561 This monster is out of my league!

The bombarding chicken was carried by Benjamin in a daze.

because he was going to be interviewed later, benjamin first brought along the exploding chicken for a temporary haircut.

After the bombing chicken was done with its hair, the Duke arrived at the camp first.

Benjamin smiled and asked, ” Duke, the reporters from the Shatu TV station will be here soon. There will be a reward from the head of state. What reward will you give us for bombing the chicken? ”

Benjamin and the Duke were of the same rank. One of them was in charge of the Fox hunting Special Forces and the wolf cavalry of the wilderness. He was a commander and a member of the military Committee of the freedom Federation. The Duke was the commander of Essia and also a member of the military Committee. Therefore, the two of them spoke more casually.

“My reward is definitely not as good as the head of state’s, but it also represents the characteristics of Essia. This was a mid-grade gene-enhancing potion that was jointly produced. It just so happened to be able to enhance natural energy and also had the effect of strengthening the body. With the withdrawal of the joint pharmaceutical company, this medicine will be less and less. ”

The Duke handed the potion to bombing chicken, and the attribute effects of the enhancement potion were immediately displayed in bombing chicken’s eyes. He could not help but open his mouth slightly and was so shocked that he could not speak.

the middle-grade gene-enhancing potion increased his natural energy by increasing his endurance, intelligence, and energy attributes. at the same time, it would also randomly increase one of his druid skills by two levels.

explosive chicken was now level 43, and the amount of experience required to level it up was huge. The increase of 2 levels for druid skills would save him nearly 100000 experience. There was also the increase in attributes, which was even more difficult to come by. Every player knew the value of potential points, and any additional attribute would be equivalent to a permanent increase.

In the past, there were still hidden missions to increase attributes in the sand City. However, ever since the assassination attempt by the shining failed, the joint pharmaceuticals and The Platinum Hotel had packed up and ran away. The players naturally had the opportunity to find hidden missions that could increase attribute points in the early stages. They also did not have the opportunity to gather the perfect opening attributes and activate the Super system’s hidden profession, erudite.

The bombarding chicken accepted the Duke’s reward in a daze. Now, it was even more eager to see Link’s reward.

A few minutes later, the Duke received a call from his subordinate. After listening to the report, he said, ” bring them to the front line now. We’re ready.

he hung up the phone and explained to benjamin and bomb chicken, ” “The people from the television station are here. They’ll be here in a while.”

Bombarding chicken was both excited and nervous.

What he was looking forward to was the interview on the TV station. His fame would rise to another level, and it would be much more convenient for him to socialize with NPCs and do missions in the future. At the same time, he would also receive Lin Ke’s mysterious reward. he was nervous because once he was set as an example, his actions would be noticed and even monitored by other players in the future.

Soon, the interview team from the TV station arrived at the tent.

A thin layer of sweat formed on the staff member’s forehead, not because he was tired from the long journey, but because he was carefully watching over the reward that princeps had given him. Now that they had finally arrived at the location, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

“There’s no time to waste, let’s start now.”

The interview team quickly connected the phone and lit up, found the right angle to shoot, set up the machine, and went through the whole process smoothly. Before the bombing chicken could react, everything was ready.

The content of the interview was also very simple. It basically revolved around the ins and outs of the matter. The host and Bomb Chicken talked back and forth, and the questions basically emphasized Bomb chicken’s astuteness and attentiveness, as well as the Duke’s decisiveness and attention. The entire interview process was completed in ten minutes. Then came the most important step, which was to give out the reward.

” in order to commend the contributions of the bombarding chicken to this incident, for discovering the alien invasion in time, for his wild and ambitious scheme, and for helping essia, shatu, and even the entire freedom federation to recover from immeasurable losses, the leader of the freedom federation, link, has specially prepared two rewards. ”

Upon hearing that there were two rewards, Bomb chicken’s eyes lit up and he looked forward to it even more.

the staff pushed in a small cart with a box covered with a black cloth.

the two rewards are here. Mr. Fried chicken, you can open them and take a look.

exploding chicken rubbed his hands in anticipation. then, like a newlyweds, he lifted the bride’s veil.

And then,

Bombing chicken only saw two pets.

It was an owl with white feathers and a naïve look.

