"What I know is too limited. Everything I know now is collected slowly after I came to this continent. At the beginning, I didn't even know the function of this jade."

Xu Zui Ning touched the medicine soul stone on his neck, which had completely turned into a stone.

"But you should eat those two fruits? That's just the foundation for both of us. The most important thing is the fruit you just ate. "

Cheng Jibei has some unbearable hope in his eyes.

"The gentle girl told me that our crossing was an accident. That's why they give us such compensation. It is not known who did all this. She also told me to stop speculating. "

Cheng Jibei lowers his head. His eyes are dark and bright. He doesn't know what kind of mood it is.

"She just said. In our life, the only thing we have to do is to stop Mrs. ayette and let her stop killing her life. "

"As for the fruit you ate today Its ability is to fulfill one of your wishes. "

Xu zuoling's mouth widened in surprise. Although she is always calm, she has suffered too many strange things today.

"It's just in Zhou Shuangqing's body that I found someone's reunion with her. The sincere kiss itself is enough to make people headache. Now what's the full of my wish? How can it be so abstract? And who gave such great power? "

Cheng Jibei shook his head slowly but firmly.

"This power is not something we can guess. You just need to know that it has this power. When I crossed over at the beginning, I had already used up this opportunity. If I didn't use it at that time, I would probably die, so I can't think of so many things in the future. I took it directly and saved my life at that time. "

Xu Zui Ning nods. She doesn't want to ask about such a thing, because Cheng Jibei deliberately blurs how he used the opportunity, which means that it's something he never wants to mention.

Then there is no need to force him to speak clearly.

"So now we only have one chance for you, sister. You still have to think carefully about how to use it."

"Can you use this opportunity to save Zhou Shuangqing?"

Puyun ancient summer seems to suddenly think of something. So he turned his eyes on Xu zuiling. The eagerness in his eyes was something Xu zuiling had never seen before.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his voice fell, Cheng Jibei repeated it coldly.

"I just said that you are the one for her."

This kind of crisis moment, puyun ancient summer unexpectedly a little promising all red face.

"I I... "

Actually also began to stutter, did not expect that this time the first to speak is actually Ouyang Chu.

"Don't you like her. Try it. "

In fact, he changed clothes faster than his girlfriend.

But his attitude towards Zhou Shuangqing is really unusual. He doesn't care about Ouyang chuliping's emotional life.

Even he can see that puyun guxia is different from Zhou Shuangqing. Can anyone doubt puyun guxia's sincerity?

In the end, even Xu zuiling compromised.

"Then try it."

Puyun ancient summer suddenly got the support of all the people in the small group, unexpectedly can't help but get nervous.

"What if Shuangqing doesn't want to accept me? And every year I'm afraid she'll miss it

Pu Yun Gu Xia blushed, but it didn't prevent her from frowning on one side. Xu zuiling sighed.

In fact, she can see that Zhou Shuangqing likes puyun guxia for a long time, but she thinks that this kind of man is unreliable.

So I just don't want to let Zhou Shuangqing run this muddy water. But now things have become like this, even if we insist on these things. What's the use?

"In fact, I can see that Zhou Shuangqing likes you for a long time. Go and have a try."

Xu zuoling has always been reluctant to see puyun guxia on this matter. Now suddenly such words of encouragement, puyun Gu Xia himself is a spirit.


Pu cloud slowly nervous, around him more than three people stare at death.

Puyun Gu Xia watched the girl's pink lips getting closer and closer to her, and the fragrance of fresh fruit on Zhou Shuangqing was more and more refreshing.

It doesn't become more and more rich because it's too close. On the contrary, it's always lingering like that, which makes people move.

Zhou Shuangqing's delicate and lovely little face was magnified in front of his eyes. Puyun gushia could almost hear his heart beating like thunder in his chest.

1mentally disturbed. He is also sincere.

Puyun ancient summer Dragonfly water general, gently kiss Zhou Shuangqing once, then nervous and raised his head.

For fear that the girl in her arms will wake up and complain about him, Pu Yun Gu Xia stares at Zhou Shuangqing's eyes tightly.

Puyun Gu Xia soon saw that Zhou Shuangqing's eyes trembled slightly.

He could hardly contain his excitement. This is the turning of the road.

Originally thought to lose her, did not expect to be able to become her destiny, the ups and downs of life is such a tragedy.

Zhou Shuangqing's eyelashes were trembling, and a faint cry came from her throat, which made her happy.

Sure enough, Zhou Shuangqing slowly opened her eyes and looked around in a daze.

Then she found herself lying in puyun Gu Xia's arms, nervous even stuttered.

The whole face was red and frightening, and even kept on heating. In the end, she was really embarrassed, so she had to put her hand over her eyes.

"Mr. puyun, I How can I... "

Puyun Gu Xia was still immersed in the joy of Zhou Shuangqing's awakening. At this time, when he heard the question, he held Zhou Shuangqing tightly subconsciously.

"You just passed out. But now it's all right. Don't be afraid! "

Zhou Shuangqing didn't expect puyun Gu Xia to hold him tightly. His nervous body froze, and his voice was as thin as a mosquito.

"Mr. puyun Can you let me go? "

Puyun ancient summer this just found that what he did seems to be a little too much, the look of joy on his face suddenly froze, and then slowly released his hand.

Zhou Shuangqing stood up with the help of puyun guxia, but he was still a little confused.

"What's the matter? How did I just faint? "

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