614 The defectors

The ‘traitorous’ players could not help but run.

Some rolled down from the sand dunes, some were in a panic, and all kinds of embarrassing situations showed their strong desire to survive.

After all, the blood-red hostile symbol clearly made them understand that from the moment they left New West Asia, they were no longer people of the wasteland. They were just a group of traitors who wanted to join an alien planet.

Moreover, if he were to be killed here and miss this opportunity to join the alien planet, he didn’t know when the next time would be!

The shadow dog that was patrolling at the edge of the camp was the first to sense such a large-scale riot in a place not far from the camp, followed by the demonic creatures outside the camp.

The dense net of fire formed a large net in the night, constantly shuttling through the desert.

The shadow dog and the mutant demon reacted and were ready to move, but when the shadow dog sniffed the air, they were suddenly stunned.

The location where the gunshot came from didn’t have any of their own people. The wasteland people seemed to be egging them on to shoot themselves?

The shadow dog’s throat made a cracking sound, and the big T-shaped bone armor on the head of the mutant demon next to him was sending out a vibration frequency. When it received the vibration frequency, it also discovered the abnormality. The enemies were actually killing each other.

But soon, the demon made a decision. No matter what the situation was on the enemy’s side, they would not let a single person enter the demonforge camp. At the same time, he sent a mutant demon back to the camp to report this matter to Lord Ganis.

The shadow dogs and mutant demons lined up and rushed out of the demonic forger camp.

Facing the Inhumans who were shouting slogans such as ” I’m here to join the alien planet “, ” please take me in “, and ” long live the alien planet “, the shadow dog and the mutant demon showed no mercy and rushed up to fight.

benjamin, who was behind them, did not stay idle either. he ordered the wolf riders to open fire. the light machine guns on the wasteland wolves fired fiercely. the bullets tilted and mercilessly pierced through the players ‘backs, blasting them into pieces.

Seeing this, Benjamin’s hand that was holding the reins tightened. Although he knew that players could be resurrected, asking him to shoot his own people still required a very strong psychological endurance. This time, he had crossed his bottom line. however, they remembered what link had said. killing them now was to help them enter the alien planet. otherwise, if the enemy was suspicious, they would be greeted with all kinds of torture and interrogation.

Only if they hardened their hearts now would the player Warriors feel better when they went to the enemy camp.

The players who surrendered were also dumbfounded. They had already come to surrender, but they didn’t even bother to attack. This was really too low class.

There was an alien star in front and pursuers behind.

This time, they had died unjustly and sullenly.

If it wasn’t for the fact that they had to follow the alien planet to enjoy the scenery of the Galaxy, they would have already started cursing and swearing.

Benjamin did not expect the enemy to be so straightforward, directly ignoring the shouts and surrender of these Inhumans. But seeing that there were fewer and fewer Inhumans on the field, there was no need for him and the wolf riders to continue fighting, or else they would be burned.

Whoosh ~

Benjamin whistled and waved his hand,””Retreat!”

All of the wolf riders turned their heads around, and each of them threw down a bunch of delayed grenades that were flashing with red dots. After that, they flipped over the sand dune and re-entered the sea of sand.

Seeing the enemy retreat so quickly, even the otherworldly demons were confused.

Could it be that these guys had really come here just to hunt down these traitors who had said that they wanted to join the alien planet?

The news quickly spread to the core of the camp. When Ganis heard the news, he could not help but glance at the terrifying tactician beside him.

The terror tactician also had a puzzled and gloomy expression.

Lord Ganis ‘recruitment plan had just been announced as a failure today, and so many Inhumans who claimed to want to join the alien planet had appeared that night. This matter was strange no matter how one looked at it. however, the enemy had indeed come and killed many traitors with their own hands. this could not be faked.

“Milord, I think there’s something fishy about this!” After much thought, the terror tactician gave his judgment.

With the gesture of permission from Ganis, the terror tactician analyzed, ” “It just so happens that after today’s recruitment failed, so many people suddenly came to join us. The timing is not right, this is one of the reasons! The Inhumans in the second dungeon scoffed at the reward, but this group of people swarmed in. It was a little strange! This is my opinion.”

Ganis Gubo was not surprised, his expression was calm. After listening to the analysis of the terrorist tactician, he slowly said, ” “I have another opinion. There was also a difference in strength and equipment between Inhumans, and from the interrogation, they were not United. From the mission-bounty mode, it could be seen that they were all natural profit-seeking. The failure of today’s recruitment is not because they are loyal to the wasteland, but because the chips we gave were not enough to move them. “However, for the other group of people, these bargaining chips are worth it, or they have other requests. These can only be confirmed after communication.”

Ganis looked at the terror tactician’s gradually panicking eyes, and a disdainful smile appeared on his face. The aura of an Overlord was released from his body, and the pair of wings on his back spread open slightly, making the war envoy on the seat look even more majestic.”Even if these ants have any crooked ideas, we have enough ways to limit them. you must know that a group of inhumans who can resurrect from the dead and gradually increase in strength can definitely be sold for a good price if they are sold to interstellar brokers or treasure collectors.”

“Or we can use them to test our new weapons, potions, and abilities. We can get excellent feedback from them, haha.”

After saying that, the corners of Ganis ‘lips curled up, revealing his sharp teeth. Everything was under control.

Terror tactician’s eyes brightened. It was just as Lord Ganis had said. Whether it was to experiment on potions, weapons, or to sell to intergalactic brokers, these undying Inhumans were all extremely valuable. They had been fighting in the Fandi system for many years, but they had never seen such a high-dimensional projection creature. Naturally, they had never seen other interstellar creatures before.

Moreover, whether or not he really wanted to surrender, he would only know after talking to him.

or, in order to test their sincerity, we can send them to fight against the wasteland as a sign of loyalty, ” the terrorist tactician said with a flattering smile.

ganis raised a hand and gestured to the door. ” now, it’s time for you to negotiate with these greedy adventurers.

Soon, a large group of players appeared in the demonforge camp.

Under the leadership of the terror tactician, they all gathered in the ruined square. They looked around curiously.

the shadow dogs, demons, banshees, and army vanguards surrounded the square. alien technicians controlled alien weapons and aimed them at the square, constantly on guard.

now, it’s time to state your purpose, traitors. The terrorist tactician said as he stared at the crowd.