556 The ocean fortress (Chapter 3.30)

The shadow Hound and the spider-demon had turned into red blood cocoons, like two statues in the style of the evil Gurt.

Link was looking forward to both pets. The materials were highly compatible, but he had no idea what they would look like and what skills they would have. The unknown meant that they were attractive.

After the synthesis, link focused on the two remaining living creatures in the secret chamber. One was a sticky, translucent object in a sealed tank-the sludge monster. The other one was the jumping spider Queen.

These two creatures were caught by link when he went to the death swamp. He had been keeping them in the secret chamber and had not had the time to synthesize them.

the jumping spider queen wasn’t small. it was kept in a nutrient chamber made of bulletproof glass and fed daily.

The sludge monster wasn’t picky. It ate whatever was available. In the past, it had absorbed too much gray mist, so its translucent rubber body was gray. Recently, it had a visible ‘blood-red’ color. It had eaten a lot of fresh meat, and there were even undigested bones in its body. of course, these bones weren’t idle. they were used by the sludge monster to form a special ‘spine’ that propped up the soft body.

He didn’t synthesize them before mainly because he didn’t know what materials were needed to synthesize oozelings. Secondly, after this thing was synthesized, it obviously didn’t have much use.

Perhaps it was the arrival of danger that gave the lazy link a boost. Today, after his brain worked at high speed to formulate strategies, he was still very active. Even his ideas and creativity were endless.

link had a great idea for dealing with the oozelings.

The sludge monster was a collection of countless unicellular organisms. It didn’t have ‘intelligence’ and relied on the cooperation between its cells. However, it had formed a unique structure, so the system recognized it as a living creature.

The connective tissue of the deformed fusion monster was similar to the sludge monster in structure. Its cellular structure was more complicated than the sludge monster’s, but it couldn’t form a unique structure, so the system identified it as a material.

A creature and a material formed the two basic elements of synthesis.

The sludge monster’s ability was absorption and self-healing, while the connective tissue of the deformed fusion monster was reconstruction. One was orderly, while the other was disorderly. If the two were combined, perhaps there would be a mayfly.

Link first checked the compatibility between the two and found that his guess was correct. The compatibility was as high as 150%!

However, Lin Ke did not fuse them immediately just because of the high compatibility rate. This was because there was a weakness to the fusion.

the connective tissues of the sludge monsters and the deformed fusion monsters were a collaborative effect between cells, which was the spontaneous behavior of cells. although they were compatible after synthesis, their actions relied on the interaction between cells. in short, they acted according to ‘instinct’. However, if she followed her instincts, she would not be able to follow Link’s orders. This was very dangerous.

Thus, link had to think of a way to control the behavior of these cells. After thinking for a moment, he decided to consult grace, the expert in alchemy biology.

” ahem, grace, you’re still awake at this time? ” Link didn’t expect the other party to pick up so quickly.

“I’m already drinking my morning tea,” grace replied in a flat tone.

“That’s good, I have a question about alchemy that I want to ask. If the two raw materials for alchemy are both disorderly organizations that act on instinct, what material can be added to make this disorderly behavior become orderly and obedient?”

After hearing this, grace couldn’t help but let out a soft snort.”You’re calling me so early in the morning to ask me such a question. But since you’ve asked, I can’t refuse you. I still have some tentacles here. I’ll send someone to send them to you later. Next time, if there’s anything you want, just say it directly. There’s no need to beat around the bush.”

Without waiting for link to speak, Grace hung up the phone ‘angrily’.

Grace sat on the manor’s bench, a lady sitting on one side of her legs. With morning tea in her hand, she muttered to herself, ” if you’re coveting the materials in my hands, then just say it. Why did you beat around the bush and ask me a question? ” she then gently pressed the bell on the coffee table beside her. Not long after, an harpy descended from the sky and knelt down on one knee in front of grace.

“My queen, what are your orders?”

“Send the remaining tentacles of the demonized octopus to howling Castle.”

“As you wish.” The Eagle head lowered even more.

on the other hand, link was still in a mess.

