437 The man favored by luck

Link stood on the balcony and watched as Fu and the macaw entered the Gobi oasis through a special passage.

If Fu had entered the Gobi oasis, he would have discovered and resolved the secret of the ” strange movements of the wild beasts “.

Before he left, he had repeatedly instructed the macaw not to interfere with Fu’s decision in any way. It was not to interfere with any strange behavior, and it was simply to act as a video recording of a third party.

Link watched as they entered the desert oasis. He then left the balcony and headed straight to the basement.

The 100 cobalt beetles were divided into two by link.

Some of them were looking for cobalt ores at the front lines, while the others were living in underground nests.

After a day, the cobalt beetles in their underground nests must have made some progress.

when link entered the basement and saw the scene in front of him, he sighed helplessly.

Many of the cobalt beetles turned over and lay lazily on the soft soil to rest.

There were also some cobalt beetles laying eggs at the side. Many small cobalt beetles had already been born, and they were eating on the iron pieces.

At a glance, link saw that there were around 200 cobalt beetles.

According to Link’s understanding of these metal insects, the newborn cobalt beetles would reach 80% of their age in two to three days and could start working.

Link clapped his hands, and the crisp sound was extremely loud.

the cobalt beetles resting on their backs trembled and immediately woke up.

“Even the donkeys in the production team don’t dare to rest like this ~”

“Hurry up and get to work. This is the time when we need you the most! When the base amount is enough, you can go to the front line to pile the cobalt balls.”

The cobalt beetle shook its body with difficulty and turned its head. Its tentacles trembled as it moved to the side of the cobalt beetle next to it. It lay on its body and began to work hard to create.

With the rate at which the cobalt beetles were breeding, link would soon be able to obtain an Army of them. When that time came, it would be time for him to excavate the Red Dragon’s cobalt ore on a large scale.

Late at night, there was still an endless stream of players lining up to experience the Gobi oasis.

Looking from wind howl Castle, there was a glittering Golden Dragon lying in the desert.

Because he had predicted too much flow pressure, penny used a random number selection mechanism at the beginning of his design.

When you get your own number, you can choose how long you want to stay in the desert oasis. You can only enter the desert oasis if you are selected in the subsequent random draw.

The main purpose of this was to control the number of people entering the Gobi oasis to maintain the balance of the entire small-scale ecosystem.

However, this setting didn’t stop the enthusiastic players. After they got the number, they began to look forward to whether they would be the proud Son of Heaven favored by fate.

On the forum, some players who had entered the Gobi oasis first had already uploaded the video.

There were a lot of wild animals in the Gobi oasis. However, they were sparse in hundreds of square kilometers of land.

many animals had also tried to ” escape ” after entering the new environment. however, after suffering from the high-voltage grid, they had learned that it was an insurmountable difficulty and began to gradually adapt to the new environment.

Through the videos uploaded on the forum, many players who had not had the chance to enter the Gobi oasis took a look at the situation inside.

Near the periphery of the high-voltage power grid, the terrain was mostly desert and the edge of the Gobi, where they encountered sand scorpions, lizards, and sand spiders. Because they had a limited amount of ammunition, the players who entered did not use their hot weapons at the beginning. Instead, they used their class and numbers advantage to kill as a group.

The bodies of sand scorpions, lizards, and the poison sacs of sand spiders could all be sold for a good price on the market. In particular, these creatures were not small, and their prices were only high.

As they went deeper, the Gobi Desert under their feet turned into grasslands, oases, and flowing water, but the creatures they encountered were also more powerful.

There were groups of hyenas, wolves, wild pythons, angry hippos, and tigers.

Because this team was only testing their skills, they chose a three-hour content.

The entire video was three and a half hours long. The last half an hour was the summary of the team members after they came out. There was also a little Easter egg at the end of the five-minute video.

The five-man party had an average level of 18, and they were all equipped with green grade military weapons of various types. In the end, they completed the three-hour trip to the Gobi oasis at the cost of one person.

