425 Deformed fusion monster

Ten minutes later, they arrived at the tunnel in front of the hub control room. Fu had already opened the door to welcome them.


After seeing Link’s figure, Fu burst into tears.

Who knew what he had experienced in the underground base. Now that the boss was here, he could finally put down all his guards.

The macaw flapped its wings and pressed Ah Fu’s head on its shoulder as it consoled, ” Alright, alright, stop crying. You’re safe now. Hurry up and wipe your tears.

Fu was extremely touched, and tears welled up in his eyes. The macaw’s words made him feel the kindness and warmth of a big family.

However, before he could be touched for two seconds, the macaw said, ” “Come on, have you wiped your tears? can you accept my interview first? how did you run all the way here from the forest?”

Ah Fu’s eyes instantly widened, and she opened her mouth to speak but stopped.

He felt that his big family had stopped warming up.

Link pushed the macaw aside and said, ” “The interview will be done later. Let’s go in and take a look.”

When link was in the tunnel, he activated heaven’s insight and noticed that there was a type of energy flowing in the circuits of the underground base. This energy moved with them as they moved forward.

then, he saw fu’s light at the center of the hub and saw that there was a part of the mysterious energy there.

Fu immediately led link to the hub control room and introduced, ” “Boss, there’s still one survivor in the underground base. He’s connected to the entire underground base’s circuit, and his name is Troy. I was able to come to the control center all because of his guidance.”

link’s eyes brightened at ah fu’s explanation.

He entered the hub control room and saw a lit light and a computer screen with a black fluorescent light.

link and troy went through another round of conversation. compared to fu, he understood troy’s experience more.

Link tried to search through his memories, but he couldn’t find any information about Troy.

since your consciousness has been completely turned into a signal, why don’t you try to use a radio or a signal transmitter to send your consciousness out? ” Link’s question was much sharper than Ah Fu’s and hit the nail on the head.

troy was stunned for a moment. ” it seems that general lin is also a person who understands machinery. i’ve thought of this method before, but because of the nuclear explosion, most of the base’s signal transmitters have been damaged. the only one that can be used is too weak. I tried to send out a signal, but I found that the outside world was seriously interfered with, and the signal couldn’t even go out of the crater. I knew that the outside environment had changed dramatically.”

Such a data stream of consciousness could travel freely through wires, pipes, and networks. It had a strong ability to capture information and spread it to physical equipment. He could move his consciousness through radio waves, which meant that if he had the right tools and medium, the maximum speed he could reach was the speed of light.

If this was used well, it would definitely be a great killing weapon.

However, if he lost control, he would become a difficult enemy.

“When you said that you would be taken away, did you mean that you would send all the data and consciousness into Fu’s Ling Vulture Palace?”

Troy’s tone was excited, and his voice was a little higher.”Yes, because my current Veda is both a data and a soul. It meets the conditions to be stored in the Vulture Palace.”

once your data stream of consciousness enters the Ling Vulture Palace, you will lose control of the underground base, right? ” Link caught the key point.

Troy was silent for a moment.

I can bring you out, but I’m here for the Kaz crystals. I need to gather enough Kaz crystals first and figure out an escape route before I bring you out.

Troy immediately said, ” I’m familiar with the underground base. I can help with the retreat route. The Kates crystals are mainly distributed in the experimental area. There are a few in the logistics area, but both areas are occupied by monsters, so the danger level is higher. You’ll need to arrange your combat strength accordingly.”

“You are a data stream of consciousness. You can’t survive independently without electricity and equipment. Coincidentally, I have built a large data distribution center under the weeping Valley. After I bring you out, your consciousness can be attached to the large data center. In the future, when the research capability of Shatu improves, it can even create a satellite so that your consciousness can quickly reach any place on wasteland.”

“In fact, if you want to have a body, it’s not impossible to do so.”

Troy was excited when he heard this.

He analyzed the strength of the people in front of him. Link and John were the strongest, even stronger than the strongest agents in Dragonhawk Security Division 2. Furthermore, at the heart of the Hub, the king Kong Gorilla had killed tens of thousands of jumping spiders with a single strike. Its strength was also unfathomable.

right now, he could only trust that link was powerful enough to bring him out. the magnificent dream he had described was still open to question.

