463 Monster security company officially opens!

In order to make full use of chapter D, from today onwards, no meaningless content will be posted. The content will be changed to protagonist data, pet information, equipment, and missions. This will allow everyone to review some of the settings while waiting for the official chapter.

Name: link

[ Race: Human ]

[ level: level 55 +(leader) ]

[ Experience: 3.8 million ]

Occupation: Sage

[ status: President of Lin’s Financial Group, spokesperson of mandala, Honorary Director (Sand City), guest elder of Moon Shadow Council, Supreme Commander of Sand City, desert Emperor ]

[ HP: 12010/12010 ]

[ energy: 2220/2220 ]

[attributes: strength 210, agility 226, endurance 73, intelligence 82, energy 145, charm 22, luck 30]

[potential points: 87]

[influence: 11]

[talent: swarm commander]

[comment: new king of Shandu, a formidable force]


[poison poisoning lvl 10: poison the target. The effect depends on the poison. Chance of being seen through is 5%. Cost: 15 energy/time)

[Coin Divination: divination of the good or bad of a certain event.(Limited to one use per day. No consumption.] [note: coin is required as a medium]

[ Eye of the Beast level 10: establish a connection with wild beasts. Under the premise that the wild beasts are friendly, observe the world from the perspective of wild beasts. Maximum communication range: 2500 meters (consumption: 10 stamina/minute, unable to establish a connection with wild beasts above your level)

Misfortune bullets Level 1:6 misfortune bullets are automatically generated every day. After hitting the target, 1 – 5 points of luck will be deducted randomly. Lasts for 1 hour (the deduction effect can not be stacked, no consumption)

[ hidden weapon level 10: throw hidden weapons. Damage is determined by the type of hidden weapon. Hidden weapon technique will add 100 points of damage. Consumption: 5 stamina/time)

[ charging punch LV10: explosive power, sudden increase in speed, movement speed +100%, 300 damage to target (consumption: 30 energy/time)

[ haste lvl 10: lurker, activate haste secret skill, increasing speed by 100% for 15 seconds (cost: 20 stamina/time)

[ crane form style LV10: the crane form is extremely agile. When the enemy is in a stunned, slowed, stunned state, it can launch 15 storm-like attacks within 2 seconds. Each attack will deal 40 points of damage to the enemy. Cost: 50 energy/time)

Apocalypse LV1 (A): This was a unique skill created by link after he learned the military killing fist. It deals 600 points of damage to all enemies within a 20-foot-diameter and applies the ‘deterrence’ effect to them for five minutes. every time you kill an enemy in the ‘deterrence’ state, you can absorb the enemy’s breath of the dead (blood rage). attack, movement speed, and resistance increase by 5%. 200 health points)

? man in the mirror (S): within 10 seconds of the target’s skill casting, copy the target’s skill (only exclusive skills can not be copied). the strength of the copy skill is linked to the user’s energy attribute (every energy point =0.5% damage increase). every time it is used, there is an additional ‘energy load’ state, and the next skill damage will increase by 25%. lasts for 1 minute (cost: 10% energy)

Geomancy level 10

Shaman witchcraft level 10

Tarot secret technique level 10

[ mechanical assembly ] level 10

Surge of mechanical force level 10

Gun modification level 10

[ repentance ] level 10

[ punishment ] level 10

Placate wild beasts level 10

[ natural rage ] level 10

Tracking humanoid creature level 10

[ heavenly son Qiang’s aura observation technique (A): heavenly son’s aura observation, killing people while laughing. ] Has inner vision, predicting the weather, checking luck and fortune from a thousand miles away, seeing through the opponent’s Qi movement, seeing the changes of heaven, earth, and man. Upon activation, 30 points of energy will be consumed every minute.


