380 The plan for immortality

Link and Dave suddenly stopped in their tracks.

A few seconds later, a black shadow shot out from the corner like lightning and climbed up Link’s exoskeleton armor.

The treasure-hunting mouse climbed up to Link’s shoulder and gestured a five with its two paws. It then pointed at a dark corner. Then, it flapped its two little paws and pointed to the ground.

are you saying that the five rats Secret Service Squad is following us in the dark? ” asked link. the rats and the silver army ants are all under my feet, following us? ”

The treasure-hunting mouse nodded and even gave a thumbs-up.

All the Trump cards were in place, and everything was going according to plan.

Dave, the energy area is so big. You should know which building your granddaughter is in, right? ”

Each of the human battery energy areas covered more than ten acres of land, just like a large business district.

there were at least a few dozen energy centers like this.

If they didn’t know the exact location and searched each building one by one, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Dave nodded with certainty. when we were first caught, our arms were all laser-branded with codes. Everyone’s nutrition chamber was fixed. Therefore, after they captured Helen, they would definitely send her back to the original nutrition chamber. I remember the code on Helen’s arm: SSNI-826. The letters in front represent the building and floor number, and the number at the end represents the number.”

we just need to find building S, floor s N Zone N, zone I, No. 826. That must be the nutrition chamber Helen is in.

Link was enlightened. Since he could determine the location, it would be much faster to find a target.

Link shrugged and said to the treasure-hunting mouse, ” “Although we’re in disguise now, little treasure, you still have to be alert and alert if someone is approaching.”

The treasure-hunting mouse nodded naively and even saluted link, promising to complete the mission!


The little thing ran into Link’s pocket.

Link and Dave continued forward. The main outer walls of each building had a letter that emitted neon lights, which made the search easier.

The entire city was five kilometers in both width and length. From a city’s perspective, it was not even as big as Link’s Shenmu City.

There were five distinct districts in the city. No matter where you were, you could easily see the Forbidden Zone of the mechanical pioneer, professor Zhao, and the huge gear that was spinning in the middle of the city.

The gears glowed with a Silver Metallic luster, and they were like a Ferris wheel that took in the entire city.

This giant gear had another name for itself among the Warriors and apostles of the city-the eye of the pioneer.

Very quickly, Dave and link found the energy center with the huge “S” hanging outside the wall.

There were no robot warriors guarding the energy center. As long as one scanned the chip in front of the machine at the door to confirm their identity, they would be able to move unimpeded.

Just as he entered the building, Dave stopped.

“president lin, i’m afraid you’ll be the only one going to helen’s nutrition chamber later. since helen had already broken free from the dream by force once, if she continued to break free violently this time, it was very likely that all her previous memories would be erased, and even damage her brain tissue. I’m now at the power center’s underground hub cable. I’ll connect my consciousness into the dream and tell her the truth in the dream so that she will wake up on her own.”

Link furrowed his brows. He looked at Dave inside the scavenger mech and asked, ” “If you don’t lie down in the nutrition chamber, how are you going to connect your consciousness to the dream?”

Dave patted his scavenger mech. when I was planning this on my own, I thought about this problem, so I made an enhancement in this aspect of the scavenger mech. I can directly connect the mech to a cable, and there is a nerve receiver that is inserted into the spine of the mech on the back, which can reach the ability to connect to the consciousness.

Link had already known from his previous life that violent awakenings had a chance of damaging the brain.

After all, in the later stages of his previous life, when the freedom Alliance had taken over the city, there had been many cases of liberalizing the battery-powered people. At that time, many NPCs had lost part of their consciousness and could not remember their origins or relatives. Many missions similar to returning to their families, looking for relatives, or reviving their memories had been issued.

I’ll go with you to the underground of the energy center first. I’ll wait in front of Helen’s nutrition chamber after you successfully connect.

The two of them hit it off.

Without the robot warriors, link and Dave went underground with ease and found the cable hub.

“How long will it take you to find Helen?” Link couldn’t help but ask. There were thousands of people in the virtual world, and there were also virtual characters created by the program. It was not easy to find one person.

