598 The main character of the wasteland

On the wasteland forum, link saw Penny’s mission for the first time.

However, after reading it, link was completely dumbfounded.

[ a-rank Mission [ the fate of the wasteland ], accept/decline ]

[ support mission hint: the wasteland is now at a critical moment of life and death. The alien invaders are powerful, and even the head of state can’t hold them off alone. ] The future of the wasteland was in everyone’s hands. Only by finding advanced knowledge and artifacts could they reverse their fate! On this issue, no matter what faction, position, or organization we are from, we should form a community of shared destiny and protect our home! As long as you can find any clues or information about the advanced knowledge, report it to any Lin Financial Group organization or agency within the wasteland. ]

[ mission requirements: search for any information regarding the advanced knowledge and sarbark, and report the information to them. ]

[ mission reward: determined by the rarity of the information provided. ]

This mission was directly classified as A level A mission by the system, and there was no mission threshold at all. Even a new level 1 account could receive this mission.

Therefore, once the mission was announced, all the players were shocked.

many players had been playing for a few months and had not even seen the shadow of a b-rank mission. suddenly, they received an a-rank mission. it was like a pie falling from the sky. Moreover, the players had already mastered some techniques in the game, such as the division and distinction of mission levels.

F-level missions were basically delivering and running errands. There was no risk, but the rewards were low.

An e-rank mission was a normal mission. The risk of battle was extremely low, and the rewards were also very ordinary.

D-rank missions had a medium risk or medium difficulty, so the rewards were normal.

a c-rank mission was a high-level mission. the risk was high, but the reward was good too.

B-Rank quests were the storyline of a powerful organization. The risk was high, the quest was complicated, and the reward was not bad. There were also additional special rewards for such quests.

This was an a-rank mission, which was already a mission that involved the main storyline and was related to important NPCs. The reward would definitely be much higher than a B-Rank mission.

After all, from the start of the game until now, no one had ever received an a-rank mission. Even wind Chaser and Bandit cool, who were closest to link, had never heard of an a-rank mission.

now, they were using television, radio, and other media channels to distribute it wantonly, and everyone had a share. he was simply a living buddha.

At this moment, everyone was discussing the advanced knowledge, the divine weapon, and a new name, sarbark.

what exactly is advanced knowledge? I didn’t hear it clearly on TV!

previous poster, you didn’t pass your primary school language, did you? I’ve already explained it so clearly. This advanced knowledge is the knowledge given to the wasteland by the original extraterrestrial civilization to fight against alien planets. Once you master this knowledge, you’ll be able to wrestle with alien planets.

sarbark is the garrison general of the former sarbark. I’ve done some research, and sarbark is the name of ancient Sand City. So, if I’m not wrong, the advanced knowledge should be in ancient Sand City.

” upstairs, your analysis makes sense. i’ll go and investigate now. ”

When the players from other places saw this, they could only be envious. Although they had also received the mission through television and radio, they knew that they had been eliminated from the competition for the a-rank mission when they learned that sarbark was the garrison general of Shatu hundreds of years ago.

however, there were still many players who were unwilling to admit defeat. they traveled through the night, rushing from other places to shadu, wanting to get a share of the loot.

After all, this was an a-rank mission, and from the mission introduction, it was a planet’s main storyline mission. If they were lucky enough to find a clue, they would be able to rise to the top and become one of the top players in the wasteland.

Even the players from the other two novice planets had rushed over to join in the fun after learning about the a-rank mission for everyone on the wasteland. All of them were envious.

Their main storyline mission had shown its brilliance, and only a very small number of players had received the mission. It had originally been a rather epic plot, but compared to the wasteland where everyone was a soldier and fighting off alien invaders, it instantly became a little petty. The internal structure of the planet was still small and insignificant, and it was not worth showing.

Be it Victoria or Pandora, they were still in the internal power struggle of the planet, unlike the wasteland, which had already fought with extraterrestrial civilizations. The enemies they met were all question mark level, and their strength exceeded the upper limit of the planet.