I will gather all the energy, ” Troy said. I will do my best to support your operation.

Link listened to Troy’s introduction of the areas with Kaz crystals and began to assign tasks.

Fu, you’ll stay in the hub control room. After we get the Kaz crystal and return safely, you’ll be responsible for collecting Troy. I’ll arrange for two more people for you, the Prophet and panamela. We can leave the cleaning up of the retreat route to them.”

John, you’ll take bombarding chicken, King gousheng, and Tang Jiu with you. You’ll be in charge of the collection of Kates crystals in the logistics area.

“King Kong, wind, cold blade, and Bomb Chicken, I’ll go to the experiment area.”

After the division of labor, everyone immediately got to work.

With Troy guiding the way, link and John’s team soon arrived at the target area.

The research area and the logistics area were both sealed by a thick door that was more than ten meters high.

To be able to control these monsters for a long time, these lead doors were indispensable.

the monsters in the experimental area and the logistics area are stable for now, but once I open these two doors, the sound will attract the attention of the creatures inside, and you will be under a lot of pressure. Troy communicated with the people on both sides through the broadcast system.

we’re all ready. Troy, you can open the gate now. Said link and John at the same time from the experimental area and the logistics area.

“good luck.” After Troy finished his last sentence, he opened the sealed gate of the experimental area and the logistics area.

The two teams stood in front of the gate and could feel the deafening roar of the gate as it was lifted, as if the air was trembling.

wind-chasing wolf, leng feng, and bomb chicken were on guard. on the other hand, in the vajra flower-picking zen state, link stood calmly with his hands in his pockets.

The macaw kept shooting back and forth, mumbling, ” “The door to the research area has opened. What will we encounter next? According to Troy, at the first moment of the nuclear explosion, the entire underground base activated self-defense procedures, and the laboratory was completely sealed off. However, the various experiments, the various unstable solutions in the Katz crystal, and the living beings used in the experiments have all undergone unbelievable mutations.”

The lead door rose, and an aura of decay rushed out.

Fortunately, everyone was wearing gas masks, so they only felt a strong wind blowing at them.

“Use your backpacks to store the Kaz crystals.” After giving his orders, link led the way with King Kong.

The experimental area had been sealed for more than 40 years. The existence of monsters and the chemical reactions used to store the experiments had destroyed it beyond recognition. Broken walls were everywhere.

Link and King Kong walked into the experiment area, with the macaw following behind to film.

Troy turned on the lights that could be used in the two zones according to the brightness.

Link looked around as he walked. He couldn’t help but remind, be careful. There should be some large creature here.

The walls had collapsed from the impact, and the steel plates had traces of being hit hard. The bricks and tiles on the ground were dragged, pushing the obstacles to the sides. The corridor formed was two to three meters in diameter.

the few of them were pushing forward. some of the collapsed or dilapidated laboratories were illuminated by the double illumination of lights and flashlights.

Wind-chasing Wolf, Leng Feng, and Bomb Chicken immediately jumped into the laboratory to collect the crystals and put them into their backpacks.




At this moment, a violent tremor suddenly came from the distance.

The ground trembled, and a huge creature slowly walked out from the experimental area.

The players who had finished collecting the crystals poked their heads out of the laboratory and saw a giant monster that looked like a tumor.

other than his legs, he could not understand the rest of his body. it was like a lump of rotten meat that had melded together in a disorderly manner.

It was four to five meters tall and had a pair of elephant legs that moved as steadily as Mount Tai. It could support the tumors all over its body.

The heads, hands, and feet on his body fused together at will and floated on the surface of the tumor. Each head could still think and speak. When a bunch of heads came together, they made all kinds of unbearable noises.

In the ” stomach ” of the tumor, there was a crack about two meters wide. Through the light, dozens of intestines could be seen in the crack, which were casually stuffed into the ” mouth. The monster didn’t have any arms, or rather, it had arms all over its body. Its body was even densely embedded with many eyeballs. From a distance, it looked like a sprouted potato.