It was a Raven with a jet-black body and a pair of strange red eyes.

seeing these two pets, the smile on the corners of bombing chicken’s mouth almost reached his ears.

This was Link’s reward-two pets!

This reward was really delivered to his heart. He had obtained the illusion vine after presenting the star chain plan.

This time, when the whistle-blower was the first to discover the alien invasion, he received another two pets as a reward.

Bombing chicken immediately checked the information of the two pets.

He was familiar with the White-feathered owl. He had seen many of them when he was at the God Tree Nohi. This kind of owl was the offspring of Link’s pet, the sand Eagle. It was the product of the combination with the owl on the God Tree. It had the characteristics of both birds and could cause a wide-range sandstorm. The skill [ moonlight detection ] could also ‘plant eyes’ as guards. It was a flying pet that could attack and detect.

He had not seen the second Crow Bomb Chicken before, but after looking at its information, he could not help but gasp.

The two skills of the misfortune Crow were [ flying Scout ] and [ spread misfortune ].

Flying reconnaissance perfectly complemented the sand-headed Eagle’s moonlight reconnaissance, so their movements complemented each other.

[ spread bad luck ] was a bit overpowered. In the half a year that he had been in the game, he had not seen anything that could reduce his luck. The misfortune crow’s skill just happened to make up for this. even though it would only reduce one point, one should not just look at the present. one had to look at the future. as the crow of misfortune’s skill leveled up, the reduction would be much greater.

These two pets greatly made up for his lack of scouting.

” in addition to these two rewards, deputy director ren yi of the military intelligence department also asked us to pass you a message. when you return to the military intelligence department, there will also be additional reputation points and item rewards. ”

The Duke also told him about the intermediate gene-enhancing potion, and increased the rewards.

As the interview ended, the interview team left immediately. They still had to do some editing and post-production, and then send the sample directly back to Shandu from the television station of Essia for broadcast. The work was urgent and the task was heavy.

Benjamin looked at the excited and happy fried chicken, and gave him a half-day break.

As a Druid, nothing was more exciting than getting a new pet. What he needed now was time to develop feelings with his pet and understand its abilities.

After the bombarding chicken left, the smiles on the faces of Benjamin and the Duke gradually froze.

Happy times always passed by so quickly. Both of them could see that the interview and reward were to boost the morale of the Inhumans. both of them had seen the power of the alien planet on the coastline, and the shadow dogs were already enough to give them a hard time. At the moment, they could still rely on their position along the coastline and their advantage in firepower to kill the enemy. However, once the alien planet launched a large-scale attack, their firepower would be slightly insufficient.

Moreover, there would definitely be stronger existences in the future, and that would be the time when he would truly suffer.

The two of them exchanged a look, knowing that this would be a tough battle.

The Duke received another message. After reading it, he said, ” ” the sand city has sent a helicopter formation over. we’ll know the location of the island where the alien planet is located and the deployment of the alien planet soon. ”

Benjamin took a deep breath, the expression on his face showed that he was not ready.

The helicopter formation stopped in Essia for a while. After the supplies were ready, they continued South in one go, looking for the location of the alien star among the many islands on the sea.

The dark clouds in the sky didn’t disperse, and even the surface of the sea was reflected in a gray-black color. The sea and the sky met in the distance, connecting together.

In the coastal waters, the helicopter formation could also see some shadow dogs crossing the sea. However, as they went deeper into the sea, they could no longer see any shadow dogs.

The island floating on the sea gradually came into view. The pilot of the armed helicopter turned on the fire system, and the big red launch button on the control stick had also lit up. Once they found traces of a foreign planet, they would open fire and cause a wave of destruction while evaluating the combat power of the enemy.

however, when they got closer, they found that the island was as calm as usual. after circling a few times in the sky and confirming that there were no signs of life, the soldiers heaved a sigh of relief, but also a little disappointed. they continued to search for traces of other islands.

This situation repeated itself several times.

The soldiers ’emotions gradually turned from nervousness to numbness.

the co-pilot looked at the navigation book and map in his hands and couldn’t help but say, ” “There’s only one island left.”

