586 Retreating step by step in defeat

f * ck, how are we supposed to fight this? only the opposing elements can cause 1 point of damage. the mutated human was in despair. he could only shoot a dozen of these water pillars or ice thorns, which would only cause a dozen points of damage at most. However, these dozen damage points were already more than the total damage dealt by the other players.

Naturally, he also successfully pulled the aggro of the Army’s Vanguard.

The Army’s Vanguard strode forward and didn’t give any room for negotiation. One punch, one child.

When the players saw that the water and ice-type mutants could deal damage to the Army’s Vanguard, they thought that they had found a way to counter them. However, after seeing the ‘high damage’ of 1 point, they fell into despair again. There were already very few people who could awaken water and ice abilities after using the potion in the store, and there were even fewer of them on the battlefield.

In addition, the level of the Army’s vanguards was too high. One punch to one player, who could stand it?

After killing the two mutated human players, the Army’s Vanguard opened its lava mouth and let out a roar.

His overwhelming strength had already shattered the players ‘confidence, and now, his swagger was the last straw that broke the players’ hearts.

The vanguard of the Army was the most powerful fighter for the alien planet’s invasion of low-leveled civilizations. They had destroyed countless troops and members of the planet that they were proud of. With the blessing of fire and violence, they had razed the entire planet to the ground, killed all those who resisted, and destroyed their backbone and spirit so that they would not dare to have any thoughts of resistance. They had become a supply station and a stepping stone for the alien planet to plunder resources.

The soldiers received the order and began to retreat as they fought.

The macaw found the silver demon and the other priests, and began to organize the spider demons to sneak underground and enter silent mode.

some of the impulsive players paid the price for their impulsiveness after fighting with the army’s vanguard. they became the background for the army’s vanguard to show their strength. Seeing this, the other players also stopped trying to show off. They were all immune to ordinary weapons, so why didn’t they quickly run away and wait to be killed?

However, just as they were about to retreat, the Army’s Vanguard had already set their eyes on them and began to rush over with large strides.

Although the vanguard of the Army was made of heavy volcanic rocks, their mobility was not inferior at all. Their two-meter-tall bodies did not look bloated at all when they sprinted.

the players who had tried to attack not far away turned pale and got up to retreat.

all sorts of crowd control skills were thrown out, but when they landed on the army vanguards, they were either ‘immune’ or ‘resistant’. the difference in level made it difficult for the skills to hit. in addition, the army vanguards were tough to deal with. they had high attack and defense with aoe damage. even if the players wanted to use their strength, it was useless.

The Army’s Vanguard created sparks along the way, and many players who were slow or left alone were killed instantly.

At this moment, a Blue Bullet suddenly flashed through the air and hit the chest of the Army’s Vanguard.

A small piece of the volcanic rock on his chest had collapsed. The bullet mark on his chest could be clearly seen, as well as a flash of fire.

this bullet was different from the others. it actually caused real damage. a-20 damage figure popped up on the head of the army’s vanguard, which was more than the total damage caused by the two mutants.

The fleeing players were all dumbfounded. Who was it that suddenly dealt 20 points of damage?

even the vanguards of the attacking army could not help but stop and look down at the bullet mark on their chest. Even though the damage wasn’t high, it was very insulting. The flames on his body became more intense, and the players could clearly feel the fury of the Army’s Vanguard.

However, before the Army Vanguard could roar, another Blue Bullet came. This time, it was aimed at the head of the army Vanguard. There was a flash of fire, and a clear bullet mark appeared on the head.

The players followed the trail of the bullet and found that the warrior who fired was in a temporary shelter built on the high point of the water tank in the slums. The person who fired was the captain of the northern desert wolves, Leng Feng, also known as ‘War Wolf’. the electromagnetic sniper rifle in his hand was a blue-level new energy weapon personally made by helen, and its effect was extremely powerful.

the players finally understood that they had to spend a lot of money on new weapons if they wanted to deal damage to the vanguard of the army!

The Army’s Vanguard roared and gave up on chasing the small fry in front of them. They turned and charged into the slums to kill Leng Feng.

“hurry up and run! what are you waiting for? it’ll be too late if you don’t run!”

The other players reacted one after another. Against a monster with question mark level, their strength was ordinary, and their weapons were simple. They were of no use at all. This matter of being a hero and showing off was better left to the players.

Mo beilang and the others did not sit and wait for death. They set up many traps and obstacles in the slums. It was a pity that the ordinary pits and traps could only slow them down a little. However, taking advantage of this time, Desert Wolf and the others fired a round of volleys at the Army’s Vanguard, taking out a few hundred HP. This also gave them some hope.

The same situation was also happening in other places in the slums. The main forces of the major guilds such as Dragon travels the world, the myths, Calan’s heart, friendship, temple of God, and miracle were all doing their best to delay or focus fire on the vanguard of the Legion.

However, there were more than a dozen fireballs, and the players could only stop them. The rest of the Army vanguards began to wreak havoc on the battlefield.

the newly built fortifications were destroyed wherever the vanguards passed. after entering the slums, the flames on their bodies ignited the wooden structures, making crackling sounds.

The Army’s Vanguard continued to advance, wanting to catch up to the retreating troops and players. Suddenly, a series of intense cannon fire suppressed the Army’s Vanguard. These cannons did not place damage as the number one requirement. When the bullets came into contact with the flames, they would release a ball of white matter, and when they came into contact with the flames, they would release a dazzling white light like magnesium powder.

It looked quite magnificent, but it didn’t seem to have any effect at all, just like a flower shelf.

The person operating these machine guns was the commander of Essia, the Duke.

the vanguards of the army were getting closer and closer, and their speed was getting faster and faster, like a walking fireball.


When the Army’s Vanguard was only one or two hundred meters away from the Duke, the two launch platforms on the Duke’s shoulders popped out. The miniature missiles inside flew out like a swarm of bees, leaving white trails behind them as they flew toward the Army’s Vanguard.

With the weak firepower at the front, the Army’s Vanguard did not Dodge and directly used their bodies to receive these missiles.

The corners of the Duke’s lips curled up, and he muttered in a low voice, ” “Take these as a welcome gift for your visit to the wasteland!”

The missiles landed on the vanguards of the Army and exploded.

The explosion didn’t produce any fire. Instead, it was replaced by a white frost-like substance, which wrapped around the vanguard of the Army like a mist, extinguishing the flames on its body and making a sizzling sound.

These were liquid nitrogen missiles specially prepared by the Duke. The effect of low-temperature liquid nitrogen was much stronger than the mutated humans ‘water columns and ice thorns. With such a dense number of missiles directly covering the entire body of the Army’s Vanguard, wouldn’t they be extinguished immediately?

When the fog gradually dispersed, the flames on the vanguard’s body were indeed extinguished. Even the rocks on his body were frozen and covered in a layer of white frost, as if he was frozen.

However, the runes on the stones on his body were flashing with an orange-red light. They flickered, as if they were accumulating something.

P.S. [ seeking monthly votes at the end of the month ]