401 The time for the counterattack has arrived, welcome back, member Lin!

The curly-haired baboon was also depressed. It had used its skill, but it had actually lost to Fu in the fight the landlord, which it was best at.

“Curly hair, are you alright?” Link could not help but ask.

The curly-haired baboon sighed.”master, i’m fine. you don’t have to worry about me. let me be alone.”

“You’re really fine?” link asked.

I’m really fine, ” the curly-haired baboon said. I’ll be alone for a while.

Link and Ah Fu stood up and left the casino.

On the way, Fu kept looking back at the autistic curly-haired baboon with a worried look. “Boss, is the curly-haired baboon really fine?”

“it just couldn’t figure it out for a while. it’ll be fine in a while.” Link knew this feeling very well. The curly-haired baboon was extremely talented and had claimed to be the second gambling monster after Chen Daozi. However, it had encountered the biggest crisis of its life today and was beaten to a pulp by the Black Panther Emperor. this time, he had to doubt his life.

At this moment, Fu’s phone rang. It was a call from penny on Penguin.

“Hello, supervisor, what’s the matter?”

is the boss beside you? turn on your phone, I have something to talk to him about. The Penguin’s voice was a little rushed.

because link had to spend the week with his pets, he didn’t bring his phone with him. he was afraid that calls would disturb the rare ” parent-child time “. In addition, he was accompanied by his subordinates wherever he went, so there was no situation where he could not be contacted.

Ah Fu turned on the speaker with practiced ease, and the voice of the Penguin, penny, came from it.

“boss, the latest situation at the front line. The Joint Forces of the Shandu military and the Inhumans were attacked by the enemy’s long-range artillery when they were building the front line. They suffered heavy losses and all their supplies were taken away by the enemy. and according to the situation of the troops being deployed in shandu, the military headquarters of shandu is preparing to launch a second attack.”

After saying that, the Penguin waited for Link’s instructions.

When Fu heard the report, he raised his eyebrows and was a little shocked. If the Shandu military suffered a crushing defeat at the front line, wouldn’t that mean that the enemy would be even more arrogant? The weeping Valley was a line of defense for Shandu. Would it be dangerous?

Link was expressionless. This was just as he had guessed.

In his previous life, even alongso had made this mistake because of the lack of detailed information.

It seemed that there were hundreds of millions of reincarnations in history. Alongso had been killed in this life, and the military and political system of Shandu had changed to the military Committee system. Such a situation was inevitable.

Link thought for a moment. tell the Ministry of Media that this can be spread around, but don’t mention it in the newspapers, including the gossip newspapers on the streets. Don’t mention anything about the defeat either.

” okay, i got it. boss, is there anything else i need to pay attention to? ” the penguin, penny, asked.

“There’s nothing else. If everything goes as expected, the war situation will soon take a turn for the better, hehe.”

After hanging up the phone, Fu pouted and frowned. His facial features were almost twisted together. With his dark skin, he looked like a black egg at first glance.

“Fu, why do you look like that? are you not feeling well?” Link glanced at Ah Fu and asked.

ah fu scratched his head in confusion. ” I just don’t understand why the four commanders of the military Council in shadu, despite their plan failing, still organized a second wave of attack like children. In my opinion, this is completely an act of suicide. Why can’t they see through this with their vision and ability? ”

Fu didn’t finish his sentence. This kind of suicidal behavior would look stupid to the bystanders.

” you’re trying to say why the four commanders, who had outstanding military achievements and were all leaders of the army, would make such a stupid mistake that no normal person would make, ” said link.

Ah Fu nodded vigorously. boss, you’re amazing. You’ve figured out what I wanted to ask in such a short time. You’re indeed the boss!

yes, a familiar recipe, a familiar taste of flattery.

The two of them slowly walked to the basement of the Colosseum and walked all the way to the audience seats. From there, they could see Black Tornado running around happily.

after they were seated, link said slowly, ” when you encounter this kind of thing, you can’t just stop at the surface. You have to learn to see the essence through the phenomenon.

“You only saw that the four commanders had lost their minds and wanted to regain their dignity like children. If you want to analyze the motive, you can’t just look at the matter itself, you have to look at the driving force behind it. ”

“let’s start with my departure. without my participation, they wanted to make some achievements to win back their reputation among the people of shandu. I’ve been too famous for the past few months. After general alongso and Moroes were killed, there was no owner in shadu. I took over all of Moroes ‘properties and unified the slums. In addition, alongso gave me the title of battalion commander of the Special Operations Battalion when he was still alive. I can be said to be successful in both the black and white military and politics in Shandu. Everyone calls me the new king of Shandu. It’s even to the extent that they’ve acknowledged me as the highest official representative of shadu.”

