Chapter 968: Accused

Name:Molting the Mortal Coil Author:
Chapter 968: Accused

The Discipline Keepers words struck to the bone and the others immediately took a step away from Sage as soon as they landed. Sage looked around at the group and then he suddenly broke into laughter, Thats it? Thats your evidence? You just listened to some stories and now youve decided the truth of the matter? Is this the level of the Clear Sky Academy? Youre utterly incompetent!

Before the Discipline Keeper could open his mouth, Sage broke into a tirade.

Why have you not separated all the witnesses here and questioned them individually? Arent you afraid of them passing secret messages? Or do you think yourself capable of finding them all and thats what youre looking for? Foolish. Why have you shown everyone the crime scene? Youve given everyone information about the victim which not only means they can spread rumors, but now theyre all on the same page about the circumstances. If one of them claims to be the killer you cant use the details on the scene to determine if theyre telling the truth because youve already shown it all to them!

Sage even looked over to the three golden haired students, the librarian and Teacher Zhou, Youve even questioned them all as a group and let them arrange their stories into a perfect little play. How can you find any inconsistencies between them if you let them work together to fill in the gaps?

Sage took a step towards the Discipline Keeper and then looked down at the body of Lu Ju, Youre completely useless as an interrogator, but at least you have not contaminated the crime scene by moving the body. Then you outdid yourself and used your Spiritual Sense to smash everything in the area. Anything you didnt notice has now been destroyed by your overbearing attempts to search for the culprit. Small traces of residual aura or faint traces of poison have now been wiped clean, not by the villain, but by you, the investigator! You havent collected even a trace of actual evidence and are now relying entirely on circumstantial evidence in the form of witness testimony and your own prejudice against an outsider.

After his tyrannical tirade towards the terrible teacher threatening to turn the target to him, Sage finally came to a sudden halt. He could see that the flurry of insults hurled at the Discipline Keeper had served to shock the man into silence. The mans lofty position among the Clear Sky Academy, one of the five great academies of the Tianxia Empire, had filled him with so much arrogance hed never imagined anyone could say such words to him. It took all the way to this momentary pause for him to recover from the shock he suffered. Clarity finally returned to his eyes and he lifted his jaw back up from where it had fallen open in amazement. His lips started to twitch as he prepared to berate Sage, but Sage pre-empted him.

The ghost let out a silent scream and then looked down towards the floor to its left. Then something suddenly flew out of the ghosts ear and shot down towards where the ghost had been looking. This small object flew down into the open hand of a person wearing a black outfit, complete with a mask and hood.

What do you think youre doing? Are you trying to use a little trick to get yourself out of trouble? Did you think I wouldnt recognize the Phantom Mirror technique? This is all just an illusion of your own making. I must admit youre quite creative to come up with such a weird method to prove your innocence. You think this little show youve made up will save you?

Sage put a pause to the show and looked at the Discipline Keeper, Oh, really? Then why dont you check Lu Jus ear. You never mentioned how Lu Ju died, but I think we all just saw how it happened.

This proves nothing, you might merely be revealing to us how you killed Lu Ju and created this illusion to mislead us. How else would you know where Lu Jus injury was?

Even as the Discipline Keeper was saying these words he was approaching Lu Jus body, one that he had examined carefully earlier for the signs of death. Hed found nothing unusual before, but now he focused all his attention on Lu Jus left ear. From the outside nothing was wrong, and it was only when the Discipline Keeper sent his Spirit Sense deep into the bodys ear canal that he finally found something out of the ordinary.

Lu Jus brain had been pureed.