The video of Link’s battle with the war Messenger in the afternoon had already become a hot search in real life. Coupled with the a-rank mission for all the citizens, the wasteland’s plot and story were indeed far ahead of the three novice planets. Many players were already regretting not choosing the wasteland. Wasn’t this better than turning people around?

Apart from the players, the native NPCs of the wasteland also began to take action. This was a matter of the wasteland’s survival. They could also receive rewards from the Lin family financial group. Everyone had to contribute, both for public and private reasons. Dragon City and Faye might not have felt much, but the people of the sand capital had lived a good life this year. The gunfights and chaos on the streets a year ago, and now almost never closing their doors at night. They all saw the beneficial changes that link had made after he took over.

If the front line really could not withstand the alien planet’s attack, their stable life would be completely destroyed, and Sand City would be reduced to a sea of fire and ruins, just like Essia.

Many of the refugees in New West Asia also chose to go to Sand City to search for advanced knowledge after hearing about the mission. The head of state had already done too much for them. He had arranged for them to eat and live without even asking for anything in return. but they couldn’t take this for granted. they had to do something to repay the head of state.

Link exited the forum. His initial shock had turned into emotion.

He returned a favor with a favor.

Of course, this mission also finally revealed a fact.

The direction of the story began to change, and the wasteland’s structure was officially set with three main characters.

Needless to say, the first main character was the King of Assassins, John.

Link still had the a-rank chain Mission [ John’s request ] that John had issued. He would go to the Prince’s treasure vault together.

The second protagonist was silver hand. As a clone like in his previous life, silver hand had inherited the Savior’s fate from his previous life. Although there was no mission indication, the position of the main character was definitely not going to escape him.

The third one was link. Penny had issued the a-rank Mission [ the fate of the wasteland ] under the Lin Financial group’s name. However, it was obvious that this mission was only labeled as an a-rank mission because of link. After all, link had done a mission before. The alien planet invaded early. If it was related to the alien planet, it would be a super template mission and not an a-rank mission.

Just think about a year ago when he first entered the game, he was still a slave who had to flee everywhere. A year later, as the head of the freedom Federation, he began to fight against the alien invaders and became the star of the planet.

He had always thought that he had managed to get close to the main character, but now he realized that he was one of the main characters.

The next day.

Shandu was bustling with noise and excitement.

penny stood on the top floor of the moros tower and looked down at the entire city through the huge floor-to-ceiling glass. people, whether they were in the Uptown or the slums, were walking on the streets, talking to each other, or looking hurried.

Many of them were holding notebooks or information that they had collected.

All kinds of fragmented information were constantly combined and arranged, filling up sharbach’s resume.

In addition to the ordinary people, the Uptown’s dignitaries also contributed. Many of them took out their books about the desert dynasty’s collection or the collection of sharbach. Even the descendants of sarbark came forward and openly supported the idea. They were willing to share their family’s Secret knowledge for everyone to study and find clues.

Previously, the city was filled with all kinds of rumors and slanders, and the people were in a panic. However, after the announcement of the mission, everyone’s hearts were directed in one direction, and the previous rumors were dispelled without any attack.

Seeing this, penny heaved a long sigh of relief.

He would use the most honest attitude to let the people know the truth and let them see the sacrifices link had made on the front line. This mission was equivalent to returning the fate of the wasteland to everyone’s hands, and they had a sense of participation and mission.

Penny looked at the information that Dragon City and Faye had reported to him. He had made the right bet this time.

The People’s fear had disappeared, and it had all turned into a sense of responsibility and duty. This time, the fight against the alien invaders was no longer a matter for the soldiers and the higher-ups, but for the people. When these terrifying powers were gathered together, they would produce a huge force. After that, as long as they looked for clues and promoted that the stability of the rear was beneficial to the front line, people would soon be able to get back into life and production, and everything would be back on track.

Pony had easily completed the mission of maintaining the stability of the freedom Federation, and he wondered how Fu was doing. With so many people taking action, there should be a lot of information.

Poni picked up his phone and dialed Fu’s number. The phone kept toot, and it was only picked up after a long time when poni was about to hang up.