” public opinion is naturally good for me, but from the four commanders ‘point of view, it’s a serious threat to their status. it makes them anxious, and this is an impact on their reputation. ”

“I have control over all the media outlets in Shatu. Television, newspapers, and advertisements are all under my control. As long as I want to, their names will disappear from these media, and their influence will become weaker and weaker.”

“In terms of the economy, all the military expenses in Shandu come from its revenue. I’m the Minister for Economy and I’m in control of all the industries in Moroes. I’ve unified the slums and reached an unprecedented height in Shandu. it can be said that 60 – 70% of the military expenses in shandu come from the taxes paid by the lin’s financial group. once i stop paying taxes, with the wealth of the four commanders, their troops will definitely rebel in less than two months. this is the foundation of their foothold, and without their troops, they are nothing.”

“Therefore, when the pressure from all sides comes together, it will become a huge mountain that will crush the four commanders. I’m here in Shandu, and they’re just dying a slow death. Without me, everything will collapse. The desert coalition forces will invade, the security will be chaotic, and there will be fights in the slums. The sand City will inevitably be destroyed.”

they had no other choice but to fight with all their might. However, their first attempt failed. If they turn back to me now and word of this gets out, the four commanders ‘reputation will be completely ruined, and the Inhumans will no longer trust them, even their subordinates will not trust them, losing their basic foundation. Therefore, they could only try again and bet that they could win a beautiful battle to recover their losses. Other than that, do you think they have any other ideas?”

After listening to his boss’s detailed analysis, Ah Fu suddenly came to a realization.

“If we don’t go all out this time, we’ll just die a slow death and be completely controlled in the future. However, there was still a chance of survival if they fought this wave. This might be their only chance, Yingluo.”

Fu couldn’t help but break out in cold sweat.

He had always analyzed problems from the perspective of the Lin’s Financial Group and the boss. However, when he put himself in the perspective of the four commanders, he suddenly felt suffocated. It was as if he was about to break out of a cage, but outside the cage were four high walls that made him despair.

Now Fu finally understood that people’s movements could be distorted under pressure. moreover, it was not a stupid move to organize another army. it was a desperate choice.

Once this operation failed, there would only be one path left in front of them.

“Then, boss, what do you think of this operation? will they succeed?” Fu asked.

it’s not realistic to kill the Alliance Army of the machinery faith and the wasteland gang in one go, ” link said. you have to slowly take their territory and resources. When they reach the critical point, their seemingly solid Alliance will be gone, and that’s when they’ll send out their troops.”

“They’re sending out their troops this time because they felt that they were careless last time and didn’t have the power to attack from the air. This time, they would send Air Force escorts to the South of the Goria Grand Canal to counter-attack, and they would be able to smoothly enter the desert. However, they had still underestimated the machinery faith, or rather, they had underestimated the pioneers of machinery. A centipede dies but never falls down, not to mention that the mechanical pioneers did not suffer any losses. I’m afraid that the Air Force’s planes can’t even cross the Goria Grand Canal.”

Ah Fu was extremely surprised. To be able to get the boss’s praise, it seemed that this mechanical pioneer was indeed quite capable.

“By the way, Fu, is the nine-patterned Dragon still in your Ling Vulture Palace?” Link thought of the nine-striped Dragon that he had killed in an alley on the night of the gang siege in the slums, and his soul had been extracted by Fu.

fu nodded and summoned his coffin palace. ” “not just his soul, i’ve also preserved his body. boss can have it anytime.” He opened the Vulture’s Palace and saw the nine-striped dragon’s soul, which was the size of a knuckle.

your boss has been dead for a few months, and the weather in Shatu has changed. Fu has told you all these, right? ”

The nine-striped Dragon nodded after a moment of silence. Ever since his death, he had been locked up in the Ling Vulture Palace and had listened to Fu’s explanation of the situation outside. The nine-striped Dragon, in its soul state, had nothing to do every day except to meditate. Thinking back to what had happened before his death, he had become a soul after his death. All his karma had been cut off on the night of the gang’s attack.

After that, the nine-striped Dragon met many Druid sages in the spirit Vulture Palace and was inspired by them through conversations. Now, he had long let go of the hatred of his life, but he was still confused about the future. would he be locked up forever, or would he suddenly be refined into soul essence by ah fu one day and become a great tonic?

“Will you still go against me after you come out?” Asked link.

“Everything that happened before I died has ended,” the nine-patterned Dragon said humbly.

“You and the boss of Green Dragon are like brothers. You’ve been friends for decades. How can you cut it off so easily?”

“The dead can’t be brought back to life. Moreover, the sand City is now in President Lin’s hands, thriving and thriving. It’s laughable that fireflies want to compete with the bright moon.”

