Chapter 958: Peachwood

Name:Molting the Mortal Coil Author:
Chapter 958: Peachwood

Sage only learned that there was more to the Ghostwood after Voctem died. At the same time, he was also wary of the strange tree as he now knew there was far more to it than theyd first realized. Since Voctem tried to use it as an escape method, than it could really be used by others to enter or leave the Inner World. This meant that it was imperative that Sage take control of it so others couldnt use it without his permission. The only problem was that he wasnt sure how deep the connection with the Ghostwood went.

Youre already working for me. Are you planning to get more into debt for this answer?

Oh? Then that means the Ghostwood wont take over my mind, or youve already got a prior contract with the Ghostwood so it doesnt matter when it does take control. Thanks for narrowing it down.

Sage tried to ask Guan Zhenyan, but even now the man wouldnt do anything without proper remuneration. Even so, the fact that Zhenyan didnt immediately try to stop him from contracting the Ghostwood meant it was not that dangerous, or at least the move would still be beneficial for him. Sage still didnt rush to action. Without any comprehensive information on the Ghostwood, he wasnt going to form any connections to it. There was subtle confirmation that it wouldnt control him, but there was still the chance it might come with great drawbacks. There was no telling how much of Count Voctems weirdness was caused by the Ghostwood. It wouldnt surprise him if Guan Zhenyan wanted him to use the Ghostwood so that he could offer a solution to the drawbacks it caused.

Sage tried to meet with Tao Ba, but recently the pot-bellied boy hadnt been meeting with him. Ever since that time when the Universe Ring was damaged, Tao Ba had no longer been acting so friendly with him. Tao Ba didnt specifically seem angry with him, but Sage got the feeling that Tao Ba got scolded. It felt like he was getting freebies from a store employee, but now that employee got in trouble from his boss and now he got no freebies. Sage couldnt really be mad about this change, but the problem was that he didnt have other avenues for obscure knowledge.

Im in the Tianxia Capital, theyve got to have options here, right?

Since he had to climb the tower anyway, Sage agreed with their recommendation and returned to working for Guan Zhenyan while heading upwards. He was quite impressed by the idea that people might travel hundreds of levels to enroll their children into an academy. It would take weeks of travel and tens of thousands of Spirit Stones per person they bring along. There were always parents willing to pay a great price for the change for their children to do better than themselves.

Along the way he stopped at the home of a couple Debtors. One of them was just as easy as the last one. Sage waited patiently for an audience, careful not to reveal his identity. Then, when he had visual confirmation of his target, he released the team of Poison Mist Sect members while simultaneously setting up a Formation Array to block the Debtor from activating the array within his home. The poor man was trapped by the Expanding Ethereal Chains formation that they released through their Formation Armor and exposed to a poisonous miasma. It was only then that Sage showed Guan Zhenyans token and explained the reason for his visit. The poor man was already on the verge of defeat and if he didnt sign a Blood Contract to immediately pay, hed be captured.

The man was terrified by the miasma around him and quickly read and signed the contract. As soon as he asked to see the contract the miasma receded and he quickly left to round up his payment. After the contract was signed, Sage wasnt worried about anything as it specified harsh punishments if his debt wasnt paid within a few hours. The next debtor was much less fortunate. Sage caught the man while he was leaving a tavern, and just as he separated from his friends, the Purple Mist Sect was waiting for him. Worse yet, they were a little too eager and the slightly drunk man was too confused to understand what was happening. Sage didnt feel like reasoning with a drunk, so he let the man succumb to the miasma. With his organs failing, the man was incapacitated quite quickly and sent into the Inner World.

Sage cared little about a few healing pills, so they extracted the poison from the man along with the powerful wine that could make a Cultivator drunk. They didnt bother to heal his injuries yet, as Sage on the Inner World showed him Guan Zhenyans token as well as the contract. The mans storage treasures were already snatched away from him, so he couldnt heal his own injuries. The storage treasures were locked to the mans blood, and they also werent thieves so they didnt try to take his belongings randomly. It was only after it was confirmed that the man had no intention of paying that they could take his possessions to pay the debt. This small distinction is all that kept the work Sage was doing from being a crime. Due to the pain and forced purging of his inebriation, the man was quite dizzy and it took him quite a while to finally read through the contract properly.

He was adamant about not signing without proper understanding, which Sage felt was reasonable, but it was also possible the man was just trying to stall. Sage offered healing pills, but the man refused because he was worried it would not just be a healing pill. If that was the case, Sage could have just force fed it to him, but the man was too addlebrained to think things through. Eventually, the man figured things out and signed the contract, at which point he was given his storage treasures and Sage followed him back to his home. Sage could swear he saw tears on the mans face when he was sorting through his possessions to hand over the payment, but Sage didnt care. No amount of sympathy would remove the debt owed to Guan Zhenyan. Sage still had an agreement that required Guan Zhenyans help and so he had to hold up his end of the bargain.

After the two Debtors, Sage drove up a few hundred more ramps before he finally reached level 20,000 and approached the illustrious Clear Sky Academy.The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.