“Hello, penny, what’s up?” Fu’s voice was lazy. He had used up a lot of energy when he went out some time ago and hadn’t had a good night’s sleep, so he had a good sleep after returning.

you’re still sleeping? the plan was very successful. Now, the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the people have been aroused. Quickly take a look and see if there is any useful information.

Fu jumped down from the bed and could hear the sound of Yingying putting on her clothes. She grabbed the phone and said, ” I talked to Troy last night and asked him to filter out all the information and send the useful ones to the monster security company in the form of missions for investigation. I’m going to take a look at ran ran.

Fu quickly went to the office and turned on the computer to check.

Immediately, all kinds of messages flooded in, causing the computer to freeze for half a minute. Then, Fu saw 999+ emails and couldn’t help but gasp. He said into the phone, ” I saw it. These people are a little too enthusiastic. I have a lot of things to do over here, so I’ll hang up first, Yingluo.

This was only after Troy’s initial screening, and there were already so many emails. The workload was huge.

Fu summoned the Vulture Palace and pharaohs tumeng. ” quick, the information has been flooded. i need you to go through it together! ”

Pharaoh tumeng immediately came out of the Vulture Palace and entered the Pharaoh’s Soul Box to recover. He rubbed his hands and said, ” “it’s time to find the truth.”

AFU and pharaohs tumeng started to gather useful information. It was dark outside, and they didn’t know whether it was day or night.

However, after reading all 999 emails, Ah Fu thought that her work was over. When she pressed the refresh button, the interface froze for half a minute. When it returned to normal, it showed 999+ emails again. The atmosphere in the office suddenly froze.

Fu and Pharaoh tumeng looked at each other. A moment later, Pharaoh tumeng sighed and said,”sigh, i’d better finish reading these before i rest.”

The two of them reviewed the information day and night. After extracting useful information from the list, they immediately sent it to the monster security company for investigation.

While information was being exchanged rapidly, the front line did not relax.

Every day, link would use the Eye of the Beast to control the sand Eagle or the crow of misfortune to patrol the sky above Essia a few times. He personally saw the shadow hounds and demons disembark from the sea. He even saw the alien mechanics. When link patrolled at night again, he found that many bonfires had been lit in Essia. The alien mechanics had built smelting tables to smelt the metal in the ruins again. They had also started marking out areas to build a camp.

There was no news about the dream realm reincarnation stone for a day. Fu and penny didn’t give any feedback about the advanced knowledge. It was unknown whether it was because there was too much information and verification was slow, or they had not found any clues.

Link knew that if this went on, the alien planet would definitely set up a magic casting camp in Essia.

Once the camp was built, a stable teleportation system would be formed in the camp, and the alien army would enter the wasteland continuously. By then, everyone’s days would be even more difficult to endure. Therefore, they had to attack as soon as possible. They had to drive the demons out of the alien planet before the construction of the demon forgers ‘camp was completed!

Link was quite familiar with the demonforge camp. After all, they had been friends for months and had completed many missions in his previous life.

According to the current construction speed, the demonic Foundry camp had already begun to take shape, and it would take two to three days for the basic functions to be completed.

If they wanted to attack, they had to do it within these two to three days.

However, there was still no news from the two “east winds.” He still had to be on guard against the alien army at all times. Link couldn’t help but feel anxious.

“Report! Head of state, there’s a letter for you here from the library of Shudu.” the soldier outside the door entered the tent and reported.

link was a bit suspicious. for a letter to arrive at this time, could it be information about class advancement knowledge that was sent directly to him? After all, he was the Honorary Director of the Shandu library, so it was reasonable for him to bypass penny.

“Give it to me,”

Link took the letter and found that the letter, sender, and stamp were all unique to the library.

But when he opened the letter, he was stunned. At the same time, a mission popped up from the system-[ the last trial ].

[ dear head of state, I’m the librarian of the Shandu library. I heard that you’re looking for advanced knowledge and the dream reincarnation stone. As an administrator, I can’t provide you with advanced knowledge, but I have some information about the dream reincarnation stone you are looking for. If I’m not wrong, you’re looking for the dream reincarnation stone to create a legendary skill. Maybe I can provide some help. ]