Two different voices mingled in Gu Keyu's mind. She was so sad that she couldn't breathe. What's more, she turned over from the bed and sat up.

Then she took the water from the bedside cupboard and poured it down. The water had been drunk in the morning, and now it was cold. Even she could not help shivering when she drank it.

Two different sounds were immediately dispersed after the cup of cold water was poured down. Gu Keyu opened his eyes and felt that he was breathing fresh air again. There was nothing in my mind.

She felt that she couldn't be entertained and didn't want to be threatened with everything she said next. Gu Keyu finally made up her mind. She still wanted to tell Lu Jiyan all this.

Although it may be difficult for ordinary people to accept this matter, Gu Keyu will certainly show 12% sincerity to win Lu Jiyan's raw materials, and try to reduce the harm of the whole thing.

After Gulu Gulu took a few mouthfuls of cold water. Gu Keyu felt completely clear in her mind. She turned on her mobile phone without thinking about anything and quickly dialed Lu Jiyan.

After waiting for a long time on the other side of the phone, there was a beep. Although I got through, no one answered.

Finally, a mechanical female voice came: "sorry, the number you dialed is not answered for the time being, please redial later."

Gu Keyu, who originally wanted to be frank, suddenly relaxed after hearing this sentence. He quickly hung up his mobile phone and collapsed on the bed. After such a delay, it was already early in the morning. Lu Jiyan thought that he would be tired and sleep in the past.

Thinking about Gu Keyu in this way, he began to comfort himself. Since he went to bed, it's OK to talk about it tomorrow. Finally, she took a deep breath and began to sleep in bed.

Because there were so many things happened on the first night, Gu Keyu's mind was always in chaos. At last, he tossed and turned in bed until two or three o'clock in the morning and went to sleep. The next day, he had a hard time to sleep all over. When he woke up, he was almost late.

Where does she still have time to think about those now? She turned over and quickly cleaned up two times and then rushed to the cast. I didn't even have breakfast all the way, let alone take time to call Lu Jiyan.

The crew's work was not relaxed, and they were ready to continue shooting from the next day. Gu Keyu finally arrived at the crew after running and trotting all the way, but he was still several minutes late than the scheduled time.

But maybe it's because the atmosphere of Chinese New Year is too strong. Even Zheng Shen, who has always been a bad tempered man, didn't say much. Just let Gu Keyu get ready to shoot.

The filming of twin flowers was delayed from last year to now, and the end of the year is coming to an end. After this scene is finished today, the whole movie will be finished soon.

In the morning, the end of the movie is the end. In the afternoon, to Gu Keyu, the stars of their cast must go to run, star! 》At that time, we will take the opportunity to promote this relatively mysterious film to the outside world.

In order to control the rhythm of time, Gu Keyu and his colleagues didn't have a half-time break at all, so they shot the whole movie in one breath.

After Zheng Shen's sound card started, the crew burst into a burst of intense applause, and we couldn't help cheering. The film is finally over.

Although Gu Keyu felt a little happy, he always seemed to be strangled by a big hand. She is still thinking about confessing this to Lu Jiyan, but she is even more busy today. There is no time at all.

Gu Keyu originally wanted to take advantage of the time when everyone was cleaning up to celebrate to get on the phone with Lu Jiyan, but as soon as she was about to act, several familiar actors called her over.

Finally, with a long sigh, she put the mobile phone back in her bag, turned her head and laughed to celebrate the film's completion.

Gu Keyu didn't delay any effort at all. They got on the bus arranged by the reporter and rushed to "run, star! 》Shooting scene.

Because Gu Keyu is a permanent guest of the variety show, we all go straight to her when we have any questions, with fresh and curious words on each face.

The year before last, Gu Keyu was delayed because of many things, so it can be said that he had not filmed this variety show for a long time. Waiting to see those familiar faces appear in front of her eyes, she felt a little overjoyed.

Although we haven't seen each other for several days, we can get back the feeling of the past after chatting casually.

After the guests change their clothes, they will start recording the program. Gu Keyu is going to play when he receives a phone call from Lu Jiyan saying that he is coming to pick her up for lunch today.

After Ji Yu was nervous, she hung up and said that she could not get off the phone.

She finally decided not to be patient any more and to confess everything to Lu Jiyan. Since yesterday, Gu Keyu felt that he was suffering every moment.Before the recording of the official program, the program team specially asked them to stay with the guests and take them to do some small games to promote the communication.

At the beginning, we just selected some relatively simple games, such as radish squat and so on, mainly to test everyone's reaction, even if there is a mistake, there is no problem.

Gu Kejun has participated in "run, star" before! 》At that time, she was just a vase with big chest and no brain. She didn't have a good face for anyone, so this time, everyone left her in the cold.

I don't know whether they said hello in advance or what. Radish squatting has been going on for several rounds, and it's still not Gu Kejun's turn.

The rest of the face with a brilliant smile, only Gu Kejun a person embarrassed to stand in place, can only face with a smile.

Gu Keyu looked at the same place, looking at the expression on everyone's face while thinking, suddenly saw Zhao Yunying make a color to her, and even more disdained to glance at Gu Kejun.

She thought about it for a moment, and she felt a little more warm and moved.

Although radish squatting is a small game, after a few rounds, guests like them, who are often named, have already begun to get weak and sour.

After the warm-up activity, Gu Keyu and his friends slowly arrived at the game place arranged by the program team. When they arrived, everyone could not help shouting excitement. , the fastest update of the webnovel!