Chapter 982: Opposition

Name:Molting the Mortal Coil Author:
Chapter 982: Opposition

Sage found himself escorted to an elevator that took him high above the lower tier and even the upper tier, entering the highest levels of the mountain-like Clear Sky Academy. This was the domain of the highest level students and also the important folk in the Academy. As soon as Sage felt the magic tool elevator bringing him upwards he grew less suspicious. Wasnt dirty business always done down in the basement?

Of course, he was far from reassured. There was still the chance he needed to meet in person with someone truly powerful so they could read his mind or personally dispose of him. The strongest forces in the Inner World were rapidly preparing, arming themselves with the greatest weapons theyd created over more than ten thousand years of civilization. Leaving the Spirit Stairs, Sage was led down a long hallway with many paper windowed doors. Above each of the doors was a name plaque with various unusual meanings. After passing one with a very stately feel to the calligraphy that read Student Council, Sage guessed that these were club rooms or the meeting rooms of the various organizations in the Academy. Since hed assumed hed run into some sort of internal faction, then having it as an official inter-academy organization seemed to fit the bill.

When they came to the room with Twilight over the door, he felt a little more confident in his guess. The Discipline Keeper slid open the wooden door, ushering Sage in before sliding it closed. Inside, the room gave off a very dojo-like feel. The floor was covered in reed mats, yet no one was required to remove their shoes. Sage felt the floor was quite similar to tatami mats, yet there was no area for changing to slippers. Especially when they approached a wide and low table with people sitting cross legged on the floor behind it. It felt very strange to see so many shoes, but thinking about it there wasnt anything wrong with it. Considering how powerful they all were here, it would be quite simple to keep even their shoes completely clean of being dirtied by the outside world. In fact, there were formations around the entrances of the Academy that automatically cleaned away such things upon entering the school. The strange feeling was purely because of his own psychological association between the mats on the floor and its resemblance to the Japanese culture of Earth.

Sage was careful not to let any of his unease show on his face as he was taken to meet with this table full of, what he assumed to be, important people. Sage was brought to the middle of the table and the Discipline Keeper indicated for Sage to sit while at the same time remaining standing himself. Across from Sage there was a trio of women. One of them had a wider, more matronly look, while the other two were thinner. One had a strained and severe cast to her features with her hair pulled back into a tight bun, while the other seemed much more carefree.

The Discipline Keeper behind Sage spoke first, This is Lang Sheng. Then he leaned over Sages shoulder and made the rest of the introductions. Pointing out the larger woman as Tian Zemin, the woman with a bun was Gu Lim, and the more carefree woman was called Mao Yimu.

Tian Zemin was the one who took the lead, Tell me, what do you know about Twilight?

To the sides, the two women did not seem pleased with such an abrupt conversation and felt like they were going to share some words as soon as he left the room. Since they didnt object openly, it seemed that Tian Zemin was the real person in charge. Or at least they had to make it look that way, which was sort of the same thing. After leaving the large table area they moved towards small rooms that were arranged to the sides of the main room. Sage also sensed that as soon as they moved a dozen feet away from the large table he passed through a sort of sound barrier. He was pretty sure the three women started arguing as soon as he took the next step, but he didnt dare to turn around and confirm his suspicions. It was not a good idea to piss off your bosses on the first day.

The Discipline Keeper, who he now knew was called Kong, brought him to a side room, sliding open the door and leading him inside. Sage passed through another sound barrier on the threshold and the two of them walked over to sit on either side of a low table. The Discipline Keeper smiled at him, You did well. Dont worry, we dont mind if youre not that committed to our cause. Not everyone in an organization needs to aspire to reach its core. This is an Academy after all, not a Cult or a Country. Youll promise to work exclusively for our faction and not the others. In return well protect you from their attention.

He could feel the questions in Sages eyes so he continued, Dont worry, we arent going to work you to the bone. Like I said, this is an Academy. The work still follows the normal rules in the Academy, except instead of choosing from a mission board, well come to you when we need your assistance and when you complete the job youll be properly compensated.

So, does that mean I cant turn down a job?

You can, but it will be better if you discuss your concerns with us and well try to accommodate you. That comes to the next point. We will need to have a better gauge upon your unique abilities so we can properly determine what missions you can accomplish and how much assistance youll need.

Sages face was still as stone at this point, but Kong seemed to know what he was thinking, Were not so foolish as to think we can learn all your secrets. We dont want you to reveal all your tricks. You must know that Discipline Keeper Shin has seen you display quite a few unique capabilities. We just want to know the details on a few of them that could be the most useful to us. Then we wont be wasting your time or making random guesses about what you can do. We dont want to waste your time, or our own, assigning random jobs to you and carefully testing out your capabilities.