479 the most influential man on wasteland planet


Link immediately got up from his bed and spoke quickly,”You’ve searched the entire S-Energy Center? He didn’t miss out any other places in the Energy Zone, right? Did everyone verify it? have you checked the corpses one by one?”

Li Zijun was silent for a moment. everything has been verified. There’s indeed no one. All the survivors and corpses have been gathered in Shandu. General, you can come and take a look.”

“Wait for me!”

Link immediately put on his clothes and rushed to the city.

after a night, link sat on the sofa limply, his right hand pressing on his temple.

In just one night, he had seen all the survivors and all the dead. The faces of more than 50000 people were in his mind, making him feel like he was looking at a stranger.

Just as Li Zijun had said, he did not see ally among so many people.

Li Zijun asked tactfully, ” “General, could you have been mistaken?”

Link was in no hurry to retort. He carefully recalled the scene. He clearly saw ally’s face in the jar. In version 1.0 on wasteland planet, there were not many NPCs that could leave a deep impression on people. Among them, the most influential and well-known one was none other than ally, so there was no way he would mistake her.

“No, I definitely didn’t recognize the wrong person.”

Li Zijun took a deep breath. if that’s the case, I’ll order my men to carry out a thorough search of the city. I’ll see if there are any missing or unrecognizable corpses.

Link nodded. That was the only way.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

Link returned to wind howl Castle and woke up after a short rest.

The matter of ally’s disappearance had been lingering in his mind, making him unable to sleep or eat in peace.

Link paced around the corridor for a while before finally knocking on John’s and silver hand’s room.

John opened the door and was a little stunned to see link.”Why are you here so early? are you worried, so you came to take a look?”

Link’s expression was grim. When he entered the room and saw the still unconscious silver hand, he was taken aback.”the effect of the anesthetic should have worn off, right? why is he still unconscious?”

John shrugged helplessly. he woke up two or three times in the middle of the night. To prevent him from waking up at night to cause trouble, I simply knocked him out.

“Aren’t you afraid that you’ll damage your brain?” link asked, flabbergasted.

John poured two cups of coffee and handed them to link.”If it’s so easy to break, how can I do great things in the future? Besides, I didn’t knock him out as soon as he woke up. I even gave him two to three seconds to regain his senses. After these few times, he has a better understanding of the current situation.”

Link took a sip of his coffee and felt much better. He couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.”You’re the ruthless one. You won’t even let ‘yourself’ off.”

Link returned to the main topic and said sternly,”Do you remember when I said I met ally in the floating mech city? Yesterday, Li Zijun had dug out all the survivors and corpses in the city, but she had not found ally. I went to Shenmu City overnight to compare them one by one, but I found nothing.”

John’s brows furrowed. He didn’t doubt Link’s eyes at all. After all, that was ally. No one on the wasteland planet would be able to make a mistake.

however, it was really strange for her to disappear so bizarrely.

could it be that the subsequent mechanical pioneers also recognized ally and transferred her to another department for research? ” John proposed his idea.

“That’s a possibility. Today, Li Zijun will lead the team to carry out a carpet search again. Perhaps there will be new gains.”

Link paused for a moment before asking, ” “What if we still can’t find it after searching? I have a strong feeling that the matter behind this might not be that simple.”

John’s face also showed a serious expression. “You’re saying that this matter might be related to ally’s family background?”

it’s just a guess, but this time, my premonition is very strong.

In his previous life, ally’s past was a mystery. Some players who had nothing better to do tried to dig up her background story, but just like the NPCs on wasteland, they would lose their target every time they chased her. Even after the players entered version 2.0 and 3.0, they realized that it was still the same when they returned.

Over time, people could only treat ally as a pure NPC who gave buffs to the players, without any background or plot.

Link had thought so too. That was why he had been so shocked when he saw ally in the container in the city of mech. Obviously, there was a deeper story behind this NPC who was treated as a pure buff distribution machine by everyone.

by the way, you’ve been busy the whole night. You probably haven’t read today’s newspaper, right? here you go. before link left, John handed him a fresh copy of the newspaper.

