612 Wasteland players are unyielding

Lord Ganis, we’ve studied the Inhumans ‘revival methods and found that their way of speaking, logic, and language are not familiar to us. And from the rumors in shadu and the other captives, these Inhumans are also ‘invaders’ to a certain extent.” The terrorist tactician said as he half-knelt in front of Ganis the war envoy.

Interest finally appeared on Ganis’s face, and he motioned for the terrorist tactician to continue.

A look of surprise flashed across the terrorist tactician’s eyes. To be able to make his immediate superior interested, it meant that his work over the past few days had been recognized. The direction was not wrong, and it could be said that he had perfectly taken over the previous job.

according to the information collected, the Inhumans appeared in the wasteland last year using an unstable spatial Rift. Because of their unique resurrection ability, it caused quite a bit of panic, even hostility. But later, under Link’s guidance, the wasteland natives realized that these Inhumans had no evil intentions. They were just pursuing missions and rewards. Thus, link established the godwood city and the Military Intelligence Division. He began to use missions to guide these Inhumans, who were now one of the main forces on the wasteland.

As for their ability to resurrect, it was reported that they were projected to the wasteland through some kind of secret device on the Blue Planet. Once they died, they would be resurrected within a certain period of time. There’s a time and price to pay for this kind of rebirth. There’s also a limit to the number of times you can cast it. You can only cast it 50 times per week.”

This information was obtained from the players and captured natives through the Banshee’s [ charm ]. At the same time, they also discovered the secret of the player’s teleportation. There was a limit to the number of times they could teleport. After 50 times, they could no longer enter the wasteland.

After listening to the terror tactician’s explanation, Ganis’s expression turned serious.

Coming to the wasteland through the distorted and unstable wormhole, up to 50 times a week to project ” rebirth “, although the combat power was not strong, there were many of them, and collective action was like dogskin plaster, which could still cause a significant impact. The most important thing was that a civilization that could use wormholes to reach the wasteland and create thousands of projections was definitely a civilization of a higher level than alien planets. However, she was still willing to listen to Link’s orders. This behavior was a little strange.

” could it be that this high-leveled civilization called blue star is testing the wasteland? ” Ganis was a little uncertain. If that was the case, would the alien planet’s sudden intrusion offend this civilization and cause a disaster for the alien planet?

even the commander in chief of the attack on the wasteland, ganis, could not make a decision on this issue. this matter needed a higher level of leadership to make a decision.

After a while, Ganis had an idea. “I’ll report anything related to the wasteland Inhumans to Sir Abu. But since we know that these Inhumans are here for the reward, if link can control them, we can too. You can go and make arrangements, think of a way to convince the Inhumans to join us, promise them benefits, and buy the bones of horses with a thousand gold, so they can rope in more Inhumans to fight for us.”

ganis also wanted to give it a try. if he could rope in ‘undead creatures’ like the inhumans to the alien camp, they would definitely be a great killing weapon. in the future, when he attacked a planet, it would be like a locust passing through, not a single blade of grass would grow.

If link could tempt these Inhumans with rewards, they could do the same. They could offer more!

the terror tactician understood what ganis meant, and a look of understanding appeared on his face.”Yes sir, I’ll go down and talk to the captured Inhumans.”

The Banshee’s [ charm ] could only be controlled for a short time, and it required the Banshee to continuously cast the spell. only terror tacticians, who focused on psychological attacks and were good at tactics and deception, had the chance to persuade the inhumans to work for the alien planet.

The terrorist tactician arrived at the dungeon where the Inhumans were being held.

The dungeon was burning with an eerie evil fire, and the guards made up of shadow Dogs and Demons patrolled back and forth. all the prisoners were locked up in separate cells built by alien technicians. The metal in the ruins of the city of Essia, a high-strength metal synthesized by mixing with extraterrestrial adamantine, and there were spikes inside the cage. In addition, there were special runes drawn on the metal surface of the prison, which could only be opened with the key in the head warden’s hand. Any other means of opening would trigger the runes, which would cause a backlash to the prisoners inside.

the captured players were in a daze. they weren’t tortured, but they were restricted. banshees would come over from time to time to [ charm ] and pry useful information from them. The members who were captured for research were even more miserable. They were studied and dissected over and over again, and after they were resurrected in the ruins of the hospital in Essia, they would be captured again by the shadow dogs and otherworldly demons who had been waiting for a long time.

