499 An unprecedented change in the wasteland

the duke of destruction was shocked. he stared at marle as if he wanted to eat her up.”you framed me?”

Other than his mech, the only other team that still had cluster bombs was the laboratory he was staying in.

now, a series of explosions had occurred outside, characteristic of his unique cluster bombs. what would others think?

also, it wasn’t a coincidence that marley showed up when he was investigating the truth in the prison.

Looking at the Duke of destruction, who was talking nonsense, Marle quickly retreated and waved her elite bodyguards to face the enemy.

“I think you need to explain it to sang kun.” After that, Marley retreated to the end.

Bodyguards who were proficient in firearms and special abilities were dispatched, and their powerful firepower and attack power instantly set off a storm of war in the prison.

The Duke of destruction activated his Esper ability, forming a thick wall of armor in front of him. At the same time, the mechanical spiders triggered an explosion. For a moment, the prison was filled with smoke and the flames of war. The Duke of destruction used his magnetic field to absorb the bullets, but the elite bodyguard’s guns and armor were not affected at all.

This further proved that Marle had come prepared.

Marley was still shocked as she watched her own psionic squad fight the Duke.

Half an hour ago, she had received news that the Duke had returned to Essia alone. Instead of reporting the situation to her, he went straight to the prison and said that sang kun had ordered an interrogation of Doduo. When she sensed that something was wrong, she immediately brought her men to the prison. Before she left, she had even specially ordered them to change into special equipment. She did not expect that it would really work.

The explosions outside continued, each wave higher than the last.

The impact of the explosion shook the earth and the mountains. It could even be felt in the prison.

The Duke of destruction looked at the detector. The fifth green light was flashing. The first four green lights had all lit up.

They just needed to wait another five minutes and the truth would be revealed.

Seeing this, the Duke of destruction threw out a triangular piece of ” iron ” that was as thick as a finger from behind his armor. At the same time, he threw two pieces at the corner of the interrogation room behind him.


A surge of electric current forced back all the ability users who rushed forward.

The three iron pieces released a strong high voltage, forming an electric barrier to block the enemy.

Inside the interrogation room, the Taoist priest was completely dumbfounded.

First, it was the Duke’s interrogation, and blood was drawn. Then, Masha arrived, followed by an explosion, and then the fight.

The Dao tuo couldn’t keep up with this sudden plot.

“Duke, you betrayed the wasteland gang a long time ago, right? None of the carefully selected members of the Suicide Squad returned. You said you escaped, but there were no signs of a battle on you. Mary’s eyes were sharp. The moment she saw the Duke, her vigilance was raised to the highest.

All the members of the team, except for the Duke, were killed. They contacted douto as soon as they came back. There were no signs of battle on them, and there were also the series of explosions from Essia.

it was hard not to think that the duke had betrayed the wasteland gang and turned to shandu.

In fact, the members of the Suicide Squad did not die, but betrayed the kingdom with the Duke!

this thought emerged in marle’s mind and grew uncontrollably. Marley immediately found the controller for the five of them and pressed the start button without hesitation.

” since you’re already dead, just be a dead man. don’t come out and do anything evil. ” After Marley pressed the controller, she heaved a sigh of relief. even though she didn’t know if the suicide squad members were really dead, she only felt relieved after pressing the remote control.

Now, whether it was dying in battle or defecting to Shandu, his hanging heart could finally rest.

Behind the heavy armor plates, the Duke was sullen, but he had no way to explain himself.

He could only wait for the results in five minutes.

While the intense confrontation was going on in the prison, silver hand and John had already left aiyah. They stood at a high point in the desert, enjoying the brilliant fireworks show.

The explosion started from the outskirts of the warlord’s territory, from the back garden of sangkun’s house, and all the way to the chaotic neighborhood.

Silver hand reveled in the chain of explosions he had set up. He had gotten a truck full of explosives from the arms dealers, and the key nodes and landmarks were filled with cluster bombs specially made by the Duke.

The originally brightly lit Essia had been engulfed in flames since the explosion, and the mushroom cloud of the explosion was clearly visible in the night sky. What followed was a large-scale power outage in the area. It was as if all the lights had been sucked away and released in the form of an explosion.

The explosion spread to the sand dune where silver hand and the macaw were standing, and the light reflected silver hand’s smile.

this was an explosive masterpiece that he had personally created, and it was full of artistic sense.

