419 The underground laboratory

“did you guys feel something pass by behind you just now?” Bombing chicken’s voice was trembling.

Especially with the gas mask on, the field of vision was much narrower than usual. In addition, the surrounding gray fog had greatly reduced visibility. The scene in the rift also gave people a sense of gloominess and horror.

Beads of sweat instantly formed on Tang Jiu’s forehead and hung on his forehead and cheeks. The muzzle of the mechanical weapon in his hand was aimed at the gray fog as if he was facing a great enemy.

Zhui Feng slowly retreated and ordered,”the three of us stand back to back and guard one side. If something is coming, let’s go!”

The three of them immediately leaned against each other, each holding a weapon.

It was quiet in the gray fog, and only the breathing sounds of the people behind the gas masks could be heard.

The three of them felt as if a huge rock was pressing down on their hearts.

“Tang Jiu, didn’t your mechanical weapon get an upgrade? can you see the enemy?” Zhui Feng asked in a soft voice.

Tang Jiu looked at the green radar screen on the weapon. As the energy waves spread, all biological signals within a hundred meters would be fed back.

but now that the signal had disappeared, it could only show that there were three blinking dots in the center. there were no biological signals within a hundred meters.

“The radar didn’t pick up any signal.”

I clearly heard a whooshing sound behind me. the Prophet squeezed his body closer to the two of them again, as if he was only relieved after feeling the warm and strong back of his companion.

Wind-chasing Wolf observed the surroundings. They had been frozen in place for a minute without any movement.

let’s continue moving forward. Pay attention to your back when we’re moving forward.

It wasn’t a good thing to continue the stalemate. Zhui Feng and Tang Jiu’s attention had been on the front the whole time. It was hard to tell whether there was really something there, or if the Prophet was nervous because it was his first mission and he was scared himself into hallucinating. And if they continued to struggle, the Prophet would think that the two old men were bullying the newcomers.

The deeper they went, the more obvious the traces of the quagmire became. A small hill would be formed where there were trees.

The other depressions would form a shallow pool of water with a layer of light green pollen-like powder floating on the surface, evenly covering the surface of the water.

Wind-chasing Wolf broke a branch to test it, it was twenty to thirty centimeters deep.

When he pulled out the branch, he didn’t feel any difficulty in pulling it out from the soil. The branches he pulled out only had some soil stuck to them, and there was no sticky black mud like in the swamp.

this pool isn’t a swamp. The water is about the calf. You won’t sink to the bottom even if you step in. Zhui Feng stood up and replied.

With wind-chasing Wolf’s judgment, the other two were relieved.

“But just in case, we should take a detour. Our weapons aren’t waterproof. If we walk without water, the durability of our weapons will drop quickly.” Tang Jiu said.

The three of them continued walking.

As they went deeper, the number of trees gradually increased, and the crowns of the two trees connected, forming a whole. However, due to the gray fog and nuclear radiation, the leaves were naturally brown.

The originally obscure field of vision was further blurred by the fact that the only source of light above them was blocked by the forest.

“I have a feeling that as long as we pass through this forest, we might be able to find the entrance to the underground military base.” Tang Jiu speculated.

“you guessed it?” the prophet asked.

tang jiu shook his head, his expression exceptionally serious.”these trees are quite old. if this place was abandoned because of a nuclear explosion, then this place is definitely not the center of the explosion. The soil was black and the leaves were yellow. This was obviously the negative effect of the soil nuclear radiation. The center of the explosion should be black scorched earth, and there shouldn’t be so many trees. I think we’ll know the result after walking in for a while.”

The Prophet held the radar in his hand. The other three groups were already very far away on the radar. According to the distance of 500 meters per square, Link’s group was the closest, which was two kilometers away.

“If we can be the first to discover the entrance to the underground military base, we will definitely get more rewards than the others. Therefore, we need to move faster and try to search more places.” said wind-chasing wolf.

Hu ~

Just as wind-chasing Wolf was talking, a black shadow suddenly flew by in front of him.

“Stop!” Zhui Feng immediately stopped.

Although The Light in the Forest was dim and the visibility was low due to the fog, he could still see the figure hidden in the fog.

Tang Jiu and the Prophet slammed on the brakes and crashed into the former one after another.

Tang Jiu was in the middle of the group of three, with the men on his left and right.

this is it. It should be this thing just now! The Prophet lowered his voice and spoke as fast as a machine gun.

The three of them had caught a glimpse of the black shadow flying through the gray fog.