The helicopter pilot understood what he meant. The alien planet was definitely on one of the islands in front of them.

moreover, the dark clouds in the sky were like a large gray net, covering the sky. the islands in front happened to be the center of this gray net. No matter which point it was, it proved that the landing point of the alien planet was in the Sall islands.

this is the Black Hawk. We’ll arrive above the Sall islands in ten minutes. This is the center of the dark clouds and the last island we’ll be investigating. All units, please be prepared.

All the soldiers in the helicopter formation were on high alert.

Since alien civilizations could cross planets and land on the wasteland, they must have mastered extremely advanced energy usage techniques. It could be technology, magic, or something else, but they definitely had the ability to control the air.

Once the helicopter formation entered the range, they would definitely be targeted by the alien planet. They had to race against time to obtain information and make an assessment of the current situation of the alien planet.

All the soldiers were preparing themselves mentally. Some had even written their wills and stuffed them into the pockets of their combat uniforms. Some were holding their crosses in prayer, but there were also some who took deep breaths to adjust their emotions and keep themselves awake.

The appearance of the islands gradually appeared. The soldiers in the helicopter took out their binoculars and observed. After a while, they frowned. no abnormalities found.

As the helicopter formation flew closer and closer, more answers of ” no abnormalities were found ” appeared in the cabin.

that’s impossible. The Sall islands are the last islands. Further south is the ocean. There’s no landing point at all.

The plane hovered over the Saul islands, trying to find evidence of the existence of the alien planet, but the answer was disappointing. They couldn’t find anything.

” but there’s no trace of an alien planet on any of the islands. could it be that their landing point is underwater? ”

you’ve captured all the videos, right? it’s time for us to return.

alright, we’ll pass by the archipelago on our way back. Let’s take a closer look.

The formation didn’t stay any longer, and they turned North.

It was a false alarm.

They didn’t directly face the alien planet, but a bigger mystery appeared. Where did these invaders come from?



South Coast of Essia.

The players arrived one after another, looking at the ‘fully armed’ city that was filled with a fighting atmosphere, they exclaimed ‘there’s a smell’.

The mission guide of the military intelligence Department was to guide the players to Benjamin, so Benjamin simply arranged for a few clerks to be in charge of receiving the players and giving them tasks. as the native who had dealt with the players the earliest, he was very familiar with the arrangements.

With the increase in personnel, the pressure on the coastal patrol and the construction of fortifications was greatly reduced.

some players were assigned to the front line to assist in the battle, and they rubbed their hands in excitement.

The players who were not assigned to any combat tasks stood on the high wall that had been built, and they could see the ‘alien monsters’ that had landed on the coastline. They even commented on the alien shadowhounds with great interest.

“Just this? It doesn’t look strange at all. I thought it would be more brutal. How could it be a terrifying monster with two flowers on its head?”

it’s not that fast either, not even as fast as a wild wolf. It’s only about a meter tall, and with its tail, it’s at most 1.5 meters. It’s just an alien dog, so how much damage can it do? ”

The players in Sand City had seen the world.

He had fought with the machinery faith and the wasteland gang, and he had seen many terrifying mutated creatures and evil spirits in the death quagmire. He had been full of expectations that alien creatures would be those ferocious, powerful, and strange-looking existences. In the end, the first thing he saw was the ‘two blooming’ red-skinned shadowdogs.

the players standing on the fortifications looked down on everyone, but when the players on the front line saw shadowwolf disembarking from the shore, they glanced at its attributes and instantly exclaimed,’f * ck’.

this ordinary-looking shadow dog is actually a level 30 elite!

he’s in range. Shoot him!


Ka ka!

After a round of bullets, the shadow dog’s thick red skin was cracked, and blood flowed out of the beach. However, the shadow dog’s pace was not affected at all, and it continued to run toward the front line at full speed. He looked at his attributes again. His 2800 HP was now left with 1100 points.

WDNMD, isn’t this thing too hard? ”

At the same time, on the other side, there were impatient pugilist players who jumped out of the trenches, raised their fists, and rushed forward.

“Take this! Level-5 punch!”

In the next second, the stomach of the player who jumped up was pierced by the shadow dog’s horn. The horn was stuck in the head as a meat shield to block the damage.

Zhui Feng of the Defense Department saw this scene and couldn’t help but cover his face.

The scene that he had imagined in his mind really appeared.

The players who had been criticizing him just now had their mouths wide open. They were all dumbfounded.

This monster is beyond my level!