What’s going on? I was just asking for advice, yet grace rebuked me. She even said that a drunkard’s intentions weren’t in the wine. Did she misunderstand? Also, why did you give me the tentacles of the demonized giant octopus? what’s the big deal with it?

Suddenly, Link’s body trembled.

“I understand!”

The best way to make the disordered cells orderly was to connect them with neurons, and the neurons would send signals and instructions, so that all the cells could be mobilized to act in unison. the tissues with the highest concentration of neurons were the tentacles of the demonized giant octopus. The tentacles of the demonized giant octopus not only contained rich neurons, but also a complete brain structure.

The demonized giant octopus had a total of nine brains, distributed on the nine main tentacles. The nine brains had their own independent structural organization, but they also cooperated with each other.

Link finally understood what she meant.

He was a ‘master alchemist’, yet he called so early in the morning to ask such a stupid question. It was no wonder that grace would be angry, thinking that he was tricking her for the materials.

However, this was a small matter. After link helped her do some research on the alien demons and dark creatures, this problem would be solved. Even if she was the Queen of Banshees, she was still a woman. As long as he gave her something that she liked and was interested in, this matter would be over in the blink of an eye.

very quickly, link received the occultic tentacles from the harpies.

oozeling + deformed fusion monster connective tissue (green)+ demonized giant octopus tentacles (blue)=? (Compatibility: 120%)

Bone synthesis will consume 900 health points. Do you wish to synthesize? Yes/no

[ blood cocoon incubation time: 1 hour ]

After taking care of the Oozeling, there was only one creature left. It was the jumping spider Queen, which was restless inside the bulletproof glass.

The jumping spider Queen’s greatest ability was, of course, very different from the corrosive liquid that splattered out after the small jumping spiders self-destructed. Its greatest ability was not self-destruction, but reproduction.

Link’s first thought was to strengthen the self-destruction ability. The corrosive body fluid could corrode metal and was shockingly effective. If he strengthened the self-destruction ability, the damage would be shocking. But then link thought of the silver ant queen. Although the Spider Queen was an arthropod and not an insect, the nature of their work was the same. They were both weapons.

After synthesizing three pets in a row, link was once again short on materials.

The most important thing was that the jumping spider’s attributes had to be satisfied, and it had to be related to the [ soldier burst ]. This requirement was very harsh.

Link glanced at the remaining materials. Magic grass (purple), Bloodstone (purple), liquid metal (purple), scale of the storm (purple), dormant crystal (purple), fire elemental particles (blue), magical blood (blue), gigantification gene fluid (blue), painter’s pencil (green), genetic mutation potion (green), moon well water (green), and giant radioactive spider poison sac (white).

Link scanned through the materials. To be honest, the remaining materials could not inspire much creativity and creativity.

after thinking for a while, link decided to use the most old-fashioned way to decide-try them one by one.

if none of these materials were suitable, then the synthesis of the jumping spider queen would be delayed.

he had thought that none of the materials would be suitable, but when he saw that the liquid metal had a 200% compatibility rate with the spider queen, he was dumbfounded.

He really couldn’t imagine what kind of effect the liquid metal would produce when the Spider Queen, which had corrosive liquid and self-destructive effects, combined with the liquid metal. however, this compatibility rate was too tempting. the jumping spider queen was green grade, so a 200% compatibility rate was equivalent to producing an epic pet. this was a blessing.

since it was an epic pet, link had to fuse it no matter what.

The liquid metal was quickly absorbed by link, and the Spider Queen turned into a blood cocoon.

Link looked at the four blood cocoons in the secret room before leaving, satisfied.

Although he didn’t know what the synthetic product was, at this juncture, as long as his thinking was correct, it could be of help to link.

It was already past six O ‘clock when he left the secret room.

Link returned to his office and turned on his computer, waiting for Troy to send a satellite image of Essia from above.

Time passed by, and it was soon the time that Troy had agreed on.

link saw a message pop up on the top right corner of the screen. he had received a new image.

link then clicked on it and saw the satellite image of the sky above essia.