The heart, blood vessels, and spleen and stomach hanging on the surface of his body could be clearly seen.

This huge tumor had absorbed all the parts of the human body, and each individual organ had a sensory function. On the edge of each individual organ, traces of organ fusion could be seen.

The three players were dumbfounded when they saw the monster.

It wasn’t that this thing was powerful, but its ‘non-human’ shape was disgusting.

There was extreme psychological pressure when approaching this thing, let alone fighting it.

The macaw’s stomach was rumbling, and its head couldn’t help but turn to one side. It found a ruin, took off its gas mask, and began to vomit.

Link immediately cast detect on it and saw the monster’s information.

Mutated fusion monster

[ race: terrifying creation ]

[ level: level 35+(elite) ]

[ HP: 7500/7500 ]

[ energy: 0/0 ]

[ skills: shock of distortion, vomit of putrefaction, roar of fear, intestinal clearing, other unknown ]

[ specialty: flesh fusion ]

[ description: a terrifying creation formed in a coincidental environment, with great potential ]


The three players were all around level 18 or 19. Facing such a terrifying creature with high HP, it would be useless for players with less than 1000 hp to rush up to it.

the three of you will be tasked with collecting and protecting the Kaz crystal. Leave the battle to King Kong and me.

Link whistled, and a whistle arrow flew out from his sleeve.

King Kong looked at this terrifying creature and frowned. “It’s a grave sin to gather so many vengeful spirits and dead people together by force. If we can kill this evildoer, we will be able to accumulate a lot of merit!” As soon as he finished speaking, a golden light shone behind him, and the sound of Sanskrit came.

Fu, who was in the control room of the hub, was staring at the screen nervously.

The appearance of this terrifying deformed fusion monster had made him retch for quite a while.

seeing this monster, fu finally understood why all the corpses in the underground base had disappeared. most likely, many of them had been absorbed by this monster. However, Fu was immediately puzzled.

That’s not right. The experimental area and the logistics area had never been opened, so the corpse tissue absorbed by the mutant fusion monster should belong to the staff in the experimental area. However, the tunnels were independent of the underground base area, so where did the corpses in these places go?

“Are you hiding something from me? Other than you, are there any other survivors in the underground base?” Fu asked.

Troy was silent for a moment and understood why Fu asked this question.

“Yes, that was when the incident just happened. The people who fled in a panic knocked over the equipment used to transport the experimental content of a researcher at the transfer station, causing the researcher to mutate and kill everyone in the corridor. But after that, it escaped from the underground military base. i’m not sure how long it can survive under the high radiation outside. And in these 42 years, it never returned. And since you were able to enter the underground base without a hitch, that means you didn’t encounter it. ” Troy gave his explanation.

Fu glanced at the computer screen. On the screen, link and King Kong were fighting a mixed battle against the deformed fusion monster.

King Kong was responsible for acting as the tank and attracting the fire, while link stood at the back as the commander. He controlled the Sentry arrows to shoot wildly, used the magic box pistol and elemental ring to attack from a distance, used the illusion vine to slow it down, and the invisible killer bees and black Widow were responsible for the surprise attack. For a moment, all kinds of elements flew around, and energy surged.

However, link soon discovered that after the death of the illusionary vine, invisible killer Bee, and black Widow, they had been fused with the flesh of the deformed fusion monster and became a part of it. Even their abilities had been perfectly inherited. what was even more terrifying was that after absorbing these corpses, its current hp and maximum hp had both increased.

Especially after absorbing the body parts of the illusionary vine, the long vines, in turn, posed various threats to King Kong.

Seeing this, link immediately recalled his three treasures of protection. He only relied on the magic box, pistol, and elemental ring to attack.

Finally, after five minutes of a long tug-of-war, they successfully killed the mutated fusion monster.

after its death, the huge mutated fusion monster fell to the ground with a loud bang. its body disintegrated, and all its tissues and organs were scattered into a ball. in an instant, it disintegrated, and its pus flowed all over the ground.