Chapter 3801 Chained

Name:Monster Integration Author:
Chapter 3801 Chained

"Chain them!"

Came the order from above, from the large office on the left side of the wall. It is a wide class window and behind it is a Sky Sovereign.

The window provides him with a complete view of the whole place.

Not that he needs to see it with his eyes. His soul sense is enveloping the place fully, which provides him with a complete view of everything, including things he couldn't see with his eyes.

The people around us, including the old man, reacted instantly to the order of Sky Sovereigns.


They took us to the disks and chained our hands and feet. They didn't even clothe us, chained us to the place, like animals.

There are one hundred and forty-seven disks in here and one hundred and forty-seven people on them. Seven are the Sky Sovereigns, twenty-eight are the Earth Sovereigns and a hundred and twelve are the Sovereigns.

Such numbers and levels are intentional in growing those fruits.

They won't be able to grow it. If they just have the Sovereigns or Sky Sovereigns. People of all three stages are required with their constitution being at Grade III to Grade VII.

"Wake them up," said the Sky Sovereign again.

Immediately, the soul sensed of old man connected to the control formation carved on us and gave us a big soul jolt.

"Where am I?" "What is this place?" "Please...

"Shut up!" shouted the old man loudly, making everyone stop.

One is free to do whatever they want in the time after, not that one could do much of anything in here, being bound to chains.

The oldest here is a Sky Sovereign with a grey tail. He had been here for two years and seven months. I had already inserted my seed into him and could tell, that over 60% power of his constitution had already been harnessed.

Which is bad, because everything about him is dependent on his constitution, including his inheritance.

Once it drained, completely, his foundation will be destroyed. Not that it matters much; I don't think, the cultists would let anybody live, even if they had said it.

Though it doesn't matter to these people, they believe it despite knowing it is a false hope. Even if it is false, it is something and sometimes, that is enough to get one to keep living in a place like this.

The Sovereigns have finished their draining two hours ago and in an hour, it will be my turn with the rest of Earth Sovereigns.

I didn't much care about that. I am already planning for my escape, and I have to say, it will be tough. Aside from Sky Sovereigns, there are seven Earth Sovereigns and eighteen Sovereigns in this place alone.

Not to mention, a powerful formation. It is powerful enough that it could contain Sky Sovereigns for a long time.

These are also these chains that are powerful artifacts, that even Sky Sovereigns would struggle to break through them. Some still tried, while chained, and the guards watched in amusement.

I joined them in this foolhardy attempt and suffered the punishment, but unlike them, I was isolated.

These formations covering me aren't connected to my soul or the constitution. They are connected to what they consider the soul and constitution.

No matter, what command they give to those formations. They will not affect me.

Still, I will have to act as if they are doing it while finding the way out of here. I had already inserted the seeds into all the Sovereigns and Earth Sovereigns and thinking about doing it to Sky Sovereign.

The Sky Sovereigns are Mid-Sky Sovereigns. Powerful enough, nobody here would stand a chance against him.

Including the three Mid-Sky Sovereign and one High-Sky Sovereign. They are so much drained, that even I would be able to finish them without any problem.