The mysterious creature’s speed was so fast that the three of them couldn’t even see its outline clearly.

Tang Jiu immediately lowered his head to check the radar on his weapon. Through the gas mask, he could see a pair of frightened eyes.”my radar doesn’t show anything!”

As long as it was a living being with a heartbeat, the radar would show it.

The monster had just floated past them, but there was nothing on the radar.

“Could it be a ghost?” Zhui Feng frowned and leaned against the tree vigilantly.

The other two also leaned against the trees and raised their guns vigilantly.

The quagmire of death was extremely quiet. Except for the sound of his heart beating wildly in his chest, he could not hear any strange sounds, including the other three points. There was no movement at all.

“By the way, what is that thing?” Tang Jiu could not help but ask.

Wind-chasing Wolf put on his blue boxing gloves and then picked up the official “Thunder God” assault rifle of the Shudu Army. His eyes were alert, ” “You’re asking me? how would I know?”

The Prophet was holding a green quality shotgun, which he had exchanged with the military intelligence Department with his contribution points.

But at that moment, the Prophet suddenly felt a weight on his shoulder, as if someone’s arm was on him.

“Alright, stop playing. Don’t relax at this time.” The Prophet grumbled in a low voice as the gas mask blocked his side view.

However, after he finished speaking, the arm on his shoulder did not seem to have any intention of moving away. The Prophet could not help but raise his hand to shake it off.

However, the moment he touched the thick arm, the Prophet’s mind went blank.

The short, hard hair that was slightly smooth and slightly tingling, as well as the limb stages unique to arthropods, and a cold touch.

the prophet immediately looked up. the next second, through the small vision of the gas mask, he saw a giant spider. it opened its jaw and a sharp, black, spiky mouthpart was stabbing at the prophet.


a spider the size of a player suddenly appeared above the prophet’s head, and the prophet was scared out of his wits.

Although the young man was shocked, the combat skills that he had developed over the past month did not fall. He rolled just in time to avoid the fatal blow.

in the next second, he rolled 180 degrees on the ground and fired two shots with the shotgun in his hands.

Bang Bang!

The loud sound of grapeshot reverberated throughout the quagmire of death.

The other two, wind-chasing and Tang Jiu, also immediately dodged from under the tree.

The giant spider hid back in the dense canopy, but the Prophet did not stop firing. He emptied the eight grapeshot in his extended magazine.

The shrapnel from the grapeshot hit the treetops, breaking many leaves and rustling them down.

There was no sign of the giant spider, nor was there any blood stain. Only the leaves that had been shattered by the impact and bullets fell to the ground and the three of them like snow.

Just as the three of them thought that the giant spider had been dispersed, the canopy above them began to shake violently. The canopy next to it also began to shake violently, as if a switch had been pressed.

The next second, the giant spider jumped down from the tree and pounced on the Prophet who had just fired. The giant spiders from the surrounding trees also jumped down and quickly surrounded the three of them.

“I caught another one!” The macaw that was hunting strange creatures in the death quagmire with link cried out excitedly.

The macaw was pointing at Fu from the side as it watched Fu put a green, semi-transparent sludge monster into the glassware and stuff it into the backpack. Suddenly, the macaw was stunned.

“um, did you guys hear a scream?”

Link picked up the radar and looked at the source of the sound. He muttered,”I didn’t think that the miasma fog could block out sound.”

The radar showed that the two were two miles apart. Under the heaven’s gaze, link could see that the sound contained a lot of energy, but it was cut off by the gray fog. When he reached his ears, he could only hear bits and pieces, as soft as a mosquito.

The next second, the radar showed that Radar No. 3 had sent a distress message.

“zhui feng is in trouble, let’s go!”

As soon as link finished speaking, he cast haste on himself and sped towards point three.

The macaw picked up the skeleton wolf at the side and disappeared from the spot as fast as lightning.

when fu stuffed the sludge monster into his backpack and raised his head, he couldn’t see anyone around.

“Huh?” Fu tilted his head.

“Where did they go?” Fu was puzzled.

The next second, a high frequency of rubbing sounds came from the forest.

Then, one wave after another came, and even the entire forest in the gray fog started to vibrate at the same high frequency.

Ah Fu shuddered and looked around.

He didn’t know where his boss and the macaw had gone. He looked around in confusion. The soft soil on the ground had recovered and there were no traces of footprints.

There was something screaming behind him again, and Ah Fu was panicking.