Every deafening explosion was an affirmation of him.

The macaw was holding a coconut slurp and wearing a pair of sunglasses on its beak. It was lying on the sand dune and drinking coconut juice while enjoying the Grand ” fireworks show. it looked like it was on vacation.

the explosion in the chaotic street had ended, and the entire central area of essia had been completely cut off, falling into darkness.

With the help of the lights in the slums and the Starlight in the night, one could see the billowing smoke.

The residents of the slums all ran out and climbed up to the roof to look at the center of Essia.

The mercenaries at the outermost camp also ran out of their tents in groups of twos and threes. They looked towards the center, completely unaware of what had happened. It was a mess.

the macaw finished the last bit of coconut juice and threw it away. it clapped its hands and said, ” “it’s over? then we can go back now.”

Silver hand grinned. we’re not even here yet. You haven’t even seen the big gift I’ve prepared for you.

The macaw snorted in disdain. what big gift? you’re listening to an explosion here, but it’s not even as big as my fart. What big gift can you get by bluffing?”

“Then, you should take a good look at your father’s feelings for you.” After silver hand finished speaking, he took out his phone and sent a series of mysterious codes. Then, he put on his sunglasses and a mask.

tsk ~ illusionary power Suan ni. before the macaw could finish its taunting, a huge fireball suddenly rose from the mercenary camp in the distance.

The fireball was so huge that it was several times more terrifying than the explosion in the core of Aisia. One even had to look up to see the whole picture.

In the next second, a shockwave visible to the naked eye destroyed the mercenary camp and completely razed it to the ground. The lights in the camp disappeared in an instant, and the flames rolled hundreds of meters into the air, rolling up thick smoke like skeletons.

Silver hand opened his arms and felt the largest fireball he had ever created. He felt the heat and embraced the sun!

Hu la ~

The shockwave quickly spread to where the Silver Hand and the macaw were, and the dumbfounded macaw was buried under the sand and dust, leaving only its metal beak sticking stubbornly into the desert.

Silver hand’s calves were also completely covered in dust.

The air trembled violently, and it was a soul-shaking explosion.

Silver hand directly blew up the mercenary camp’s Armory. The various explosives stored inside were remotely controlled to explode in a chain, bringing the “fireworks feast” to a climax and ending it.

Silver hand felt the pleasure of the sand hitting his face, and he felt as if his entire being had been sublimated.

The macaw’s head popped out of the sand, then its whole body. It quickly shook its fur and swept its eyes across the Sang kun mercenary camp not far away.

Oh my God, it’s directly blown up!!!!

not only was it razed to the ground, but the entire camp had been turned into a deep pit. smoke was rising from the pit, and it looked like a crater created by a meteorite.

The macaw subconsciously touched its head, which was empty. It said regretfully, ” ” sigh, it’s a pity i didn’t bring my camera chicken. otherwise, i could have recorded the scene just now. ”

silver hand crossed his arms in front of his chest and smiled.”This time, I can go back and submit a mission. I can’t wait to see Link’s shocked expression.”

Silver hand and macaw hid their achievements and fame, and left Essia immediately after they were done.

At this time, the wasteland gang had completely fallen into chaos.

The Duke had just made a strong appearance some time ago and dealt with the trusted aides who supported douto. The powerful cluster bombs left a deep impression on them. Now, in the middle of the night, they suddenly saw several cluster bombs and explosions, and one of sang kun’s mercenary camps was blown up. The warlord commanders who got up from their beds were all dumbfounded and had not yet realized what had happened.

In the prison.

The confrontation continued.

While the confrontation was going on, Mary transferred more troops over and reported the incident to sang kun.

sang kun was still in shock from the explosion. when he suddenly heard that the duke had come back alive and even went to see dao tuo under his orders, the fear buried deep in his heart could not help but grow.

The explosion caused by the cluster bombs, the Duke going to see douto, and the chaos in Essia.

the situation that sang kun was most unwilling to face had finally happened. the duke seemed to have found out the truth of his birth! Otherwise, there was no way to explain the meaning of this series of operations!

Sang kun’s eyes were cold as he muttered to himself, ” “Since that’s the case, then don’t blame me for ignoring the many years of father and son relationship, Yingluo. You betrayed me first, Yingluo.”

At the same time, the Duke’s detector finally ended its countdown. A row of green lights flashed rhythmically, indicating the completion of the test.

