Chapter 3808 First Level Completion of Talaras Constitution

Name:Monster Integration Author:
Chapter 3808 First Level Completion of Talaras Constitution

I woke up at dawn and watched the sun coming out; it had become one of my favorite things to do in the past two and a half months, I have been in the city.

I watched it till the sun completely covered the city.

With that, I got up, went to the bathroom, and freshened up before walking out of my room. In the kitchen, I have made myself a simple breakfast, which I ate alone, before walking into the practice room.

The prime doesn't snoop into the rooms, but I still activated the formation before starting with the practice.

First was the dance of ukasanavor. I am making great progress. I can tell I am close. Unlike the Talaras constitution, which gives me a blank slate. I could see the progress, but I couldn't see when I would reach the completion.

Still, I could guess with the distance of the limit. My guess with dance is far more accurate.

I am working on a new formula for both of the methods. It is good, just as dangerous, but the effects would be better.

I am constantly working on those formulae; it is the reason, why I am continuously making great progress. If I used the normal safe formulas; I wouldn't have made even 20% of the progress I had made right now.

Soon, forty-nine minutes passed, and I had finished with the dance.

I had rested for a few minutes, before a square formation appeared around the room, while seven circular formations representing seven elements of my constitution covered me from top to bottom.

A moment later, I begin, moving my breath, heartbeat, and soul in a perfect rhythm.

The method is painful. At every session, the seven elements of my constitution would assault me; it would become painful with every session.

It is difficult, but not as difficult as the first month. That was a real challenge; I had not gotten used to it enough that despite increasing pain, I could keep my breathing, heartbeat, and soul in rhythm.


I had just thought about that when something happened. Something that made me happy but also terrified me in an instant.

I had studied the method. I had studied it enough to immediately recognize that I had reached the completion of the first level of the talaras constitution.

I now need to finish this completion, and it is the most dangerous part of the method.

I woke up and there was no more tiredness. I felt great and famished, but great.

Though the smile remained on my face, only for a moment, before suddenly the expression on my face froze. Through my connection with the core, I realized the time, I had slept for.

I thought it was a few hours, but no. It was two and a half days. No wonder I am feeling famished.

Sleep isn't the only thing I released. I released other things that brought an even bigger shock to my face, and I immediately entered my core.

I didn't even close my eyes.

"My god!" I gasped as I looked meta-scans in front of me.

There are two scans. First is showing the changes it brought to my body and there are big.

The completion of the first level of talaras constitution had taken me to my limit. It also strengthened the elements, which will make my breakthrough safer. They have become much stronger than I had thought they would after the completion of the first stage.

It made me happy, but the second thing had muted that smile. I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing.

It had increased my physical and soul limit. This means I would now need to practice the dance for longer; it also means, I will be much at Sovereign and thus gain greater strength after the breakthrough.

It is what the first scan showed, but it is the second scan that shocked me.

The primary function of the talaras constitution is strengthening the constitution. Give it a small chance to break through its natural limit, but mine is already at its greatest limit.

It is nearly impossible to break past the Grade 12 constitution. It is the highest grade of the constitution. If had been in Grade 11 or lower, I would have been confident to advance it, but in Grade 12, even I lost confidence.

The method didn't advance my constitution, but it did something. Something that could only happen to me because of the forbidden power.

It had stretched the constitution beyond its limit. It is impossible with others, but sort of possible with me, and it had happened.

As for what it means.

Well, my constitution has become powerful. It is not the outcome, I had expected, but I welcomed it, especially when I saw how stable everything is.