607 Ganis the war envoy

At the end of the huge sand plate sat the domineering war envoy Ganis.

the two horns on ganis ‘forehead were thick and turned outwards, and his pale skin was covered in purple-black armor. His green eyes were in high spirits, and he exuded the cunningness of a conspirator. A pair of huge wings hung behind his back, adding to his domineering aura.

Ganis’s broad palm touched his chin, looking down at the terror tactician’s plan.

While link was arranging for people to keep an eye on the alien army, the alien army was also analyzing their motives based on their movements on the wasteland.

the wasteland only sent helicopters to investigate every day, and other than that, there was no other action.

After the discussion of the terrorist tacticians, the enemy was definitely regrouping their forces with the goal of taking back Essia.

the construction of the demonic forger’s camp was already halfway done, and all the metals that could be used in the ruins of essia had been used. in the end, they were embarrassed to find that they were lacking materials, and the construction could not proceed. The alien technicians discovered through remote sensing that there was a large amount of metal ore underground in the direction of the Red Dragon Ridge. Once this place was taken down, not only would it solve the construction of the demon forgers ‘camp, but it would also greatly alleviate the resources needed for the alien invasion of the wasteland.

Therefore, the terrorist tactician organized this sudden change in attack. The wasteland thought that they would wait for the construction of the demonic forger’s camp to be completed and gather their forces before launching a large-scale attack. Who would have thought that they would suddenly attack halfway through the construction, disrupting the progress and plans of the wasteland?

From the head-on battle, Ganis and the terror tactician saw the wasteland’s quick adaptation to the rhythm of the battle. They used the desert terrain to minimize the threat of the shadow hounds and the otherworldly demons, and even restrained them.

The two sides fought back and forth, each taking damage. The shadow dog quickly fell in the desert, and the weaker players fell one after another, like leeks that had been harvested. The shadow dogs and mutant demons were not afraid of death. The Joint Forces of the freedom Federation and the spider demon Empire also formed a wall, blocking the alien Army’s invasion.

“Very good. The enemy’s attention is now fully focused on the main battlefield. Now, we just need to wait for the assault team to take over the Scarlet Dragon Dagger, and the main force can retreat.” it’s time to go! the terror tactician said confidently.

This strategy of feinting the East and striking the West would definitely give the wasteland a hard time.

After Ganis the war envoy finished reading, a glint flashed across his cold and proud eyes. “But you have to see that the low-level mixed breeds of the wasteland are very adaptable. They found a way to deal with the shadow dogs and the demonic creatures in just a few days. even if we get the scarlet dragon dagger, we can’t let our guard down.”

“Don’t worry, my Lord.” The terrorist tactician nodded. Once we successfully take the Scarlet Dragon Dagger, I’ll set up the most comprehensive defense there. Even if the enemy senses it and wants to counterattack, they’ll be greeted with alien evil cannons and all kinds of traps, which will definitely leave a deep impression on them.”

Ganis stared at the plate of sand, then slowly stood up. The shadow cast by the fire behind him began to spread over the plate of sand, quickly engulfing the entire plate, and finally completely enveloping it.

” we have to settle the wasteland as soon as possible. lord abu dhabi has given orders that we have found a few more planets suitable for attack in the fandi system. with the first order gathering their forces, our real battlefield is still in the sea of stars. we should not waste too much time with a group of ants in this place. ”

Ganis’s tone was contemptuous. Although the wasteland had killed Tulu, the war envoy, he had always looked down on Tulu, who was brawny but simple-minded. Why not use link to get rid of a strong competitor? Now that he was in power, he was scheming, cunning, and powerful. He had even occupied Essia as a demonic casting camp and was about to occupy the Scarlet Dragon Dagon. After that, there would be endless alien armies descending and conquering, making the entire wasteland taste death and fear!

At the front line.

the shadow hound army led by the shadow hound, together with dozens of demonic creatures, came out of the demonic forger camp and quickly attacked the scarlet dragon dagger. In addition to the shadow hounds and demons, there were also alien mechanics driving vehicles at the back of the Army. As soon as they took down the Scarlet Dragon Dagger, they would start to mine and smelt it. They would build dark power cannons and turn the Scarlet Dragon Dagger into an impregnable fortress.

However, before it even got close to the Scarlet Dragon Dagger, the shadow Hound sensed a familiar scent.

it was the smell of link’s pet!

