Hoplites to rush onto the deck and man the steam ballistas once again. They lifted and moved them all to one side of the ship and fired them into the furious enemy forces, turning them away from their allies on the other side and allowing them to fire indiscriminately. The force of Dragoons were quickly wiped out, and the hull of the Flying Ship was covered in huge holes and tears. Parts of it were burning, causing a huge cloud of smoke to form as it limped away. The enemy forces were eager to take the Flying Ship for themselves, so most of the attacks were aimed towards the soldiers on the deck rather than at the ship itself. By the time the majority of the Jade Horde was dead and most of the ballista destroyed, the other half of the enemy force was also gone.