In three hours, the five of them had gained a total of 58000 experience points. On average, each of them had gained more than 10000 experience points. It could be said that they had gained a lot.

it must be known that 19800 experience points were required to level up from level 18 to level 19. on the other hand, the three-hour trip to the gobi oasis alone would give ” half a bar ” of experience, which was simply too tempting for players.

as the first army reached level 20, the players knew that they could choose a sub-class at level 20. the advantage of a class combination would be stronger than a single class, and the players would have more motivation to level up.

The last little Easter egg was interesting.

When they returned to the city with their spoils of war, a few merchants in the sand capital had already heard the news and were waiting there. There were also merchants in the city itself who were purchasing the remains of the wild animals.

After some haggling, these spoils of war were finally sold for 7000 wasteland coins.

The ticket cost 15000 wasteland coins for the five people for three hours. Not only did they get nearly 60000 experience, but they also sold the loot for 7000 wasteland coins, which meant that the cost was only 8000 wasteland coins.

This was a huge profit!

this video exploded in the forum. the players who had not been online or had not gotten the tickets were all envious and vomited in the comments section.

In the end, the thousands of words were condensed into one sentence: ” Link’s products are definitely of the highest quality.

Every time Lin Ke made a big move, the players would benefit the most.

From the start of the open beta, he had been using his actions and strength to guide the players. Now that he had become the most powerful man in Sand City, he still did not forget to ” guide ” the players. If this was not a heroic trait, what was?

In the past, the players were still confused about who was the main character on wasteland planet between link and John. Now, it seemed that the person must be link.

John was more like a powerful teacher and a friend, guiding and helping link on his path of growth.

Now that link had ascended to the top and John had retired, everything was based on the players ‘guesses and explanations.

Late at night, just as link was about to go to bed, a phone call broke the silence of the night.

As soon as the call connected, Penny the Penguin reported in a low voice, ” boss, we’ve dug out the information from Dragon City and Faye. They’re going to transport the wild wolf out of the city by freight train in half an hour.

Just as the Penguin finished speaking, a few system notifications popped up.

[ you have completed the main city Mission [ Shandu: underground Alliance intelligence organization ] ]

[ you have received 150000 experience points. You have activated the excellent event [ forsaking the dark for the light ]. ]

boss, the excavation of the intelligence organization is going smoothly, but there was a small accident in the process. We need you to make a decision now. Penny said.

“Oh, you can’t even make a decision?”

“During the investigation and tracking process, we found that an intelligence personnel from Dragon City had secretly handed a letter to our staff during the purchase process. The content was about surrendering to shadu. At first, when we received the news and letter, we couldn’t be sure if it was a true surrender or a scheme set up by the enemy, so commander Dai and I didn’t tell you immediately. Instead, we investigated the identity and background of this intelligence personnel.”

The corners of Lin Ke’s lips curled up. He had just received experience points from completing the mission and activated the [ forsaking darkness for light ] event. The plot had already started.

since you’re telling me now, you must have confirmed the identity of this intelligence agent and his intentions are true. But you don’t know what to do, right? ”

“Boss is wise. Indeed, nothing can escape your grasp.”

“There’s no need for old Jin’s method. Since it’s proven to be true, we’ll still have to take in this intelligence agent. But if he wanted to join Shandu, he had to show some sincerity. In addition, after the successful recruitment, his main task is still to plant a needle in Dragon city’s Intelligence Agency. If there is any important news, he can report it. ”

The Penguin, penny, waited for link to finish before asking, ” “Boss, now that we’ve completed the mission and have complete control over Dragon City and Faye’s intelligence organization in Shatu, can we start the business group business as usual? For the past few days, Dragon City and fa ye’s Commerce departments have been calling us several times a day, asking us when we will start the sales. From his tone, it seems like he’s afraid that the other party will take this business away.”

Link wanted to laugh at the thought of Dragon City and French night’s commerce officials scratching their ears and cheeks every day, calling each other to test the waters as if they were walking on thin ice.

Anyone could tell that Sha du was declining, but neither side thought that the intelligence Agency was exposed. They both thought that the other party wanted to monopolize the deal. Whether it was the price or the attitude, they were all very good.

“En, the rest is business-level matters. You can handle it.”