[ equipment: throat cutter (blue), throwing knife (white), magic box pistol (blue), nano combat uniform (purple), flickering dagger (purple), impact power boots (blue), multi-purpose combat suit (purple), elemental ring (purple), spirit crown (blue), support-style energy blade (blue) ]



Elementary driving level 1-driving reaction +10%, control +10%

[ basic shooting lvl 10-accuracy +50%, reloading speed +100%, firing speed +50% ]

Basic combat lvl 10-melee attack power +10%, attack speed +10%, melee hit rate +10%

Poison concoction Level 1-poison effect +5%, duration +5%, target resistance-5%

Beginner divination-you are already a mature clairvoyant and can feel invisible luck. Luck +1 permanently.

advanced biological knowledge-you have mastered the basic information of 98% of the living creatures on wasteland planet. you can also communicate with regular beasts.

Strengthened vitality-health points +100

[ true essence of the moon-you have grasped the key to opening up nature. You have become a Druid and can enjoy the gifts of nature. ]

Agility-agility +10, movement speed +10%

Protective Dipper energy level 10-close combat hit rate +10%, attack speed +10%, resistance +10%, endurance +10, strength +10

Red-crowned crane health-maintenance skill level 10-close combat accuracy +20%, attack speed +20%, critical damage +10%, endurance +20, agility +20, intelligence +10

Lasting aura-health points +300

Elite-HP +800, energy +200

Leader-health points +1500, energy points +500, strength +50, agility +50, energy +50 (increases according to the profession)

[ excellent potential-from level 30 onwards, health points will increase by 100 points and energy points by 20 points for every level you advance. ]

Will of Sand City-health points +2000, energy points +500, charm points +10

Erudite (1)-you can ignore the requirements to learn any skill book that is not higher than your own level (restriction requirement: Level 60)


[ wasteland gang: nemesis (-3000)-[ defected slave ]

[ machinery faith: mortal enemy (-3000)-[ mortal enemy of the church ]

[ platinum hotel: arch-enemy (-3000)-[ highest priority wanted person ]

[ shadu library: worship (20000/24000)-[ honorary library head ]

[ Moon Shadow Council (Druid): respect (8000/12000)-[ guest elder ]

[ nature’s alliance (druid): cold (-1000)-[ divergent ]

[ Shandu military: respect (4000/6000)-[ battalion commander of Special Operations Battalion, member of the Shandu Military Commission ]


Monster attributes

[ name: sand rat (infant) ]

[ grade: white ]

[ race: rodent ]

[ attribute: sand element affinity ]

[ level: 1 ]

[ initial skill 1: sandification lvl 1 (unique ability of sand rats. Sandification of the body. Duration: 1 minute.) ]

[ initial skill 2: desert affinity (increases movement speed by 30% when in the desert.) ]

[ evaluation: a King Rat of the desert. Perfectly blended into the desert, appearing and disappearing unpredictably. Excels at speed and concealment. ] It is important to note that due to the incompatibility between biological and synthetic materials, unknown problems may arise.


Monster attributes

[ name: sand sculpture (adult) ]

[ grade: White ]

[ race: Eagle ]

[ attribute: sand element affinity ]

[ level: 2 ]

[ initial skill: sand tornado lvl 1 (the sand Eagle’s unique affinity with sand elements allows its wings to have extraordinary abilities. ] The sand Eagle shakes its wings to sense the sand element, creating a sand whirlwind with a diameter of 5 meters, blurring the enemy’s vision and slowing down their movement. Lasts for 15 seconds, limited to 2 uses per day.)

[ initial skill 2: Eagle Eye level 1 (the sand Eagle has super dynamic vision. It can capture the trajectory of all moving creatures within a 5000-meter radius. It’s just a blur.) ]

[ evaluation: as everyone knows, vultures are eagles! ]


Monster attributes

[ name: vanilla mud Horse ]

[ grade: white ]

[ race: camel ]

[ attribute: none ]

[ level: 2 ]

[ initial skill 1: fragrant breath (the breath and saliva of the vanilla mud Horse have its own fragrance, and the fragrance of the person who is struck by it can last for a whole day) ]

[ description: a fragrant alpaca that can make a person happy for an entire day. ] A friendly reminder, when you introduce its name to others, remember not to speak too loudly, in case you get beaten.