44 The Platinum Hotel

Ten minutes after Lin Ke left the alley, a van stopped at the entrance.

Four security guards in black suits and sunglasses, as well as two professionals in white protective suits, walked out of the car.

The two security guards cordoned off the entrance of the alley and stood guard with serious expressions.

The other security guards and professionals entered the alley and came to the dead female mutated human.

After checking, the professional took off his mask and said, ” “He’s completely dead.”

One of the security guards patrolled the scene from the alley where the battle started and followed the blood to the body. “Field survey complete. We can confirm that test subject 777 has yet to activate his ability. His physical fitness is consistent with the data. It’s just that Yingluo ”

“but what?”

“It’s just that his fighting style is a little strange. At that time, the mutated human clearly still had 85% combat power. Why did he dare to run out from behind the cover? it doesn’t make sense.”

“I suggest you continue to observe! By the way, what’s the situation with the mutated humans?”

“Other than not having a head, its body is still complete. The time of death is not long, and the cell activity has not completely dissipated. There is still value in research and resurrection.”

a fire mutated human’s corpse. It’s worth a lot.

Soon, the Men in Black and the people in uniform came out of the alley. They even carried out a mysterious black bag and loaded it into the truck quickly.

The van quickly left the place as if nothing had happened.

Passers-by glanced at the van and saw a line of large words printed on the shell-United Pharmaceutical company.

The passers-by had long been accustomed to this.

This company’s van would always appear in all kinds of places, mysterious.


Will-O-Wisp V8 returned to the place where he had appeared last night-the side of the main road in front of the shadow alley.

when he came to the shadow alley again and recalled what had happened last night, it felt like a dream.

“Boss, should I go in too?” Fu asked while holding the beautiful head.

link waved his hand, signaling for ah fu to come in.

Although it was noon, the news of the turmoil in the Jack gang should have spread.

It was definitely not a wise choice to let Fu sit alone in a car with the Jack gang .

link and ah fu entered the underground black market with ease.

as he walked past the dance floor, link noticed that there were many beautiful dancers winking at him and swaying their waists, exuding charm.

it was too real.

Before he consumed the gene repair fluid, he didn’t even get a single bit of attention.

In the blink of an eye, she had become the brightest star on the dance floor.

Lin Ke shook his head helplessly. If this was the case in the future, how could he hide in the crowd?

“Sigh, this damn charm.”

Link and Ah Fu entered the subway station.

This time, the two of them didn’t split up and walked straight inside.

Some people would definitely find it strange. Didn’t they agree to go to The Platinum Hotel? Why did link come to the underground black market in the blink of an eye?

In fact, The Platinum Hotel in Shandu was located in the deepest part of the underground black market.

It even existed before the underground black market.

The Platinum Hotel had strict rules. It provided a high-level custom service internally, but it could only be traded through internal circulation of omniscient coins. This high-end service provided considerable convenience and enhancement to killers and bounty hunters who carried out missions.

However, there were only a few assassins who could enjoy such high-end services. Therefore, some businessmen with keen senses began to set up stalls outside The Platinum Hotel, providing various services and selling all kinds of equipment and materials.

although it was not as high-end as platinum hotel, it satisfied the needs of most assassins and bounty hunters.

As the market continued to operate, it attracted a large number of other buyers.

Purchase demand + business opportunity = prosperous market.

Therefore, the person in charge of The Platinum Hotel in Shandu saw a business opportunity and began to set up rules to integrate these small markets, gradually forming the third largest force in Shandu-the underground black market.

The rules of the underground black market had evolved from The Platinum Hotel, so there were many similarities in many places.

for example, those who had a conflict with him would be expelled permanently.

If other places introduced similar rules, it would definitely become a laughingstock.

However, the underground black market followed the rules of The Platinum Hotel, and no one felt that it was against the rules.

First of all, the underground black market and The Platinum Hotel in shadu were both managed by the same person.

Second, do not underestimate the power of ‘rules’. It had been more than 20 years since the establishment of the underground black market. During this period, there had been no lack of experts who disdained the rules and caused trouble in the underground black market or The Platinum Hotel.

However, they were all killed in the end.

Rules were rules, and those who broke them had to pay the price.

This was the sentence that was most often heard in The Platinum Hotel.

Link and Ah Fu entered the black market.

At noon, there were already many shops open for business, but there were only a few customers during the day. It was not until after six in the afternoon that the customers would enter the underground black market one after another to reveal the ‘nightlife’ of shadu.

At this time, most of the merchants would gather in twos and threes, move a small folding stool, pour a cup of tea, and discuss the recent hot topics in shadu or gossip. It was easy to get through the boring afternoon.

have you heard recently that the wasteland gang in the desert accidentally angered the underground God when they were excavating the ancient ruins? they set off a quicksand and drowned all the mercenaries and slaves on the spot.

“The way I see it, you can’t believe in all these supernatural things! That’s not what I heard at all.”

“Oh? Then tell me what’s going on?”

the old man, who was wearing a waistcoat and sandals, leaned forward slightly and deliberately lowered his voice.”The news I got is that the wasteland gang has been studying a new technology recently, secretly doing research underground. As for excavating the ancient ruins in the desert, it’s all a cover! I heard that the quicksand happened because the underground Research Institute created a super human who single-handedly overturned the entire Research Institute.”

that’s why the ancient ruins would sink. Everyone would die except for that superhuman who managed to escape with the experimental data.