“I had an agreement with Helen. If I can come back to save her one day, I will go to a place with a special code. I only need 15 minutes to wake her up!”

“Alright, then you should hurry up.”

After that, link watched as Dave connected the mech to the device. Dave twitched in the mech, and his consciousness successfully connected to the virtual world created by the mech city for human batteries.

each energy center was an independent virtual world, and the nutrition chamber in each energy center had a capacity of 100000.

The energy centers of the entire city started from the letter A, all the way to Z. Although they were not completely filled, the regular capacity had reached two million.

With the city’s recent expansion, energy was becoming more and more scarce.

With the sand City guarding the main road, it was difficult for the machinery faith to attack without restraint.

With an organization like the wasteland gang eyeing them covetously, the machinery faith was in a dilemma.

They couldn’t find new human batteries. Although the previous human batteries were soaked in nutrient solutions, the body cells would still divide and grow. Many human batteries had gone extinct because of aging.

therefore, the project eternal life was born. the consciousness of a human would be completely extracted, and a new human would be created by cloning technology, and the consciousness would be injected into the new body. Although the eternal life plan had solved the problem of aging and death, the plan was not omnipotent.

No matter how many experiments he conducted, the mechanical pioneer Dr. Zhao discovered that soul data could only be transferred from one body to another, but it could not be copied. In other words, the immortality project could only maintain the current number of human batteries and could not expand it.

After the appearance of the Inhumans, Dr. Zhao thought that he could solve the big problem, but he found out that these Inhumans had no consciousness data at all, like a body that was remotely controlled.

However, due to the snatching of the energy pillar and the development of the desert city, the two former rivals, the machinery faith and the wasteland gang, could finally sit at the same table and discuss cooperation calmly.

Link went to the nourishment room as fast as he could and saw Helen lying in a nutrient solution through the glass.

In Dave’s description, his granddaughter Helen was a cute little kid with orange hair and a natural mole on the tip of her nose. However, the person that link was looking at now seemed to be in his teens. But whether it was the hair color or the mole on the tip of the nose, it was the same person Dave described.

Link opened the armor panel and sent a message to Windchaser immediately. [ did it go smoothly? ]

A moment later, link received wind’s reply. [ everything is going well for now. ]

If everything went well, then fifteen minutes later, Dave would successfully rescue Helen. Next, they would meet up with John. When they met up, it would be time for Link’s spy rat to come in handy. It would steal the plans, programs, and mechanical blueprints of the machinery faith from the laboratory.

After that, he left with the others while the Ascension ceremony was going on and the parking lot in the city was being inspected.

just as link was fantasizing, the treasure-hunting mouse suddenly stuck its head out of his pocket, chirping a warning to link.

The treasure-hunting mouse stretched out its two small claws and drew a huge circle in the air, then pointed at the front door of the energy center.

link’s heart sank, and his brows furrowed. he walked to the window and looked down.

On the transportation track in front of the energy center’s main entrance, three containers were parked.

As the first container door opened, more than a dozen robot warriors instantly emerged like bubbles overflowing from a basin of water.

immediately after, these mechanical warriors who were good at carrying heavy loads all went to the last two containers and waited.

When the two containers were opened, Lin Ke was shocked to see that they were filled with wooden coffins!

come, come, come. Hurry up and move these corpses to the disposal room. One of the squad leaders ordered.

the robot warriors began to carry the wooden coffins into the energy center and headed to the processing room on the first floor.

let me see if there are any other mech Warriors nearby. These two containers of corpses, how long will it take for these few people to load them up? ”

link saw the captain fiddling with the panel, but in the next second, his own main control panel buzzed, indicating that there was a higher-authority access system nearby and a video call.

“Robot warrior, a new batch of corpses has arrived at the S Energy Center. They need to be stripped and processed. You are the closest person in the vicinity. Please report to the entrance of the S Energy Center immediately.”

Before link could say anything, the other party hung up.

Link furrowed his brows and glanced back at Helen’s nutrition chamber. as expected, you never know which surprise or surprise comes first.

in floating mech city, there was no need for a reason for a superior to summon a subordinate.