Link walked out of the room and read the contents of the wasteland Morning Post.

In one night, the news of the machinery faith being flattened in the sand City spread throughout the entire freedom Federation. Even many forces received the news.

The newspaper wrote that Xu tianzhao, the leader of Dragon City, and Augustine, the head of Magic Night, highly praised link. The sand capital destroyed the machinery faith, upheld justice, defended the integrity of the territory, and made an outstanding contribution to the stability of the southwest of the freedom Federation. The head of Faya, Augustin, even said that this victory marked the beginning of the freedom Federation’s battle against the evil forces.

This was the first page, and the second page was an editorial from the wasteland Morning Post. Other than the high praise, there was also a shocking picture of the city in ruins.

The machinery faith was one of the most influential sects on wasteland. Once their theory of ” undying Machinery ” was revealed, they received a lot of support, and their believers spread all over the planet. At the same time, due to its obsession with mechanical technology, it had the highest mechanical technology on the entire wasteland.

20 years ago, the freedom Federation had to mobilize the entire Federation to force the menacing machinery faith to retreat and maintain 20 years of peace with great difficulty. Now, link had only been in power for less than half a year, but he had already pushed the machinery faith aside and displayed unparalleled dominance. He had given the freedom Federation a sense of clarity as they struggled to resist the threat.

at the same time, this victory also established the power of the monster security company’s pets. their effect on the battlefield even exceeded that of regular troops. Whether it was the binding control of the illusionary vines, the instant-kill ability of the invisible killer bees to the classic Wolf cavalry charge to tear the formation apart, they all played an unparalleled effect. They were even more effective than a well-equipped and high-quality sharp knife assault team.

This made Dragon City and fa ye overjoyed once again, confirming the correct choice to invest a huge sum of money to attract the wasteland wolves.

At the same time, the news of monster security company leaving Sand City to open ” branches ” in Dragon City and Faye was ” accidentally ” leaked by penny. It was said that there were more pet styles to choose from. For a time, many influential and famous people in need were eager to buy the monster security company when it was completed.

Penny’s advertising methods, coupled with the overwhelming effect of the official newspapers and tabloids, made Link’s influence on wasteland rise to another level in just one day.

Link’s rise from a slave to the highest-ranking commander in the sand capital in half a year was legendary. Thus, under his leadership, the machinery faith was eliminated in half a year. This was proof of his ability.

Link’s rise had already begun to change the original structure of the planet, and this change was only deepening.

[ congratulations, you have received 1 point of wasteland star’s influence. Current influence is 12 points. ]

Among the leaders and famous people of the various forces on the wasteland planet, 12 points of influence had already surpassed Dragon city’s Castellan Xu tianzhao and the head of Faya, Augustine. He had become the most influential man on the wasteland planet. At this moment, any casual word from link would become the focus of everyone’s discussion. A word of praise would be regarded as glory by the listener, and his views on things would be regarded as a guide.

And now, there was only one person on the entire wasteland who was more influential than link, and that was the wasteland singer, ally.

If I get rid of the machinery faith, my influence will reach 12 points. If I get rid of the other organizations, my influence will quickly reach 15 points. By then, I will have the same level of influence as ally, and the entire wasteland will move according to my will.

Late at night, Link’s phone rang.

The moment he saw the name of the caller, [ Li Zijun ], Lin Ke was already prepared.

“General, I’ve organized the Special Forces, the fox-hunting Special Forces, and professional search and rescue personnel to conduct a thorough search of the city, but we still can’t find ally. I’ve asked Dr. Ludovic and Helen, and now I hope to find some clues from the experimental area Database.”

Link seemed to have expected this outcome, so he wasn’t too disappointed.

alright, you’ve worked hard these past few days. Have a good rest.

After link hung up, the system suddenly gave him a mission notification.

[ you have triggered the B-level Mission [ the singer’s mystery ], accept/reject ]

[ mission hint: you have discovered that Aria] the wasteland singer] has mysteriously disappeared from the machinery Palace. You have] premonition that there is a secret hidden within, which may be related to her background ]

[ mission reward: unknown ]

it’s actually a B-Rank mission with an unknown reward. Interesting.

