Chapter 3872 Suppressive Zone

Name:Monster Integration Author:
Chapter 3872 Suppressive Zone

"Are you ready?" asked Sarena.

"No, but what choice do we have," I replied, to which she smiled.

We are both flying above the ship under the snowfall, which is cold enough to turn Sovereigns into possible.

It was just a few hours ago, that their rain, but that turned into snow within a minute, and it was cold.

I looked ahead, and I could already see the suppressive region. It is just ten to fifteen minutes away. I have here for two hours and would be for another twenty-two; the shift would be day long, with only eight hours of rest in between.

The shift is day-long, but we will need to be ready every hour to fight. We are on our own, with no help from the Sovereign.

"How is Ven, taking it?" I asked. "He is worried about cleaning; the place is dangerous. A slight leak in the defenses of the ship would kill her," she said and looked at me; I know, what she is trying to say by that.

"Don't worry. If things become dangerous; I will take her," I said. "Thank you," she replied.

A few minutes passed and there I could feel the suppressive zone faintly. It won't affect things until we reach it, but it still made everyone serious.

"We will reach the suppressive zone in five minutes. Be ready," came the voice of the captain.

He had become a genuine leader of the ship, now that the Prime had gone to the seclusion three hours ago; everything was under his command, till the sail out of the suppressive zone.

My heart started to beat loudly as we got closer to it.

I have made a successful breakthrough which raised my strength by a lot, but there are still many Sky Sovereigns, who could beat me.

The same would be with the monsters.

Finally, the ship had reached the suppressive zone; it was less than a mile away from us. I could see the nervousness and fear in the eyes of Sky Sovereigns, but some were grinning wildly.

It is a huge grey fish with sharp thorns all over it. It was cut into two, the moment it came out of the water.

We are covering the ships from all sides and angles; there are even people down below with great marine stealth abilities. We do not want to be caught off guard by anything.

A few seconds after that, another monster tried, and then another, but it was a group of hundreds.

It was slaughtered by a single person.

If they want to harm us, they will need to come at us with much larger force and it will also need to be all Sky Sovereign forces. One or two leading a big group would be slaughtered.

The monsters didn't seem to have learned their lessons and a few more groups came in the next few minutes and all of them were slaughtered.

"This doesn't seem coordinated," said Sarena. "It is not, as far as I could see," I replied.

I am pretty sure it is not coordinated.

My range gives me a very good idea of whether the monsters are being controlled by the other powerful monsters.

I am using the soul waves to their full range, but not their full power. I don't want anyone to discover them. So, I kept their power low, which gave me about the same range, but I didn't get the quality of the data.

I don't mind it. The data, I am getting from the waves is good enough to make an accurate judge.

If it had been tens or hundreds, of Sky Sovereigns; I might have used soul waves in full power, but there are a lot more. They might have something, a method, artifact or something they are born with that might let them discover the forbidden power.

With every breakthrough. The forbidden power becomes more engrained in me. It made it harder for it to be discovered, but it had not reached the degree of assimilation, that I wouldn't feel worried about it.

On this journey, two monsters were able to do it. One, I have in my core, one I have killed, and they were too much for me.

I don't want to add a powerhouse to that list. The consequence of that would be too dire for me to bear.