378 Steel City of Saibo

link shrugged and said to the treasure-hunting mouse, ” xiaobao, use your perception to sense where the nearest enemy is. Don’t count the ones on the other side of the canal.

The treasure-hunting mouse had a super metal-sensing ability and could sense the traces of metal objects within a 2km radius.

The treasure-hunting mouse stood on Link’s shoulder and looked around. The whiskers near its little nose twitched as it tried to scan for the smell of metal within a two-mile radius.

after more than ten seconds, treasure-hunting mouse’s ears suddenly stood up. it was in high spirits, and its eyes shone.

This kind of gaze would only appear when he sensed something good.

The treasure-hunting mouse pointed into the distance and jumped impatiently on Link’s shoulder.

“i’ll take care of the enemy this time.” Link was afraid that John would take the chance to show off again, so he spoke first.

he had brought the players to the floating mech city to establish a friendship with john, the main character of this planet. on the other hand, he wanted to show off his strength in front of the players and firmly tie these promising stars to his war chariot.

However, link had still underestimated the effects of the legendary aura.

The moment John appeared, he had hooked the players ‘souls away. His casual attack just now had directly hit the players’ G-spot. The expressions of admiration on their faces were exaggerated.

He was clearly the commander and planner of this mission, but after John made his move, he had been reduced to a fringe person, an outsider.

as expected, a commander-level creature didn’t deserve to have human rights.

john seemed to have guessed link’s thoughts. he curled his lips and stepped aside, indicating that he had no intention of attacking.

Apart from John, no one else had seen link in action.

Dave had only heard rumors about link in the underground black market, but those rumors were all bizarre. They described link as a god-like figure. Dave, as a believer in Mechanical Science, scoffed at these blindly exaggerated rumors.

None of the players present had seen link in action before.

The last time link had appeared on the battlefield, it had been his pet, the gorilla Captain, who had single-handedly taken down the Earth Dragon King that had wreaked havoc in the Gobi, leaving a deep impression on all the players.

At that time, there were two different opinions on the forum.

One faction thought that link wasn’t strong himself and that he was relying on his pets.

The other faction dug up information on link in the sand City. In the end, they could only find records of individual battles. However, they were all fights between gangs and could not prove that link was stronger than the gorilla Captain.

The two views were at odds, and there had been no conclusion.

Even Windchaser, who had followed link during the closed beta, had only seen the battles during the Guild period. In the three-month gap, Windchaser didn’t know how strong the Guild Master had become.

But today, they finally had the chance to see link in action!

The wind in the desert was howling. Through the flying sand, everybody could vaguely see a few spots of light in the darkness far away. They were like the stars that were revealed through the gaps of the dark clouds.

Link stood in place. He didn’t take the initiative to kill the enemy. Instead, he waited for the enemy to approach.

The Facula in the distance slowly grew larger and closer to Xuanji.

that was until dave’s radar system also detected the enemy.

“They are still 600 meters away from us.”

After Dave finished speaking, he looked at the warning and request that suddenly popped up on the holographic screen. His face changed drastically, and he said with a sobbing voice, ” it’s over. It’s not a zealot this time. It’s a Mech Warrior. He has locked onto me!

The players ‘expressions changed. From Link’s explanation, they knew that after a zealot completed the Ascension ritual, they would become a mechanical warrior. once they became mechanical warriors, it meant that they would become a regular force of the city, no longer believers who wandered the desert.

In the eyes of the Zealot, the mech Warriors were the spokespeople sent by the mech city, the executors of the leader, professor Zhao’s will.

don’t panic. Remember your current identity. You are the machinery zealots, the fanatical believers of the machinery faith.

Link reminded, his eyes never leaving the distant light.

John stood on the side, pushing the maintenance box with both hands. He looked into the distance calmly, wanting to see what trick link would use to kill them.

Control the arrow?

close combat?


Or something else.

“Are we really going to connect?” Dave was sweating profusely and even stuttered a little.


Dave agreed to the Mech warrior’s connection signal from afar, and the other party’s voice immediately appeared in the scavenger mech.

machines can’t die! Long live the head of state!

Dave froze for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

“Hello? In? Why aren’t you saying anything?”

dave suddenly woke up and remembered the code that link had given him.