As the huge image gradually loaded, link saw the dark clouds hovering over Essia.

The dark cloud was so huge that it not only covered the entire Aisia, but also the surrounding Sea area of hundreds of miles, making it impossible to see through the situation inside.

However, link still managed to find some clues from the photo.

In normal weather, the clouds were thick, but they were moving, so the edges of the clouds were scattered. Although there were a few days where the ‘yin-yang sky’ would appear, it was always a minority. It was definitely not like this, where it was like a gray veil that covered the entire sky.

In Link’s opinion, this was more like a cover-up.

Troy, how many days has the weather been like this in Essia? ”

Soon, Troy’s signal was sent to Essia radio station, news media, and other institutions, and the exact data was found: “Today is the 21st day.”

21 days.

Situated in the desert and adjacent to the coast, Essia was basically a sunny day all year round. It was rare to encounter such a long-lasting cloudy day. Twenty-one days of cloudy days. This had broken the record of the longest cloudy day in Essia.

This was not normal, this was definitely not normal!

Troy, what other abnormal information can you gather? ”

Troy launched the data from the satellite and sent it to all parts of Essia. He began to filter and collect data, which was then sent back to the underground data center in weeping Valley. After large-scale calculations, it was finally reported to link.

I’m sorry. I’ve collected the big data of Essia, but I didn’t find any abnormalities except for the continuous cloudy days.

If there were no abnormalities, it meant that there had not been a large-scale appearance of alien lifeforms. There were no local police reports, witnesses, or reports of any unusual situations, which indirectly showed that the foreign planet had not yet had close contact with Essia.

Link fell into deep thought as he looked at the picture. Then he said, ” troy, help me draw the coastline of essia. ”

Soon, under the dark clouds on the computer screen, a bright red winding line appeared. This was the coastline of Essia, the result of Troy’s collection of data from the daily photos and the database.

looking at the coastline again, it only took up about one-third of the entire round cloud, and the vast sea was also shrouded in the dark clouds.

troy, tell me your guess. ”

troy analyzed the big data of essia, and it could be said that he had a thorough understanding of essia. Coupled with a certain level of logical analysis, the conclusion he got was very likely to be close to the truth.

I’m guessing that this shadow dog is most likely from the sea. According to the data of the shadow dog, the root of the problem is likely to be on the island. Troy then listed all the islands covered in dark clouds on the computer picture.

the dark clouds won’t disperse in the short term. The head of state can send a helicopter to patrol the sea, and the answer should be revealed soon.

Troy’s analysis was in line with Link’s answer.

Due to his butterfly effect, not only had the time of the alien invasion changed, but even the location had changed. They had actually arrived at the sea.

Two words-very tricky!

If it was on land, link could still organize a group of people and fight a wave with his advantage in scale. However, there weren’t so many transport ships at sea, so there was no way to engage in a large-scale battle. furthermore, many of the islands were far from the coastline, beyond the range of long-range attacks.

It was simply a fortress on the sea.

If the alien demonic tribe’s invasion in his previous life had been a large-scale, aimless one, then this invasion was definitely premeditated.

Just as link and Troy came to the same conclusion, the sound bug in the potted plant on the table suddenly stood up and said, ” “There’s a phone call for you!”

link then stuffed the bug into his ear and heard the duke’s panting.

I’ve done my investigation. These monsters came from the sea.

Link had already expected this, so he was not too affected by the news.

I’ll order the Special Forces to enter and station in Essia now, and at the same time, the fire Strike Force will be in position. You guys hurry up and retreat from the sea.

The Duke agreed and asked, ” “Is the storm really coming?”

“Now it seems so.”

The two of them were speechless and disconnected at the same time.

Link crossed his arms and rested them on his chin. His eyes were covered by the shadows cast by the light. The horizon outside the window was a white, representing the hope of dawn.

Troy, announce that shadu and Essia have entered a state of emergency.

“The war is about to begin.”