65 Chapter 65:

Link drove the Will-O-Wisp V8 across the Golden Bridge and arrived at the Uptown.

He and Fu were both dressed in suits, fitting into the upper class.

If Zhang Yang’s Will-O-Wisp V8 could be changed to a solid black, then link would immediately look like a rich man’s son when he gets out of the car.

“Ah Fu, when do you think you should practice your driving skills? you can’t always let me drive when you go out, right?”

“Boss, don’t worry. I’ll get my brothers in the gang to teach me how to drive when I get back.”

Ah Fu leaned against the car window and looked at the evening lights. The Uptown was full of red and green lights, and her mouth was wide open.

The atmosphere Lamp inside the luxurious transparent glass shined on the beautiful art.

Without the dense and cramped slums, the scenery and people gave people a sense of enjoyment.

When he came to the United Pharmaceutical company with boss in the morning, Fu didn’t feel it.

As the night lights lit up, the entire Uptown was shrouded in a layer of yellow light.

He looked at the slums on the other side of the bridge through the rearview mirror. There were only sporadic lights, like an old man on his last breath, with no vitality to speak of.

there was one more thing that left a deep impression on fu.

all kinds of cars were parked on both sides of the road in the slums, but the two sides of the Uptown were lined with neat and uniform boulevard.

the moist river wind mixed with the fragrance of the trees, making the whole person feel happy.

just as fu was immersed in the beautiful and clean Uptown, link suddenly slowed down and turned right into an alley.

“Boss, didn’t you say the Western restaurant is in front? why did you suddenly turn?”

Link glanced at the rearview mirror and raised his chin. “There’s a little tail following us. Let’s deal with it first.”

ah fu glanced at the rearview mirror and saw that there was a car following them into the alley.

” maybe it’s just going the same way as us. ” fu couldn’t tell what was strange about the car.

Link glanced at the cars that were keeping their distance.”this car has been following us since we left the jack gang. they kept a distance of 50 meters. After crossing the bridge, I took a total of three detours, but this car was closely behind me. How could there be such a strange thing in the world?”

at the end of the alley, there was a wide asphalt road. the white line with fluorescent powder on the ground was clearly visible under the light.

There were only a few cars in the parking lot, and under the strong light in the corner, it looked like a lonely stage.

Lin Ke parked the car in the innermost space and rolled down the window. He placed his hand on the door and tapped his finger on the metal door.


Soon, a car appeared in the alley.

Link could see the person in the car through the bright light.

The car stopped in the first parking spot, which was the furthest diagonally from the innermost spot where Lin Ke was.

The buzzing car lights went out.

At that moment, Fu felt the gentle night wind freeze and the atmosphere become serious.


link whistled, and the only high-power light in the parking lot exploded. the pieces fell to the ground and made a crisp sound.

Suddenly, the entire parking lot was shrouded in darkness.


The treasure-hunting mouse stood on Link’s shoulder, looking like a Captain setting sail.

And the sand sculpture had flown to the extinguished high-power lamp, like a statue.

these two little guys were eager to end the battle, especially the dumbass.

the steak and red wine were so close, but now an assassin suddenly appeared and delayed its precious ‘upper-class time’. the idiot was very annoyed.

The treasure-hunting mouse scouted the surroundings. There was only one enemy in the entire parking lot, and it could sense a lot of metal on him.

The killer had been lurking outside ever since link returned to the Jack gang.

In Shandu, gold bounties were rare.

A gold bounty every month was already the limit.

After all, the structure of Sand City was complicated, and there were many forces. It was also adjacent to the machinery faith, so the turnover rate was high. There were many bounty hunters and assassins active around the Gobi and Sand City.

In Shandu, there were many things that didn’t need to be completely solved through The Platinum Hotel’s reward.

However, if they spent a large amount of money on the bounty, it would definitely attract more attention.

There was an unspoken rule in The Platinum Hotel. The rewards in shadu had always been more dangerous.

The sand City did not have a strict and robust official organization like Dragon City, nor did it have the iron-fisted rule of fa ye.

Compared to the two, the formation of Shandu was more like the wasteland gang in the desert, where various warlords formed a group and shared their interests.

Therefore, more people would see the reward offered by The Platinum Hotel in Shado, and more people would accept it.

For an assassin, not only did they have to fight with the target, but they also had to be wary of the Oriole behind them.

The killer’s car engine was turned off. Seeing that the only light source had been destroyed, the corner of his mouth unconsciously raised into a smile.

“This has saved me a lot of trouble.”

The killer took out a pair of goggles from the black bag in the passenger seat and put them on.

The killer got out of the car with the package, then threw the package to the center of the parking lot. He took out two pistols from his waist and began to approach.

After the killer put on the night vision goggles, the dark vision in front of him turned green.

In the car in the distance, there were two clear neon green figures.

Before he accepted the order, he had studied Link’s combat style through the surveillance cameras at the black market’s back door.

Link’s main attack method was still his firearms. With the retractable arm shield on his right arm, he could deal a lot of damage to the enemy behind him.

The second thing to note was that he seemed to have the ability to summon sandstorms. The sandstorm’s range was not large, but it would seriously hinder vision.

This was also the reason why he had night vision today.

His plan was to suppress link from a distance. Inside the black Package, there were electronic interceptors, assault rifles, and other suppressive firearms. Once he got close, he would kill link with powerful firepower.

Seeing that link was still sitting in the car, the assassin couldn’t help but smile.