In an instant, the shadow Hound understood that the Scarlet Dragon Drake had already sent people from the wasteland to ambush them.

The shadow Hound began to give orders to the shadow hounds around it and adjust their formation.

As the vanguard of the alien army, the shadow dogs had always been responsible for reconnaissance, impact, and meat shields.

Since they knew that there was an ambush in the Scarlet Dragon Drake, as the leader of the shadow hounds, the shadow hounds began to quietly change their formation. They quickly adjusted the original arrow formation to a flat and fast formation, and they also quietly slipped behind the shadow hounds. The purpose was to prevent the shadow dog from discovering the ambush in advance. Only by charging in in this formation would they be able to maximize the chances of being killed by their allies inside the Scarlet Dragon Dagger.

the otherworldly demons running wildly at the back did not notice anything unusual, and they had almost no perception of the change in formation.

Although they were all members of the alien army, the shadow dog and the otherworldly demon were of the same level and of different species. They had different bosses. On the battlefield, they could only attack together, and there was no such thing as a command.

The players and soldiers hiding in the Scarlet Dragon dormitory were all bored to death.

Especially when they thought about the soldiers attacking from the front, while they were facing the endless desert and could not get any military achievements, their hearts were filled with anger.

In comparison, the players were better off. Once they accepted a mission, they would be rewarded as long as they completed it. It didn’t matter if there were enemies or not, as long as they had the reward.

“Brother Feng, we came to the wrong place today. i heard that wind-chasing wolf led the miracle guild and killed many shadow dogs and an alien demon at the front line. he earned a lot of materials and experience points.” The players from the northern desert Wolf Guild couldn’t help but sigh. Looking at their side, they could only get the routine rewards from the military intelligence Department, no additional rewards.

Leng Feng wiped his electromagnetic sniper rifle, his eyes focused on the distance, his face expressionless. “look at the long term and don’t care about these small profits. Don’t tell me you still don’t understand? we’ve profited this time.”

The brother next to him was confused. He looked at the empty desert and asked, ” “Huh? We’ve profited?”

“The Military Intelligence Division naturally knew that we had to fight them head-on, but why do you think they suddenly assigned us the task of guarding the Scarlet Dragon Dagger? you know that the enemy is at the front, but you still want to mobilize some troops to defend the scarlet dragon carriage. are you going to defend it for nothing?”

The brother beside him suddenly realized, and his eyes lit up.”I understand! there must be something important here in the scarlet dragon drake, and the military intelligence department is afraid that the alien army will occupy this place or discover it, so they sent us here to lie in ambush.” Although the mission was simply to guard the Scarlet Dragon Dagger, they knew how important the Scarlet Dragon Dagger was. In the future, they could do something around it.

Thinking of this, the members of the northern desert Wolf were all excited.

wind chaser had only led the miracle guild to kill some monsters and gained some experience. however, they had obtained an important piece of information!

Just as mo beilang and the others were whispering to each other, Leng Feng suddenly said, ” huh? ” Through the high magnification scope of the electromagnetic sniper rifle, he could see the sand flying in the desert far away.

Then, a dense mass of red and black shadow dogs appeared from under the sand dune, like a huge curtain, gradually swallowing the desert.

Leng Feng’s camera swept across and found that there were many shadow dogs. He quickly said in a low voice, ” “Quick, inform the commander that the enemy is here!”

The players from the northern desert Wolf Team bent down and quickly passed through the cover to find the commander and report the news.

the players who had been complaining were all shocked when they heard the news of the alien shadow hound and the mutant demon’s attack. they did not expect to encounter a battle while slacking off here. it was unbelievable.

However, they immediately went into battle mode, waiting for the alien army to enter the Scarlet Dragon carriage so that they could prepare a big gift for them.

An hour later, the shadow Hound led the remaining shadow hounds and some injured demons to retreat from the Scarlet Dragon Dagger.

The alien army had never expected the wasteland to set up an ambush at the Scarlet Dragon Ridge in advance. The powerful firepower and traps of the players and soldiers, in addition to the spider demons led by the silver demons, caused the alien army to suffer a storm of attacks.

Although it also dealt a big blow to the wasteland Alliance Army, they still failed to take down the Red Dragon Dagger and returned in defeat.

Before the shadow Hound escaped, it turned around and glanced at the silver demon, a creature that had the same blood as itself. The two of them tacitly worked together to lay out a good plan.