The Duke impatiently pressed a button on the side, and soon a line of text appeared on the LED screen of the instrument.

[blood sample match: 99.999%]

The Duke’s mind went blank when he saw the results.

So what link said was true. Douto really was his father!

The Duke looked at douto, who was hiding in the interrogation room with his hands over his head. He thought of the beatings and abuse he had suffered in prison, as well as the years of losing his child. A wave of resentment and anger rushed to the top of his head.

buzz, buzz, buzz ~”

The Duke’s emotions triggered his special ability.

Then there was a creaking sound. Not only all the metal in the room, but even the steel bars in the prison’s concrete resonated with the Duke’s emotions.

“Sang kun, I’m going to kill you!”


The next day.

Link was woken up by sunflower’s hot-blooded chicken soup.

Seeing link open his eyes, the sunflower decisively shut its mouth.

The little thing had sharp eyes. It sniffed Link’s annoyance and immediately shut up.

after washing up, link looked at the empty table and was stunned.”Don’t tell me old Jin didn’t return all night?”

link walked out of the room and prepared to contact the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

As soon as she walked out of the room, she saw the macaw in her pajamas in the corridor, yawning repeatedly.

“You just came back?”

The macaw looked at link and said,”no, i came back late. by the way, there’s a report on your table. it’s handwritten by silver, you can take a look at it later.” The macaw scratched the fat on its waist and went back to its room to catch up on sleep.

Silver hand’s report?

Link was a little confused. Was this a reflection of his voluntary work?

However, when link reached the office and finished reading the report that had been polished by the macaw, he was dumbfounded and blurted out, ” f * ck!

The truth was out.

The two of them went to the wasteland gang last night and caused such a big incident.

Link immediately brought the documents to the meeting room and contacted penny and Benjamin using the sound bug on the way.

emergency meeting. Think tank members and military higher-ups are all present!

Five minutes later, the members of the think tank and the higher-ups of the various military units were all connected.

the wasteland gang’s situation has changed, ” link said with a serious expression. we have to speed up our plan.

what’s going on? ” penny asked. what did you get, boss? ”

“The plan we discussed yesterday was to send people to the wasteland gang in a few days to sow discord between the Duke and sang kun. Then, we will send a Suicide Squad to attract mutated humans to join, and then we will send Inhumans to completely disintegrate the warlords and mercenaries of the wasteland gang.

However, after the experiments of the glistening silver hand and the macaw last night, they used the cluster bombs they had intercepted from the Duke to create a series of explosions in Essia, and also blew up a mercenary camp in Sanko. He has completely sowed discord between the Duke and sang kun.”

After link finished speaking, the military personnel in the video were all shocked.

Benjamin, Li Zijun, Ren Yi, and a few other newly promoted higher-ups in the Army.

They all knew that silver hand was John’s clone, but they didn’t expect him to go to the wasteland gang and make such a big news with macaw.

“If there are no accidents, the wasteland gang should be in chaos now. We can’t proceed with the plan we made before, so I need to make a new plan.”

Link glanced at the generals in the video and ordered, ” “Li Zijun, after the meeting, immediately arrange for the Army to set up a position at the border of the wasteland gang in Shandu and prepare to receive refugees.

Benjamin, arrange for the cavalry unit and special Forces to patrol the front lines to prevent the infiltration of small enemy forces.

Ren Yi began to issue Frontline Missions to the Inhumans, allowing them to cooperate with the military and giving them the authority to enter the wasteland gang.

Penny and the monster security company also had to help the Army. in terms of logistics, they had to make two preparations, one was to attack, and the other was to receive the refugees.

Commander Dai, I need the Special Forces to enter the wasteland gang and report back the latest situation and situation of the wasteland gang.”

“Yes!” The people who were called in the video said in unison.

“Right now, the wasteland is experiencing an unprecedented change. If we take down the wasteland gang, Shandu will unify the entire Western Region and establish a solid position!” Link said in a serious tone.

P.S.: Don’t rush me, everyone. I’ve been writing side stories yesterday and today. Two stories with a total of 4000 words have been written and sent to the editor. I can only say that I’m very sincere. More content about wasteland singer ally and sand rat is in the side Story. When the time comes, everyone must get a full subscription and unlock it ~(as for when the full subscription and unlock event will be held, we’ll wait for Qidian to inform us, haha)