“The pioneers and the truth are eternal!”

“Why are you taking so long to answer?” the robot warrior asked again, accompanied by the panting sounds of the long journey.

Dave’s attention was completely focused on the conversation, and he immediately responded, ” “I’m about to attend the Ascension ceremony, so I’m a little nervous, Yingluo.”

The mechanical warrior on the other side was silent for a moment. five sets of Beginner 1.0 chips, a complete mech armors.

Dave’s heart was thumping wildly. The chip used in the Mech Warrior armor was a version 1.5 chip. Once connected, it would have the authority to view low-level equipment. Now that the call was connected, the mechanical warrior could check the structure of his mecha from hundreds of meters away.

“What’s the name of your mecha?”

Dave swallowed his saliva. He had never felt that time had passed so slowly.

“A scavenger.”

“Good! Good! Good!” good! the robot warrior said three times in a row. if your scavenger mech can’t ascend, then no one can. Wait for me to come over and take a closer look.

Dave turned to look at link, hoping to get more instructions from him.

However, link had his hands in front of his chest and was looking into the distance. He did not give any orders and allowed the mech Warriors to approach.

In the radar, the signal point of the robot warrior was relatively large, and there were two zealots with weaker signals beside him.

At this time, they were only two hundred meters away.

The six players didn’t even dare to breathe loudly. At this moment, they were uneasy and looked at each other.

link said that he would do it himself, but the lights of the mechanical warriors were getting closer and closer. they could even illuminate the sand and the canal at the side. however, there were still no signs of them doing anything.

suddenly, link’s eyes brightened.

It was now!

The searchlights of the mech Warriors in the distance seemed to have been disturbed. They were suddenly extinguished and immediately restored. In Dave’s voice connection, there was also a burst of signal interference noise, which disappeared in a flash.

The mechanical Warriors regained their mobility and continued to move closer to the group.

The players were extremely nervous and at a loss. They looked at link and the painter, only to find that both of them were calm.

Leng Feng’s hand slowly reached for the trigger of the assault rifle hanging on his shoulder. The vigilance of a Special Forces soldier made him ready to fight at any moment.

Seeing this, the other players also placed their hands on their weapons and got into battle stances.

Bombing chicken was even prepared to let the illusionary vine sneak into the sand pile and tie up the enemy at any time.

The searchlight in the distance grew brighter and brighter, and the light it shot out was enough to swallow everyone.

Gulp ~

The players couldn’t help but swallow their saliva, their minds extremely tense.

Dave felt like he was sitting on pins and needles in the scavenger mech. He was afraid that the first thing he did when the enemy approached was to sound the alarm at the mechanical city.

The robot warriors were only a few dozen meters away from the group. At this moment, the atmosphere was tense, and everyone’s stiff expressions were clearly visible under the searchlight.

Windchaser-like ethereal and explosive chicken, switch to the Zealot equipment at the back.

Weng ~

Wind-chasing Wolf and the exploding Chicken Man were dumbfounded on the spot, and their faces instantly turned as white as paper.

To say this in front of the mechanical Warriors and zealots, he was finished, finished!

However, the robot warrior did not show any reaction. He did not even make a sound.

Bang! Bang!

The searchlights were turned off, and the light was instantly eroded by darkness.

The Mech Warrior walked up to link and removed itself from the exoskeleton armor as it walked.

The Zealot, who was following behind the robot warrior, had already started to walk unsteadily. However, he was also able to completely remove his equipment.

The mechanical warrior and the Zealot stood where they were without even blinking. They were like three fake people.

“W-what’s going on?”

Dave’s scavenger mech showed that its connection with the Mech Warrior had been disconnected, and the life detection module showed that the three members of the machinery faith standing in the wind had completely lost their vital signs.

if they had lost all signs of life, how did they manage to walk over from a few hundred meters away?

dave was dumbfounded when he saw what was displayed on the holographic screen.

At the same time, the six players were also dumbfounded.

After they examined the three people at a close distance, the results showed that all three were dead and their blood volume had returned to zero.

Link stood where he was the whole time with his hands in front of his chest. There was no sign that he had made a move.

three members of the machinery faith had already died, and no wounds could be seen.

