Chapter 876: Test

Name:Molting the Mortal Coil Author:
Chapter 876: Test

The man held out an arm and turned his head away to indicate the column beside him. Sage was pretty sure the man looked away in order to make it more awkward to ask questions. There was no way to catch the mans attention with eye contact, hed have to speak up to ask directly. This didnt bother Sage too much as things were already in line with what he expected. He also found that this place he was in blocked him from leaving. After having entered this place there werent many options available to him, and this fellow in charge didnt seem to want him to ask any questions.

The attitude of the man wouldnt have stopped Sage from asking questions, but he honestly couldnt think of any. Theyd already confirmed the time that he was likely to be locked up in here before he entered so he didnt have to worry about the definition of a year being different than he was used to. In fact, he tried not to think about that bit of information as somehow this world hed reincarnated into had the same scale of time and calendar as he was used to back on Earth. He wasnt sure if this was part of the magic that translated everything for him when he first arrived, or just a cosmic coincidence. Whatever the case may be, it didnt matter at the moment. Sage didnt have any direct questions, learn the technique or die, what could be simpler?

Without any apparent hesitation Sage stepped forward and placed his hand upon the stone column that the man was pointing to. As soon as he did, a wave of knowledge flowed from it and directly entered his mind. He didnt try to resist it, as he expected it to perform in such a manner. Since this space could already contain his Nascent Soul so easily, then it was certainly not a big deal for this column to act like a Jade Tablet. As he processed the information he was not let down by the difficulty of the technique. It wasnt a different type of seal like with a Repress or Siphon Seal, nor was it a complicated and higher leveled Seal like the Human Seal.

Instead, it was like a whole new type of Seal. In a way it reminded him of the difference between standard Array Symbols and Ancient Array Symbols. This new technique, Release the Masterpiece, was like a whole new Seal language. It was immediately apparent how so many would fail to grasp this change. In fact, it might actually be simpler for someone to learn the technique if they have no prior knowledge of Seals. Since the Stone Tablet was obviously related to Seals, then it was quite likely that only very skilled Seal Masters tried to attempt it, but their deep familiarity with a completely different system of Seals likely led to their downfall. Then again, this was all speculation.

A Seal was constantly changing over time, but it was otherwise quite similar in complexity to an Array Symbol. The lines and shapes that made it up had depth to them, but this was more like having a line thickness. It was much like a painted engraving, except constantly moving and changing. The carved lines had depth and nuance to them, but overall the Seal was still applied to a mostly flat surface.

The Essence Sculptor called these new creations Essence Seals. They were integral to his technique, Release the Masterpiece. Instead of a moving carving, an Essence Seal was like a full three dimensional model. Instead of a collection of carved lines, it was a moving sculpture created out of energy. While this didnt sound that much more complicated, its creator had to fully comprehend and understand every part of it in order to create it all. Especially because it was also moving and changing every moment. They not only had to know it perfectly frame by frame, but also keep track of which frame they were on as it corresponded to the part of the seal they were currently creating. It wasnt just completely the current image, but timing their work to finish with the correct frame.

Imagine trying to sculpt replacement parts for a statue that was constantly transforming. You start creating the arm of a bear while the statue changes into an eagle, then a lion, and you have to finish the bears arm right as it changes into a bear and attach it before it keeps changing and turns into a fish. The actual Essence Seal was not as obvious with its transformations and shifts, sometimes being far more subtle and other times far more drastic than this example, but the principle was similar.

Successfully mastering Essence Seals was truly a matter of exquisite predictive ability, deep knowledge of the subject to be sealed, and also excellent timing. It was no wonder that this heritage from the Essence Sculptor had not turned into a famous school. There didnt seem to be any limits upon the Stone Tablet for passing out its knowledge, but the sheer difficulty probably led to enough deaths that others gave up trying.