Chapter 910: Surrounded

Name:Molting the Mortal Coil Author:
Chapter 910: Surrounded

Dropped right into the center of the enemy camp, this plan always started with them being completely surrounded. They had to attack with a reasonably small force to start with or theres no way the enemy wouldnt see them coming from afar. The other Airships were already moving in to support them, but there was going to be a period of time where they were completely on their own in enemy territory.

The commander of this group, a small woman, smiled brightly and didnt have to even give a command. As soon as her energy flared up the others in her group immediately responded, changing their positions and linking their Qi to create a battle formation. Just like the Million Scale Shell the Dragoons used, or the Shifting Swarm that those experts from the Inner World used to save Sage all those years ago, this group of elites had a Battle Formation theyd become experts at. Given how many people were involved, a record of that battle had been left behind on the Inner World and one of Sages descendants had studied it.

The power of the Shifting Swarm Formation was very impressive, but it was also rife with weaknesses. Somewhere along the way one of the early researchers of the clan had created a new Battle Formation to make up for the problems. The name they chose was exceedingly simple, Shifting Scales, as it was mainly a combination of the Shifting Swarm and Million Scale Shell. The Shifting Swarm allowed those involved in the Battle Formation to pool their energy and instantly send it to one person in the group. Whoever the best person to defend against an attack was could use the pooled strength of everyone in the team. Whoever had the best position to attack could then strike with the full force of all their allies. Yet, as powerful as this was, it required deep discipline to trust your allies to protect you while your Qi was being gifted to another. It also took careful training to build a deep level of cooperation so they could all send their Qi to the same person in unison.

Without many years of focused training, the Shifting Swarm was useless, and even with all that training it was quite dangerous. To make up for its shortcomings, they incorporated the defensive barrier and compartmentalized nature of the Million Scale Swarm. This Battle Formation was used by the Dragoons to create giant shield-like scales that could overlap with each other and build a large defensive barrier. The advantages of it were its equal effectiveness against all types of attacks and that if one scale was destroyed the whole barrier didnt fall. The person forming the scale could just be swapped out for another one and a new scale formed. It was a bit unusual because it didnt combine all the participants' Qi into a single powerful shield like most barriers which meant it couldnt resist powerful attacks as well, but it was still able to create an airtight barrier when all the scales were intact. It also distributed the force of attacks over a large number of scales, just at a smaller ratio.

The whole team of ninety six were suddenly sheathed in a glowing energy barrier with large blue veins standing up on their skin. Their tactics were similar to those Jiao displayed earlier, except they worked as a team. With the overwhelming might of their physical bodies they could afford to infuse a large portion of their Qi into the group and still be able to fight with high strength.

Compared to the other bases, these poor members of the Yi Yang Group were destroyed completely in just a few minutes. The formations of mind controlled guards could only survive a couple strikes against their shields before the teams of six violently tore them away and then used their bare hands to rip their bodies apart. Each of these bases had only ten to twenty Core Formation Cultivators defending them, so when these ninety six working in unison showed up, the defenders were helpless to resist them. What was worse was that the leaders team of six didnt even act. Merely remaining near the center of the battlefield and watching emotionlessly.

It was only near the end of the battle when she finally made a move. She raised her hand and released a special flicker of energy. When she did, the whole team sent a wave of Qi into their Formation Armor and the leader used it to empower the barriers around them. Just as she did, phantasmal swords fell from the sky like rain. These glowing energy weapons spun and danced as they fell chopping and stabbing at the barriers around their team. The attacks persisted for less than a minute before the spectral swords faded away, but the barriers around the team held.

When the attack faded, the leaders squad shot forward at lightning speed, smashing through the wall of one of the buildings and snatching a group of the Yi Yang Groups leaders. Theyd made a last ditch attempt to activate a powerful offense Formation Array, but they only ended up giving away their own positions without any result.