The person next to him waved his hand in disbelief. “tsk, is it really as incredible as you said?”

The old man’s eyes were as big as copper bells, and his face was serious. “kid, don’t doubt me. Ask someone you know to go to The Platinum Hotel and see if the wasteland gang has put a bounty on The Platinum Hotel, 30000 wasteland coins for a slave! When have you ever seen anyone use wasteland money to reward a slave? this slave is obviously the modified human, and he has the experimental data. Doesn’t that explain the problem?”

The old man’s words were well thought out, and there were facts to support it, so people couldn’t help but believe it.

After a moment, someone beside him exclaimed, ” I just sent a message to my friend and asked him to check the reward for Platinum Hotel. There really is such a reward!

The old man fanned himself with his cattail-leaf fan, enjoying the admiration and praise of the young people around him. The corners of his mouth revealed a faint, pretentious smile that said,’you young people are too simple-minded and stupid’.

Link and Ah Fu stood not far away, trying hard not to laugh as they watched the old man’s show of power.

“Alright, let’s go.”

Link called for Ah Fu to leave.

He didn’t expect the wasteland gang’s bounty to reach Shandu so soon.

However, wasn’t a bounty of 30000 Yuan a little too little? was he that worthless?

“Boss,” Ah Fu whispered,”was that old man talking about you? Also, we’re wanted by the wasteland gang. What should we do?”

Fu had a natural fear of the wasteland gang.

His home and family had disappeared because of the wasteland gang. In the desert, the wasteland gang represented the Supreme heaven and was irresistible.

Link patted Fu’s shoulder and said, ” “Don’t be afraid. i’m the one wanted by the wasteland gang. they don’t know about your escape. Now that I’ve changed my appearance, they wouldn’t be able to recognize me even if I stood in front of them. Don’t worry, just pretend this never happened.”

Ah Fu thought about it and agreed.

he sized up his boss. he was wearing a suit and looked like a gentleman, completely different from the slaves of the wasteland gang.

Link and Ah Fu walked through the subway station and arrived at the largest Trade Square.

more than half of the shops here were not open yet, and the shops that were open were also deserted.

Most of the people moved their chairs together, or lit a cigarette and leaned against the wall to chat.

As the two of them passed by, they could hear a lot of miscellaneous news.

Because it was just gossip, it was very attractive at first glance. Link and AFO unconsciously slowed down.

have you guys heard? the machinery faith hasn’t been having a good time recently!

the expressions of the people around them became extremely interesting when they heard the machinery faith. they all moved their small stools over.

Everyone hated the machinery faith to the core, so they naturally had to enjoy whatever was related to them.

“What happened? tell me quickly.”

I also heard about it last night. It was said that a type of sand rat appeared in the Gobi Desert and ate all the plants and food in the Gobi Desert. Once they discovered any threat, their entire body would turn into sand and disappear without a trace. I heard that the zealots of the machinery faith in the Gobi were having a headache because of this.

“HOH! There’s even a mouse that can turn into sand. This is really strange.”

“That’s right! However, ever since the day of reckoning, there have been more strange animals in the wild. Didn’t you see that a new batch of wild beasts has come to the Colosseum recently? there are many mutated beasts.”

“Really? Then we can go to the animal arena to play at night. It just so happens that I’ve earned a small sum of money recently, and my hands are a little itchy.”

Fu’s eyes brightened when he heard that the rat had turned into sand.

“Boss, isn’t a rat that has turned into sand just a Pixiu?”

but before she could finish, link covered her mouth.

Of course, he could tell that it was a sand rat.

However, he did not expect this little guy to go and cause trouble for the machinery faith.

It was really a coincidence.

Link continued walking. He didn’t expect news to spread so quickly in the black market in the afternoon. He heard a few familiar things after a few steps.

However, these gossips and rumors were half true and half false.

If he hadn’t experienced it himself, he would have believed it like the others.

The further they went, the fewer people gathered, and the fewer stalls there were.

Link could already see the top of The Platinum Hotel in the distance.

there were also many people gathered around the shops and stalls, but from their auras and clothes, it could be seen that they were not business people, but more like bounty hunters and assassins.

Unlike the killers in Platinum Hotel, the level of these killers and bounty hunters was not high enough to enter the hotel.

To put it simply, they were not recommended by the members, and they did not have the omniscient gold coins.

He could only take on some wild work at the entrance of The Platinum Hotel and gather information while he was at it.

Before link could get close, he heard a boorish man complaining at the top of his lungs.

“I’m telling you, I almost didn’t come back from this trip! In the future, when you go to the South for missions, don’t ever go to howling heights again.”

“why? I even passed by the castle last month. What happened?”

“there’s something strange in the castle!”

“Since you guys don’t want to die, don’t stay near that place next time.”

After the boorish man said that, he recalled what he had experienced and could not help but shiver.

As link and Ah Fu walked past them, they exchanged a smile. They both knew what strange was.

Fu, when we enter the hotel later, find a seat in the lobby. Don’t run around and move around, understand? ”

fu nodded repeatedly. ” don’t worry, boss. i won’t cause any trouble. ”

Before he could finish, Ah Fu followed link into the hotel and was instantly shocked speechless by the luxurious style.

P. S: “there should be another chapter at four in the morning, but everyone, don’t wait anymore. Watch it tomorrow when you wake up ~ as usual, please vote for me!