Link accepted the mission. From what he knew, no one in his previous life had received this mission. Everyone had treated ally as the planet’s Messenger of welfare, a buff giver. Even until the later versions, ally had been singing loudly on wasteland planet, providing buffs and convenience to countless new players.

This time, link had received a riddle-solving mission. He hoped to uncover ally’s Phantom and veil.

After two days of discussion on the forum, the players had walked out of the ” shadow ” of losing experience. they protested to the game company, but the game company only said, ” all actions in the game are controlled by the smart-brain, and there will be no mistakes in the distribution of mission rewards. ” In the end, the game company released the system’s contribution points document, and the players finally realized what was going on.

It turned out that this mission was still considered an NPC, and Lin Ke had pocketed 14000000 experience points all by himself. This was impressive.

The remaining scattered NPCs ate 10%, and in the end, all players received 10%.

When the contribution points document was released, all the players fell silent.

it’s ridiculous. Why would an NPC need experience? could it be that he’s really going to level up according to the experience requirement? ”

link has taken 14000000 experience points this time. He should be level 60 now. Who can see what level he is now? ”

stop guessing. He didn’t care when he was still a normal and elite monster. Now that he’s a leader, he’s a bunch of question marks. Who knows how powerful he is? ”

I don’t think I need to say who I should curry favor with in the future. Jppg.

The players went from indignation to relief and then to ridicule.

However, this also served as a reminder to the players. Who would have thought that they would have to pay attention to the word traps in the quest?

this was purely an “induced consumption,” and link was going crazy.

The mission this time had also taught the players a lesson. Don’t just look at the mission reward with shining eyes, there might be a trap in it ~

The players quickly pulled away from the mission and returned to the dungeon after the big event.

Some players with keen senses had already set their sights on the wasteland gang at the far end of the desert.

The machinery faith had been destroyed, and only the wasteland gang was left in the southern desert. The focus would definitely be on the wasteland gang. If he could obtain some information or news in advance, he might be able to become the second bombarding chicken, flying up to the branch and becoming a Phoenix, becoming brother dashi in one leap.

Shandu also welcomed a short period of peace and development. Various industries developed steadily and rapidly.

The first was the satellite controlled by Troy. This unique satellite had brought great convenience to the capital of sand. Although it was only usable one-third of the day, with Troy’s coordination, whether it was military detection or commercial detection, they had achieved good results.

secondly, in terms of commercial trade, they had recovered a large piece of desert occupied by the machinery faith, and some of the resources in the desert had been developed, such as the red dragon dagger. some of the resource projects that the machinery faith was developing were directly taken over under penny’s arrangement.

Finally, there was the population. They took in more than 40000 residents. After the verification and registration, link let them live according to their wishes.

Many residents of the sand capital chose to return to the sand capital to find their relatives.

Anna simply organized several episodes of the ” Home ” program, which was a great success. The tortuous visits and touching plot set off a wave of ratings on the TV station and earned tears from the residents of Shandu. There were even many female players who would watch it on TV every Tuesday and Friday night.

There were also some residents who had no relatives or friends who decided to settle down in the divine Wood City. there were many inhumans here, and he could find many job opportunities every day.

Some of the more courageous survivors even joined the official construction team of Shandu to build a transfer station in the quagmire of death or to return to the ruins of the machinery Palace in the South to help with the reconstruction work.

link was also very happy during this time. everyone was busy, so he decided to train the silver hand with john in the castle.

Although silver hand only had one arm, he was still a legend. Sometimes, he would suddenly go crazy, and it was impossible to take him down without using some hard moves.

Also, after a few days, this guy’s one-armed advantage seemed to have turned from a disadvantage to an advantage. He had learned how to exert force with one arm. His fierce yuppie made link think that he had been possessed by Yang Guo.

P.S: there was an error in the calculation of the experience points in the previous chapter. Wanjun forgot to calculate the 100% increase in the blessing of the knowledge altar. It has been modified. Link’s total experience is 49.58 million. Thank you, [ Justin Blake ], for pointing it out. Thank you.