He had even walked all the way here in a state of death.

When the players looked at link again, their expressions changed from worship, respect, to fear.

Killing the Mech Warrior and the Zealot without moving, they did not even realize what had happened.

This was far more shocking than John’s Swift and short-term killing!

How did link kill them?

This became the same question in the hearts of the six players.

The six of them looked at each other and saw fear in each other’s eyes. They were surrounded by a mysterious and strange atmosphere.

Perhaps it was a mistake to judge the strength based on the system’s rating.

The only onlooker, John, watched link kill with a smile. He couldn’t help but exclaim, This guy’s heaven son’s insight was getting more and more proficient.

alright, stop dilly-dallying. We’re not far from the floating mech city.

Link walked up to the bone armor and quickly assembled it. He called up the interface to do a self-check and said, ” the signal of the Bluetooth helmet will be monitored in the city, so I will use my authority as a robot warrior to connect to all of your mechanical devices and communicate with the church of machinery.

Very quickly, everyone gave link the authority.

Link’s exoskeleton armor allowed him to communicate with the others.

Then, link waved his hand, and the three dead men ‘came back to life’. They jumped into the pit and self-destructed.

This scene once again stunned the few people who had just recovered.

Neither the players nor Dave dared to ask Link how he killed the players.

However, a mysterious, strange, and powerful image rose in everyone’s mind.

As a scholar, he had learned mechanical organization, surge of mechanical force, and gun modification, and all of these skills had been maxed out. After a short understanding, he was already familiar with using the exoskeleton armor.

try to act as natural as possible. Don’t show that dumbfounded expression of yours in the mech city later.

Dave and the players nodded in unison, but they were all a little unconvinced.


could they be blamed for this?

Who wouldn’t be shocked or dumbfounded by such a strange way of killing? they were willing to do a handstand and sh * t on the spot to finish this bowl of hot sh * t!

are you ready? I’ll send a signal to the city if you are.

Everyone nodded in unison, and their expressions became serious again.

Once the signal was sent, there was no turning back, and the mission would officially begin!

Link pressed the call button. The radio signal flew across the sky and was received by the steel City in the desert.

Two seconds later, a message appeared on Link’s exoskeleton armor panel.

[ the floating mech city will arrive in 13 minutes and 24 seconds! ]

Link waved his hand and sent a countdown message to everyone’s mechanical panels.


When the countdown reached five minutes, from the horizon of the Goria Grand Canal in the West, the dark sky suddenly brightened a little.

The light gradually filled the night sky, to the point where one could even see the dark clouds in the sky.

The light near the horizon became more and more obvious, and soon, some black silhouettes rose from the horizon.

Red, green, blue, and yellow warning lights followed closely behind, and the lights in the mech city were like stars, outlining an unparalleled shape in front of everyone.

The vibration in the air was transmitted to everyone’s eyes. The entire city was like a giant beast running in the desert. A terrifying aura was already coming at them.

the players ‘jaws dropped.

Although they had seen the structure of the mechanical city through Dave’s holographic device in the cave, when the giant really appeared in front of them, they were speechless. They couldn’t even organize any words to describe this great wonder.

All the words that could be used to describe the magnificence, magnificence, and shock all became one word.

F * ck!?(O_O;)

“This thing, is it really running on the ground?”

The floating mech city, which was hundreds of meters tall, was approaching.

Although it was still a few kilometers away, the details of the city could be seen clearly through the lights.

Even though link, John, and Dave had come with hostility, they still couldn’t help but marvel at the power of the most advanced technology on wasteland planet after seeing the city again.

When the city was only three kilometers away from them …

Looking up, the city was like a mountain.

Neon lights, factory catalytic towers, colorful track lights, and huge LCD screens.

in the ‘air’ a hundred meters high, the atmosphere was like that of the steel city of saibo.

The air around the city stopped shaking.

A platform the size of a basketball court slowly descended from the city’s chassis. As they landed, they saw rows of mechanical soldiers and scanning devices.

“Are you all ready?” Link turned around and grinned. He scanned the group.

P.S.,[seeing that Wanjun is still working hard to update, I’ll give you some recommendation votes and monthly votes ~]