Even if they went offline, they would still be locked up in a cage after going online. It could be said that they would not have any gaming experience.

These captured players had also posted complaints and contacted the game company’s customer service, saying that there was a BUG in the NPCs and that they were restricting their game freedom in this way.

The game company did step in, but the response wasn’t very good.

the general meaning was that in the future, when doing missions, you should be more knowledgeable and have a clear understanding of your own strength. otherwise, why would you capture them instead of others? This wave of enigmatic words angered the players half to death, and in the end, they could only swallow the bitter fruit.

The only thing he could do every day was to ” go offline ” after logging in and complain in the forum. He would also write a post and keep an eye on the news in Shandu, waiting for the moment when link would lead his troops to counterattack.

Today, the players ‘eyes lit up when they saw the large gathering of the military forces in Shandu mentioned in the forum. They felt that their’ life sentence ‘had finally come to an end, and they all came online.

The terrifying tactician came to the dungeon and saw that the usually empty prison was suddenly filled with people today. It seemed to be full. His eyes brightened. Wasn’t this a good time for him to brainwash and rope them in?

what a coincidence, everyone’s here today ~”the terrorist tactician took the warden’s key and looked around the prison.

These Outlanders were staring at him with intense hatred.

After all, anyone who had been locked up for such a long time and couldn’t go out to do missions, watching other players earn experience while being interrogated by the Banshee’s [charm], would almost be depressed. They wanted to skin the terrorist tactician alive.

“You’ve been here for many days, so I’m sure you have a certain understanding of the alien planet. We don’t want to attack the wasteland, but we want to work together with the wasteland to create a win-win situation. We want to work together to create a common prosperity sphere for the Fandi system and enjoy the resources of the entire system together. “it’s just that master thanos’s ideals are too lofty, and some short-sighted people can’t understand it. that’s why they think that we’re invading, slaughtering, and occupying! This is a big mistake!”

The terrifying tactician continued to pace around, his green eyes flashing with a cunning light. He slowly extended his arms and said, ” therefore, alien star has decided to open its arms and welcome everyone to join us. We will work hard together to create the great common prosperity Circle of the Fandi Galaxy. Of course, this invitation was not as simple as it seemed. As long as one joined an alien planet, they would be able to obtain weapons, equipment, and skills from various planets, as well as advanced knowledge that surpassed the wasteland civilization. if you follow the footsteps of the alien star, you will be able to see more beautiful planets in the fandi star system, and increase the growth of various civilizations and creatures.”

The terrifying tactician’s words were extremely alluring, especially the bright future in his words.

And this was not empty talk. After the terrorist tactician finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and alien workers quickly carried in a few large boxes. the chest was opened, and inside were standard equipment from other planets, as well as items plundered from other planets. there were even advanced knowledge books. with a glance, they were basically all level 60 and above items and equipment. it was a dazzling sight.

Even the players who had experienced all kinds of things were stunned.

It wasn’t just because of the terrifying tactician’s words and the rewards he offered, but also because a mission had popped up on their system interface.

[ you have triggered the faction Mission [ the sea of stars on a foreign planet ]. Accept/reject ]

[ mission hint: alien planet sincerely invites you to participate in the alien planet’s great common prosperity sphere plan. You will represent the alien planet in conquering various planets and become a brave warrior of the alien planet. ] (Note: once you choose to join an alien planet, all reputation points in the wasteland will be reset to zero, and you will become an enemy in the eyes of other players.) ]

[ mission reward: alien planet’s recognition, a level 60 green quality weapon, a class advancement knowledge, and a level 60 green quality equipment. ]

[ mission punishment: become an enemy faction. All reputation on the wasteland will be attributed to hatred. ]

the players were in a dilemma.

the alien planet had given him a lot of kasaya. although they were not useful at the moment, it was good to keep them for now! especially the advanced knowledge. the sand city had promoted it so much before, so one could imagine how good it was. Now that he had seen it up close, he understood the meaning of advanced knowledge even more. It was to increase the level limit of a skill, as well as its effect and damage.