Hearing the nine-striped Dragon’s words, link couldn’t help but look at Fu.

Why did the unparalleled domineering nine-patterned Dragon suddenly feel like an eminent monk after his death? the way he spoke was almost the same as King Kong. Could it really be that one would be enlightened after dying once?

Fu shook his head to show that he didn’t know. He didn’t open the Ling Vulture Palace every day to see it. Who knew that the nine-striped Dragon would become like this?

“What if I can resurrect you? what are your plans?” Link’s lips curled up as he asked the real question.

The nine-patterned Dragon was stunned for a moment. He suddenly laughed and said, ” “President Lin, please don’t make fun of me. There have been many Druid sages who came in before, and I have some understanding of death. The dead can not be resurrected, this was the law of the heavens. It’s easier said than done to reverse the heavenly laws.”

“I just want to ask, if you were to be resurrected, what would you want to do the most?”

if there’s really a chance to be resurrected, I’ll choose to join Lin’s Financial Group and see for myself how far my former opponents can go.

“Alright,” said link,”but please remember what you said today.”

Fu closed the Vulture’s mouth, and the nine-striped Dragon once again sat cross-legged to meditate.

He was still envious of the nine-striped Dragon’s [ Double Dragon life Providence ]. This was a rare growth-type ability, but the boss of the Green Dragon had restricted the effect of the ability.

Double Dragon life Providence-with the life Providence of two dragons, it can bring prosperity to the master and obtain 10% of the master’s attributes as additional attributes.

As a dual-mode player and NPC, Lin Ke was destined to break the ceiling. If he could subdue the nine-patterned Dragon and make it his subordinate, his growth would definitely be first-class. In addition, he was already at level 25+(elite). With this specialty, it was only a matter of time before he became a commander-level monster with some training from John or Li Zijun.

As for the method of resurrection, it was all in Link’s plan.

Now that the underground database was being built, the spy Mouse would be able to transmit the data into the database after it was completed. By then, the various plans of the machinery faith would be traceable. whether it was the cloning technology or the immortality project, they could resurrect the nine-striped dragon.

However, all of this had to wait for Dave, the master of machinery of the three fields, to build the database and then integrate the knowledge within.

However, it was only the beginning of version 1.0. Link had all the time he needed.

alright, go and get old Jin. I should return to the weeping Valley.

link packed up and left.

The call from penny in Penguin also revealed an important piece of information, which was that the four commanders in Shandu had begun to organize a second attack.

If things went as link had expected, the second Army would be deployed tonight, and they would suffer a crushing defeat soon. He would have to clean up the mess then.

There was a fast tunnel under the Colosseum that led directly to the weeping Valley. Link, the macaw, the hellhound, the curly-haired baboon, and black Tornado quickly returned to the castle.

“i heard you’ve been studying these days. what are you studying?”

The macaw turned to the side and said cautiously, ” “I’m not telling you,”

since the macaw was not willing to tell him, link did not intend to force it.

After a week of rest, his relationship with his pets had improved. In the process, he had also gained a lot of new experiences about how to get along with pets.

The first thing link did when he got back to wind howl castle was to call the military intelligence Department.

The Deputy Director of the office, Ren Yi, was yawning with his feet on the table.

in the past few days, all the missions related to the desert had stopped, leaving only a few missions in shandu.

The originally lively military intelligence Department was now deserted. The Inhumans who came here were not even as many as the military intelligence department’s staff, and they were almost bored to death.

Ding, ding, ding.

Suddenly, the phone on the office desk rang.

“Who is it, calling at night, ran ran?” Ren Yi grumbled as he picked up the phone. The next second, he straightened his body and said in a serious tone, ” “Good day, director! Yes, I’ll arrange it now! i understand, don’t worry, chief!”

After a phone call, the dispirited Ren Yi swept away his dejection. His eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands to signal all the staff to pay attention. everyone, get ready. The division Chief has a mission to assign. We’ll resume work tonight!

For a time, the military intelligence Department was filled with cheers.

The scattered players looked at the cheering staff in the empty Military Intelligence Office and were puzzled. Had this group of people gone crazy from boredom?

At nine O ‘clock in the evening, the Army of the four tribes of Shandu entered the desert through weeping Valley.

It was 11 O ‘clock at night. When link was on the balcony with a cup of coffee, he saw a fire rising in the distance.

Immediately after, a laser beam shot into the sky, and the sky lit up with an explosion like fireworks.

He knew …


It ended.

He said,

It was time to leave the mountain.

P. S: “the next chapter will be between 1-2 O ‘clock. Cultivators can wait for a while ~ thank you for your support. Today’s monthly votes have risen rapidly. I’m very grateful!