Chapter 844: Locked On

Name:Molting the Mortal Coil Author:
Chapter 844: Locked On

The cause of such a commotion was likely to be something interesting so Sage swam over with a powerful kick of his legs. The jade aura around his body was formed into a set of large flippers over his feet. It was just like how he formed forearm blades on his wrists, but on his ankles and in a different shape. It took a few years of practice on the Inner World, but that time was just a few moments for him in the outside world. At this time he was already able to reshape the Jade Mantle in dozens of different configurations for different uses. The downside was that the structures he formed could not move independently so he couldnt make anything truly useful like wings, extra limbs, or fins that could move on their own. There was only so much that shaped armor could do to assist him. Even so, creating flippers was a drastic improvement under the water. Without them he had to move his legs extremely quickly in order to kick enough water to gain higher speed. With the flippers he could move at a much more leisurely pace while also displacing many times more water and moving far faster.

Once he approached the bloody cloud he saw something straight out of a nightmare. The general shape of this creature was something he was quite familiar with as it held the sleek lines and aggressive dorsal fin of a shark. The problem came from the fact that it was the size of a truck, enough to easily swallow a man whole, and that its mouth seemed to be an independent limb. Its jaws spread wide and it darted towards a fish that was twice its size. When it got close, the sharks mouth shot forward and twisted slightly, biting into the flesh of the fish and then twisting side to side, drilling its many rows of overly long teeth in deep. Then it twisted its whole body and tore a huge piece of flesh out of the giant fish. Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

The Plug Sharks looked to be the most threatening, so Sage targeted them first. Just as the sharks had the palometa beat in the agility department, Sage had them beat in speed. He was not a fish so he couldnt dart around and change directions as easily as they could. A humans center of mass was not as ideal for operating under the water. Instead of darting to the side, it was actually easier to spin around and point towards a new direction then swim forward. The sinuous bodies of fish could curl around on themselves and then propel on this new heading very rapidly. On the other hand, Sages physical strength was immense for his small body so with the addition of his flippers he could move far faster in a straight line than the Plug Sharks. They were much larger so they faced far more resistance.

It was a thrilling feeling to swim faster than a fish and Sage made full use of this capability to make rapid attack runs, swimming up to the side of a Plug Shark and then burying both of his forearm blades into its flank. Then with his two curved blades acting as hooks he clung to its side and let the Poison Qi that the Jade Mantle was made of seep into the beast. A few times he had to pull out one blade and swing around to the side, avoiding the jaws of other Plug Sharks that attempted to bail out their friend. Once the Plug Shark he clung to started to slow down, he pressed his feet against its body and then kicked off, sending him shooting towards another Plug Shark that was biting into a Moon Palometa.

He repeated his act as a poisonous stinger, clinging to the shark and pumping poison into it until it grew slow and groggy. The Moon Palometa were quite large which meant their power was not as concentrated. All of these beasts were just barely in the sixth tier, and they all used sharpening laws on their teeth or fins. That meant Sage put his priority upon the creature with the smaller body since it would be more beneficial for Blood Refining. Even though Sage hadnt much chance to use this simple Body Refining technique much, it didnt mean others couldnt. Sage had fused with so many different beasts over the years that his bloodline had been purified quite a bit. The same was not true for all those on the Inner World or even the later generations of the Lang Clan. While they still started in his line, over time mixing with normal humans and just the variation that came with every generation created a vast range of bloodline concentration. Some could be born with weaker versions of their natural abilities, while others would be born with stronger ones.