“Are you planning to use the car as cover?”

“He’s too young!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the killer suddenly frowned.

He suddenly heard a buzzing sound in his ear.

“Eh? there are flies in the middle of the night?”

The killer casually waved his hand twice to disperse the flies.

At the same time, he took a deep breath and prepared to launch a thunderous attack.

However, the flies that had just been dispelled flew to his ears again and buzzed.

Being disturbed at the critical moment, the killer was so angry that he became bold. He waved his hand and slapped all the flies to the ground, then stepped on them to death.

As soon as he stepped on it, there was a slight sound of a fly being crushed by the sole of his shoe, followed by an explosion.


The assassin screamed and fell to the ground.

although the explosion wasn’t fatal, a fist-sized hole had been blasted in the ground. at the same time, one of his feet had been shattered.

His right leg was missing, leaving only the bones and flesh around his ankle.

the excruciating pain tortured the killer, but he was still clear-headed.

Although he didn’t understand why the fly suddenly exploded, he knew that he had lost his ability to fight.

If he didn’t run now, he wouldn’t have the chance to escape.

He endured the pain and threw a smoke grenade beside him.


The smoke bomb quickly released a thick cloud of smoke, which was more effective in covering the body in the dark.

The killer gritted his teeth, his expression ferocious as he struggled to get up from the ground.

He only had one leg, and it wasn’t enough to support his body’s balance. As he staggered, his right leg was blown off, and he used his calf bone to support himself on the ground.

His bones and flesh came into direct contact with the asphalt. One could even hear the sound of his bones cracking. It was the crisp sound of his body breaking under the weight of his body.

The excruciating pain made the killer wish he was dead.

Whoosh ~

Just as the killer was trying his best to run towards the car, he suddenly heard a high-pitched whistle from behind.

The next second, a sharp metal arrow pierced through his left kneecap. The huge force pulled him down and he fell to the ground.


There was another heart-wrenching scream.

both of his legs had been crippled. at this moment, the killer was already drenched in sweat.

The killer turned over with difficulty. He knew that he could not escape, so he aimed his guns at the smoke.

In the night vision device, a green figure appeared, slowly approaching him.

Bang Bang Bang!

The bullets from the two guns were like splashing water, pouring down on the other party’s body.

However, the figure in the night vision device did not Dodge at all and did not seem to be hit by the bullet at all.

The killer panicked. He was not a mutated human. The only thing that allowed him to stand on his own was his own marksmanship and his familiarity with each gun.

At a distance of 30 to 40 meters, the other party did not have any means of dodging or cover. At this distance, the shot would definitely hit!

but now, the other party seemed to be fine and was still approaching with ‘slow’ steps.

A sense of despair spread from the bottom of the killer’s heart.

There was no information on these methods in Link’s information, and it was not reflected in the surveillance footage either!

Whoosh ~

another whistle.

The killer quickly looked in front of him, but in a flash, another metal arrow pierced through the smoke and landed on his thigh, firmly nailing his leg to the ground.

“Damn Qianqian.”

The night vision goggles could see people, but they couldn’t see the thin metal arrows.

The bullets from both guns were empty, and the smoke bomb’s effect gradually faded.

Fu also got out of the car, took out a Searchlight from his backpack, and turned it on.

In an instant, a beam of light broke through the darkness.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the killer.

As the figure got closer, more details were revealed to the killer.

Link was dressed in a neat suit. He held a cute little mouse in his left hand and gently stroked its back with his right. There was a faint silver light behind him.

She walked towards him without any expression on her face.

link stopped about 10 feet away from the assassin. the light from the searchlight extended his shadow and swallowed the assassin whole.

“Do you have any last words?” link said slowly, like an emotionless god. his voice was unquestionable.

“Don’t you know that your expression is very annoying?” the killer sneered.

As soon as he finished speaking, the assassin quickly pulled out a hidden pistol from the side of his exploded right leg and shot at link.

However, when the bullet was fired, it created a trail of sparks before it could even get close to link.

link, on the other hand, stood where he was without moving.

if one looked closely, they would see that there was an ‘iron curtain’ floating in front of link, blocking all the bullets.

“Just this?”

A disdainful smile appeared on Link’s face as he turned to leave.

“Fu, do you want to try out your new ability?”

Ah Fu set up the searchlight on the car and happily took out a large handkerchief with old edges and rolled up with thread. She walked up to the car with cheerful steps.


With another whistle, the Iron Curtain beside link transformed into three metal arrows. They flew into the sky and shot down.

shua shua shua!

The arrows were shot at the killers ‘heads.

Before link could even take two steps, two system notifications popped up.

[ your silver formation wall ant has killed a level 15+(elite) assassin. You have received 15000 experience points. ]

[ the first wave of [ golden bounty ] battle has ended. You have received a ‘perfect’ evaluation and 10000 experience points. ]

Link raised an eyebrow.

aiyo, not bad!

he actually got a perfect evaluation.

Fu bared her white teeth and ran over excitedly from a distance. then, boss, I’ll start the mediumship ritual.

Link nodded. He also wanted to see what kind of ritual Fu was using.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ah Fu stepped forward happily, humming rhythmic music, twisting his fat body, and waving the Pharaoh’s shroud in his hand to the rhythm.

(here’s the BGM: astronnia)

With the rhythm of the music, a few souls in suits and leather shoes appeared in the darkness in the distance.