The commander didn’t give the order to pursue. His mission was to guard the Scarlet Dragon Dagger. Now that they had successfully repelled the enemy, relaid the traps, cleaned up the battlefield, and healed the soldiers, the key was to do so. Most of the people who were sacrificed in this battle were players. Although there were losses in soldiers, the number was not high. almost all the traps had been triggered, and a lot of ammunition had been used up. almost all the enemy’s corpses were left here.

check the battlefield. If you find anyone still alive, give them a few more hits! After the commander gave the order to clean up the battlefield, he immediately called the military intelligence Department to report the situation of the Scarlet Dragon Dagger.

” the scarlet dragon drake must be defended. hold on, i’ll issue a mission now and arrange for the outlanders to transport supplies and replenish their forces at the front line. ”

After hanging up the phone, Ren Yi couldn’t help but be amazed. as expected of the head of state. He actually knew that the enemy would attack the Scarlet Dragon Dagger in advance. This ambush was really wonderful. If not for Link’s judgment, the Red Dragon carriage would have been taken over by the enemy by now.

thinking of this, ren yi couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear. if the red dragon carriage was really occupied, the throat between asia and new west asia would be occupied, and he would have to be on guard against the enemy’s surprise attack from the red dragon carriage at all times.

After setting the mission, Ren Yi combined the information from the front battlefield and reported it to link.

At this time, link had settled the matter of the ancient trees of knowledge and war studying advanced knowledge. He hummed a little tune as he walked out of the moon Shadow Council. Suddenly, his phone rang.

“Head of state, the alien planet’s frontal attack has been repelled. As expected, the Scarlet Dragon Dagger has also discovered the enemy and has also been repelled. In today’s conflict with the alien planet, our losses are higher, but 80% of the alien Army’s attacking forces have been killed.”

Hearing this, link couldn’t help but pause. he had thought that he would have to pay a greater price to stop the shadow dog and the demonic beast. he did not expect that he would successfully stop the enemy this time, and the battle loss ratio was surprisingly low, becoming 21:1. In other words, the death of 21 players could be exchanged for the life of one enemy. This number might seem ridiculous, but it was already quite impressive for players.

Whether it was the shadow dog or the demon, their levels were quite high. Even the players in the first group couldn’t change their levels. When they checked the levels of ShadowWolf and otherworldly demons, they only received three ruthless question marks. Under such circumstances, it was worth it to trade 21 players for the life of a Shadow Hound!

At the same time, link was sure that the alien planet had indeed detected rich mineral resources in the direction of the Red Dragon carriage. Today’s sudden change in attack seemed to be to catch link off guard, but in reality, the real goal was probably the Red Dragon Dagger mine.

Why was the enemy so eager to take down the Scarlet Dragon Dagger, even using the troops at the front as bait to stall for time?

Link thought for a while, and then thought of the scene of the demonforge camp captured in the helicopter. Suddenly, his body trembled as he thought of a key reason.

In the battle to defend Essia, link and Tulu’s battle had almost destroyed the entire Southern slums. After that, another war Messenger led hundreds of vanguards and descended, turning Essia into a sea of fire. All of Essia had been destroyed, and there were very few resources left that could be used.

In addition, Essia was originally occupied by the wasteland gang. After half a century of occupation and mining, there were almost no usable resources in the surrounding area, only a desert. Under such circumstances, the construction of the demonic forger’s camp slowed down, and they even lacked resources.

“Yes, that must be the reason!” Link’s eyes brightened. He found the reason why the enemy was so eager to attack.

If that was the case, the alien planet would definitely launch several more attacks on the Scarlet Dragon Drake, but they would not directly expose their purpose. They would even find many ‘excuses’ or smokescreens to confuse them.

Link chuckled. Now that he knew the purpose, it was easy.

On the other side, in the demonic forger’s camp.

The shadow Hound ran back with the remaining soldiers, and under the leadership of the dog trainer Douglas, they met the war envoy Ganis, accompanied by an injured otherworldly demon.

In front of the sand table, the terrifying tactician’s face was ashen. On the seat at the end of the table, Ganis’s pale skin showed a trace of anger.

The enemy’s attack last time was clearly weak, so why did the shadow dogs and otherworldly demons they sent this time return in defeat?

they didn’t manage to break through the enemy’s attack head-on, and even the scarlet dragon dagger was ambushed.

“I think this matter needs an explanation.” Ganis’s face was dark as he stared at the terrifying tactician beside him and asked.