Because Dave’s consciousness was connected to the hub at the moment, and the scavenger armor was also in a state of power outage to simulate the nutrition chamber, link was the only one who was scanned and recruited.

if Helen were to resurrect in front of these mechanical Warriors, I would be completely exposed. “The only plan now is to complete the transportation and separation process within 15 minutes. Dave and Helen will not bump into the robot warriors.”

as for directly killing these robot warriors, link never planned to do so.

if he killed all the robot warriors, it would attract the attention of the city’s defense system. then, he would have to fight the entire robot army. Dave and Helen might not be able to escape, but John’s mission would definitely be affected.

link wasted no time and quickly went downstairs.

“robot warrior reporting for duty! machines can’t die, long live the head of state!”

The captain’s eyes brightened when he saw link. He was a Mech Warrior with an exoskeleton armor. ” pioneers and truth are eternal. ”

why are you in the energy center? ” The captain asked.

Link had already thought of what to say when he went downstairs.”I brought back a newly resurrected battery from the experimental area. I saw the captain’s recruitment order as soon as I finished installing it. ”

The captain didn’t have any doubts. After all, the eternal life plan had been in effect for some time, and the energy center often had dead human batteries, which needed to be manually dismantled and brought to the experimental area for biochemical treatment.

“what a coincidence, i have a task for you.”

as soon as he finished speaking, a mission notification appeared from the system.

[ you have triggered the f-level mission [ temporary request: energy center ] ]

[ mission tip: the transport team has two containers of corpses that need to be disinfected and removed. You have been recruited as a robot warrior to join the mission. ]

[ mission reward: 150 experience points, 50 wasteland coins ]

lin ke looked at the f-rank errand mission that he had not received in a long time and did not know what to say.

After the captain assigned link his tasks, he shouted to his men behind him, ” ” hurry up with your work. you have to finish unloading in ten minutes. we have other tasks later! ”

The other robot warriors wailed, ” ten minutes!? How is this enough to carry, disinfect, and strip?”

link didn’t waste any more time and immediately joined in to transport them away. he wanted to get rid of this group of pestilence within ten minutes. To avoid direct contact between Helen and Dave and the mechanical Warriors.

When link moved the first coffin to the processing room, he was stunned by the scene before him.

The coffins in front of him were not ordinary dead people, but mummies or dried corpses from the ruins of the desert and the pyramids.

brother, leave the transportation to them. You can help me disinfect and strip it. There are too few people in the processing room! A nearby robot warrior said.

compared to transportation, the disinfection and stripping process was obviously more complicated. In addition, the corpses in front of him were all mummies wrapped in bandages, so the steps required were even more cumbersome.

link pried open the coffin. there was some dry grass at the top. only after pulling it open did he reveal the mummy’s shriveled bandages. the bottom was covered with dry grass too.

Link searched through his memories. In his previous life, the machinery faith did not have any information on mummies being used for experiments.

?! This must be the butterfly effect caused by the Alliance between the machinery faith and the wasteland gang due to his rise.

To get more information, link asked as he operated, ” “By the way, brother, where did these mummies come from? Even if we were to dig in the desert, we wouldn’t be able to dig up so much at once, right?”

The robot warrior beside him laughed. there’s something you don’t know. Some time ago, we joined forces with the wasteland gang and signed an agreement. We bought a lot of mummies.

“For the wasteland gang, excavating ancient ruins or pyramids is only for the profit of treasures. These dead people are worthless to them. But for us, these mummies still have cell activity and spiritual data. They’re the best product for project eternal to add human batteries!”

Link had a sudden realization. He did not expect the wasteland gang and the machinery faith to work together and develop such a way to increase energy. No wonder they were so arrogant as to launch the star chain project and provoke him.

At that moment, link removed The mummy’s bandages. A golden object suddenly slid down from The mummy’s chest and fell to the ground!

P. S: “I was writing at 3:30, but the power went out in the middle of the night. Wanjun was holding her phone and only finished writing this chapter now. I’m crying.