Chapter 3937 Breakthrough

Name:Monster Integration Author:
Chapter 3937 Breakthrough

"I think it's enough exploring for today," I said, looking at the night sky.

It had been nine hours since I had entered the realm, and I wish I had more time. I would have loved to explore every inch of this realm.

Take all the opportunities and treasures it has to offer. Unfortunately, I can't.

My mission is more important to me than anything this realm could offer.

I feel like, Avros is doing something, that it shouldn't. If they aren't stopped, there will be consequences.

There are many organizations looking at it. I had even spotted one spy among them.

I pushed those thoughts away and took out my abode. A second later, I entered the room. While the abode becomes a part of the gravel, I had just stepped on.

My abode is amazing.

It could be used in places like this where there is spatial pressure.

Many abodes do not work in an environment like that.

I wanted to walk into the shower; it is the thing; I miss the most, but I didn't. Instead, I stopped in the living room and began to go through the painful process.

Changing a face isn't easy, especially since I wanted to make it foolproof.

It would be the first time, in over seven months, I would wear my face. I had never gone so long without it.

Sometimes, I started to think of myself as Ranis. Did things unconsciously that needed a conscious nudge to behave like a Ranis.

As for why, I am changing back to my face.

Well, because I need to for what I am planning to do. For me, changing a face isn't just a shifting of bones, but also a work of formation and alchemy.

Those things would mess, up what I am planning to do.

It took me longer than usual, but I had returned to my original face.

I looked at myself in the mirror before walking into the shower.

They scare me and excite me, but if I want to move further into it. I have to convert and upgrade them into the formation of the ancient runes.

Not to mention creating new ones, which is a real challenge.

I pushed those thoughts away. I do not need to care about those things before I make a breakthrough. There is a good chance that I will fail and die.

I didn't forget how sensitive my breakthrough is.

The formation power, I jammed into me at every session of talaras, makes each of my breakthroughs dangerous, but also makes me more powerful.

I sighed once more and tapped on the huge humanoid before he got thrown out of my core.

When I had come to the real world. The iron runes had covered every part of my body.

I looked inside me and saw my core had started to meld. From solid to semi-solid.


Soon, it is done, and the formation buzzes as the core begins to spin. Absorbing the essences and the resources, thousands of times, were more precious than them.

They have become more important, in this breakthrough than the last one.

They will provide strength and stability to my soul.

My body is also taking the mist, but it's the soul I am most worried about.

It had even affected the cleansing method. I was so close to reaching the fifth stage, but the mist, of the progress in it had slowed down considerably.

I shook my head and focused on the essence and core, which was spinning faster every second.

Consuming more essence as it does.

My core has a ferocious appetite. It always has, and I had prepared enough resources, that even if it entered the boundary of the unexpected.

It would be fine.

I have prepared enough resources, that several people could make a breakthrough into the Sky Sovereign easily.

It's not a big breakthrough, but a small one.

Still, my core consumes resources like every breakthrough is a big breakthrough.