In the next second, Fu felt a black shadow flash past his eyes, but when he looked again, he could not find any trace of it.

Fu didn’t have any guns on him. He had come out this time as the boss ‘walking backpack.

Furthermore, Fu’s skill strengthening backpack, body spiritualisation, psychic ritual, and spirit Vulture Palace were not attack-type skills.

He couldn’t face the unknown horror of the death quagmire alone.

Ah Fu broke into a run, madly accelerating.

The sound of giant spiders screeching their fangs could be heard in the forest as they pounced down from the trees. Ah Fu bent over and covered her head with her hands, dodging the giant spider’s attack.

However, countless giant spiders were pouncing down from the treetops. Ah Fu’s fear, fear, and panic had all become ” medicine ” that stimulated the secretion of adrenaline. At this moment, there was only one thought in Ah Fu’s mind-run! The faster the better, the further the better!

the giant spider missed repeatedly, and there were even some who had missed too early and were stepped on by fu, with the help from the other side.

If Fu could see what was happening behind him, he would definitely be so scared that he would have goosebumps.

There were at least a thousand giant radioactive spiders in the forest. They were pushing and shoving each other as they chased after the fatty who smelled delicious not far away.

Fu ran tirelessly until the forest disappeared from his sight, and what appeared in its place was a red scorched earth.

The soles of his shoes were pressed against the ground, and he could clearly feel the hardness and heat.

Fu couldn’t help but look back as he ran. He found that those terrifying Spider monsters were all piled at the edge of the forest, not daring to take a step into the red earth. They were grinding their teeth madly at the edge of the forest, making grinding sounds.

Seeing this, Fu stopped, put his hands on his waist, and panted heavily.

He took out a bottle of water from his backpack, unscrewed the cap, and gulped it down.

After drinking the water, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve and raised his fist at the terrifying number of spiders.

Fu stretched out his index finger and looked provocatively at the tens of thousands of radioactive spiders, shouting,””Come over here ~”

“if you have the ability, then come over!”

“I’ll be waiting for you here!”

She stuck out her butt at the radioactive spiders and did the hula dance.

it was as if he wanted to vent out all the negative emotions he had just had.

The radioactive spiders standing on the red soil, after making a ruckus for a while, began to gradually retreat back into the forest in batches.

Fu clapped his hands when he saw the spiders retreat. He felt as if he had ordered a million soldiers to retreat.

They couldn’t go back to the forest now, so they could only continue forward.

fu looked around. there was nothing but red ground under his feet, and most importantly, the gray fog had disappeared.

No, to be precise, it didn’t disappear, but a layer of gray fog floated two or three meters above his head.

It was like the dark clouds in the sky on a rainy day in Shandu.

However, the ‘dark clouds’ in front of them were too low.

The distant scene could finally be seen clearly this time.

the ground was uneven, and there were many pits with a diameter of five to six meters and a depth of about one meter. such uneven ground formed the red land.

in the distance, fu saw a pile of scattered boulders, many of which were even higher than the gray fog. only the lower half of the ” body ” could be vaguely seen, and the two-meter height was completely hidden in the gray fog, forming an extremely strange picture.

just as he stood still and checked the situation around him.

Suddenly, an unusual whistling sound came from above the gray fog.

This feeling was the same as the sound made by the black shadow that had just passed by!


A palm pressed on Ah Fu’s shoulder, and a fierce force was about to lift him up into the gray fog.

Ah Fu turned his head and saw a rotten, green, and disfigured arm pressing on his shoulder.

the skin and flesh were festering, the blood vessels were slimy, the muscles were shriveled and blackened, and the exposed bones were oxidized and yellow. Fu seemed to be able to smell the rotten stench through the gas mask.

Fu’s brain buzzed, and he immediately activated [ body spiritualization ].

The rotten arm grabbed nothing and quickly retreated back into the gray fog.

Fu began to run wildly. In his spiritualism, he saw countless rotten arms reaching out from the gray fog to catch people.

the spiritualized fu crossed the pile of giant rocks, and the red earth disappeared. the scene in front of him turned dark.

He appeared in a building that looked like a bunker.

P. S: “there’s only one week left. Thank you for your monthly votes and support! She was now at 97th place, and there were only a few dozen votes between her and the 100th place. Wanjun had worked hard for a month, and everyone had also voted seriously for a month. They definitely didn’t want to be overtaken at the last minute, so let’s work hard together and make it a success ~