However, if such a good reward had been given a day ago, some players might have accepted it.

However, after looking through the forums, the players found Link’s post about him escorting the mysterious item to the front line. Clearly, he had also found the advanced knowledge. As a result, the reward from the alien planet was quite useless.

The only good thing was a level 60 weapon and a piece of level 60 equipment, both of which were only green quality.

The price that players had to pay for this was that half a year’s hard work in the game world, the accumulated connections, the friendliness of various NPCs, and the accumulated points would all be wasted. They might even become the target of enemies.

He wasn’t an idiot. Who would do such a losing business?

the terror tactician felt that his conditions were unparalleled. looking at the scrap metal on these inhumans, it was not enough to be called equipment at all, as if they were made of paper. Looking at their clumsy skills, they could even be called crude. however, he had the ability to project himself back to life, large-scale cooperation, powerful talent, and the ability to improve himself. he had full potential.

As long as he could recruit them under his command, the alien planet would definitely have an overwhelming advantage in the future war against the first-order.

Now that he was giving them powerful equipment and advanced knowledge, he did not believe that these Inhumans would not submit.

The terrifying tactician did not hear any sound behind him, but he immediately reacted and smiled.

That’s right, it must be the generous conditions that he had given them that had frightened them, making them dumbfounded and speechless.

After all, these people had never seen such a sharp and well-made weapon, nor had they seen the greatness of advanced knowledge. The terror tactician thought back to the time when he first received the advanced knowledge. The brilliant, magical, and amazing knowledge that he saw opened the door to a whole new world.

Manipulating human nature, playing with lies, and commanding tactics were the greatest joy for a terror tactician.

The terrifying tactician turned around slowly. He could already imagine the desire in these Inhumans ‘eyes. He had offered a reward several times more than Link’s, so it was only natural that he would recruit these Inhumans to the alien planet.

However, when the terror tactician saw the expressionless and even disdainful players, his mind went blank.

the scene he had imagined did not appear. there was only a sharp and mocking gaze and a disdainful smile.

The scene in front of them was beyond the imagination of the terrifying tacticians. Shouldn’t they be excited and fight to join and work for the alien planet? Why did he have such an expression? Could there be a problem somewhere?

just as the terror tactician’s heart was racing, a player finally spoke.

that’s it. Are you trying to fool an idiot? let’s go, let’s go. Brothers, I’ll go offline first.

“Let’s go, let’s go. You’re embarrassing yourself by taking out this reward. you alien planets are so stingy and stingy like those private companies, you’ll close down sooner or later!”

hahaha, I’m dying of laughter. I’ve got a post on the forum, complaining about unscrupulous enterprises on foreign planets. They want to poach people with such a low salary. This corporate culture is a little low!

“You’re posting? Then I’m going to top the thread!”

“Let’s go together!”

The players who were locked up in the prison joked with each other and went offline.

The prison, which was originally full of people, was now empty.

ShadowWolf, demonic hybrid, and the head Warden all looked at the tactician in embarrassment, their emotions complicated.

the veins on the terrifying tactician’s forehead bulged. he would remember today’s humiliation!

On the other hand, after the players went offline, they immediately posted on the forums. The posts were endless, and the content was rich with text and screenshots. There were even some explanations of weapons, equipment, and advanced knowledge.

Once the post was posted, it immediately caused a sensation on the forum.

It was not just the wasteland players. Even players from the other two planets came to admire the level 60 weapons and equipment as well as the class advancement knowledge.

After reading it, they even sighed. As expected of the wasteland!

While they were still fighting among themselves on the planet, the players on the wasteland were already able to come into contact with things like level 60 equipment and class advancement knowledge. They had even made ” deals ” with other planets.

This was especially so since none of the players had defected to an alien planet. This made the 18 players who were captured even more happy to be called the ’18 tough men’.

However, only the players from the wasteland were secretly happy. What was this called iron bones? this was clearly not enough!