Gu Keyu nodded helplessly. According to the requirements of the script and the deputy director, he was angry with the stool. Even the deputy director who had just been dodging was a little more impressed.

After the performance, the deputy director took the paper again and patted Gu Keyu's shoulder: "as expected, the performance is very good. There must be no problem now."

Gu Keyu politely smiles and nods, but her doubts are deeper. This trial is very hasty. Moreover, the emotional requirements are extreme. She has never seen such a requirement after so long acting.

But Gu was in a good mood. In the morning, everyone in the crew was lazy. Du Yasheng was so anxious with his big horn that Gu Keyu didn't find a chance to talk to him for a moment.

With the end of the whole day's work, Gu Keyu didn't ask what was going on, but at this time, she didn't know. I almost forgot about it. I packed up my things and thought about where to go for another big meal.

Just at this time, Du Yasheng came over with the script. Gu Keyu looked at him and suddenly remembered what happened during the day. He waved his hand and cried out: "director!"

Gu Keyu's voice, Du Yasheng stunned, and then whispered a Hello: "Keyu, how come it's so late?"

Gu Keyu thought for a moment, then he looked at Du Yasheng with doubts and said, "director, in fact, I don't know something clearly, so I want to ask you a few words."

Gu Keyu finished his speech and approached the director.

"Oh, little girl, I'm still polite to you. OK, if you don't understand, just say it quickly."

Du Yasheng raised his hand to touch the Hu dregs on his chin. He was really amused by Gu Keyu's appearance.

Nod your head. It was a relief in my heart. I was worried that Du Yasheng was in a hurry and had no time to take care of himself.

Seeing that there was no one around, he busily said, "director, I just want to ask about the audition this morning. What's the matter? I haven't heard of arranging new parts for me in advance. What's more, that part of the play is so strange. Are you assessing me? "

At the end of the speech, the expression on Du Yasheng's face was obviously stiff for a moment. Then he looked at Gu Keyu with doubts and said, "do you mean this morning? You don't know how busy the crew is this morning. I don't have time to try anything with you. "

Du Yasheng finished, took a deep breath and added: "but ah, haven't you had a good rest recently? Are you confused and remember something wrong?"

Gu Keyu had a strong premonition in his heart, which was definitely not as simple as the general audition. Du Yasheng's words are like throwing a stone on the calm lake, which makes Gu Keyu upset.

No wonder, this morning, she felt that the deputy director was a little strange and looked very flustered. It seems that there is something shady behind this.

"No, director. The deputy director did look for me this morning. Let me try a play that is angry with people. It's arranged by you. The more angry the performance, the better... "

Du Yasheng squeezed the script in his hand, and his face was full of serious words. He said harshly, "how can it be? I have no idea about it. Go and ask him if he is mistaken. "

Gu Keyu saw the look on Du Yasheng's face and raised his heart to his throat. A frank and honest person like director Du Yasheng would not lie at all, and there was no need to cheat her. At the moment, she realized that the deputy director was definitely making trouble. She had to find out the oddity as soon as possible. I didn't dare to talk to the director any more, so I went to the cast.

I don't think it's strange to stop thinking about things in the morning. I feel restless in my heart, so I have to rush to the crew immediately to ask the deputy director.

But the past goes against our wishes. When Gu Keyu arrives at the crew. Who else is there? The director should have left long ago.

Gu Keyu sat on one side, like a vented ball, with an indescribable taste in her heart, but now she has nothing to do, and the crew is almost turned upside down by her. But she had to pack up her things and go to the hotel. Now she can only pray silently that she can meet the deputy director in the hotel. After all, all the staff live in the same hotel.

When Gu Keyu returns to the hotel, he still doesn't see the shadow of the deputy director. Such a big man seems to have disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace.

Gu Keyu had to go back to the room. She collapsed on the bed and looked at the ceiling. She didn't know who to tell her about it. She became a little anxious. I can't think of the things and people that can get involved with the deputy director all the time. My mind is in a mess. It seems that my wish to have a good sleep will be ruined again tonight.

Gu Keyu got up and wanted to go to the window to blow the wind and calm down. As soon as I sat down by the bay window, I didn't have time to think about the whole thing, so the mobile phone in the bag vibrated.

A string of strange numbers. Mobile phone prompt for the central hospital.

Gu Keyu pressed the answer button: "hello.""How do you do, Ms. Wang cuifen? The patient's examination report has come out now. The doctor hopes to communicate with your family face to face. "

"Now? OK, I'll be right here

Gu Keyu hung up the phone and rushed to the central hospital with her bag. Fortunately, she still remembered the doctor's office where she checked Wang cuifen this afternoon.

"The patient's test report has come out, but I still hope your family can be prepared. After all, her physical condition is very bad."

Gu Keyu's breath became dignified after hearing this. Did Wang cuifen get any incurable disease?

The doctor nodded, flipped over the examination report, and continued: "the patient's condition is not very optimistic. It seems that the problem did not appear recently. At present, it is in the advanced stage, and the diagnosis of gastric cancer is confirmed."

Gu Keyu almost fell to the ground with a somersault, his whole brain buzzing.

Doctors have seen a lot about this situation, and people's life and death have long been indifferent. They simply comforted Gu Keyu and handed her the examination report.

Gu Keyu took the report rigidly with five fingers. He didn't say much. He just said thank you to the doctor politely and walked out of the doctor's office.

However, the reason why she was so stunned just now was that all this happened so suddenly that Gu Kejian and Wang cuifen had no feelings at all. Even after living together for many years, there was no love at all. The rest of Gu Keyu's heart was full of resentment. If you want to talk about the love between mother and daughter, it's a big joke. , the fastest update of the webnovel!