Although link still had the title of the Minister of Economic Affairs of Shandu, most of the business-related work had fallen to Penny the Penguin. However, penny was happy with this. Only with more power in his hands would his dream of building a money empire come closer and closer.

Now that he had an Empire, he was only lacking money.

After hanging up, link returned to his bedroom in a good mood.

It was good to have more subordinates.

If it was an elite event like this in his previous life, he would definitely have to do it himself and run around for a long time before he could get the reward.

But now, as long as he moved his lips, someone would help him solve it. When it was done, the spoils would naturally be presented to him.

link slowly fell asleep in the warmth of the fireplace in his bedroom.

The next day.

“Has your blood already frozen?”

“It’s a new day. Don’t let the cold restrict your steps. Get up and fight!”

As the blood-boiling sunflower chanted, link opened his eyes in a daze.

When link woke up, he saw hot milk and sandwiches on the dining table.

The only one who could enter the bedroom without a sound was the macaw. If it was delivered on time earlier, it meant that Ah Fu and the macaw had already returned.

After breakfast, link did not call for the macaw. Instead, he went straight to his office.

When he opened the office door, he saw an egg on a white porcelain plate with blue patterns on it.

Link closed the office door and walked to his seat. He picked up an egg and cracked it at the edge of the plate.

Soon, a few cracks appeared on the egg. Link peeled the egg open along the cracks and found a black USB port inside.

He plugged it into the computer and started reading the document recorded by the camera chicken.

The scene started with Ah Fu’s back view. The macaw kept its promise. It didn’t even say a word, let alone interrupt Ah Fu’s words. The whole process was silent.

Link activated double speed.

From the moment Fu entered the Gobi, strange things happened.

Along the way, Fu didn’t encounter any wild animals. Even if he did, he would only see them in the distance. This made the macaw’s ‘fat translator’ talent useless. Originally, it was already difficult for the talkative macaw to not speak and interfere. Now, even the fat translator couldn’t do it. Old Jin had completely turned into a Moving ” camera.

Ah Fu often turned around and asked the macaw, but the macaw only gave two answers-nodding or shaking its head.

However, the boring journey soon welcomed a turn for the better.

When Fu was moving, the sound of players firing came from afar.

The Buffalo drinking water by the river reacted when they heard the gunshot. They began to run across the river like crazy, and the direction they were running in was exactly where Fu was.

ah fu immediately started running after hearing the sound, while the macaw followed behind and filmed the whole process.

Link held his head with one hand and was engrossed in the story on the computer. The whole story was like a TV drama.

After panicking to avoid the rampaging wild cows, Fu had unknowingly arrived at the center of an oasis in the Gobi Desert.

There were all kinds of small animals living here, such as monkeys, and some small and medium-sized hunters, such as Lynx and pythons.

The small animals in the center of the Oasis had very different characteristics from the large animals outside. If one looked closely, their pupils would have a hint of green, as if they were full of high intelligence. Their eyes were unusually calm, and their actions were also quite calm. There was no sign of wild animals ‘rage.

This strange phenomenon was also recorded by the macaw. It even used a lot of pen and ink to record the animals ‘facial expressions. This detailed recording allowed Lin Ke to come to the same conclusion through the video.

As Fu went deeper, a green light in the Oasis forest attracted his attention.

Fu quickly found the source of the green Light in the Forest. It was a green crystal that was emitting the breath of life. It was hanging on the treetop, emitting a quiet and gentle light.

It was also because of this light that all the animals in the Oasis, even when they saw Fu, maintained great restraint and restrained their wild nature.

Fu naturally believed that the crystal was the main focus of this trip, so he plucked the green crystal from the tree without a second thought.

In the next second, the creatures in the Oasis forest suddenly regained their wild nature and began to chase after Fu and the macaw.

The video that followed showed the process of Ah Fu’s invisibility and the macaw’s escape, as well as the scene of Ah Fu placing the green crystal in the secret room after returning. Then, Ah Fu and the macaw yawned and went to rest.

The video ended.

after watching the video, link immediately got up and went to the secret chamber.

If he didn’t guess wrong, the green crystal that Fu brought back this time was an epic material!