626 The first explosion of Shadow Force

To others, being able to level up by eating and drinking was definitely the most wonderful experience.

However, to Miranda, this was not a gift, but a ” curse.

The young body would not be able to withstand the increasing amount of energy and would eventually break through the body, releasing a powerful Shadow Force that was enough to tear the wasteland apart.

One of the reasons why link was so eager to enter space was to lay out his plans for the universe in advance and use his memories to obtain benefits in advance. On the other hand, it was also to find a way to resolve the growing shadow Force in Miranda’s body. As long as Miranda could subdue the shadow Force in her body, link would have one more powerful assistant. She would be at least legendary-level!

The wasteland didn’t have a way to solve the problem of shadow power. Link could only seek the answer in the universe.

After chatting with link, grace and Miranda played in the garden for a while before leaving.

Link sat in a gazebo in the garden and looked at the harmonious scene not far away. He couldn’t help but exclaim at how the Queen of Banshees could have such a moment of maternal brilliance.

At night, Helen came to wind howl Castle in high spirits.

After a few days of hard work, she seized all her free time and finally made a sound device that was both beautiful and practical on the basis of the prototype.

Helen grabbed Miranda and sat down in the living room on the first floor, attentively explaining her masterpiece.

“This audio device is connected to the back of your brain and cerebral cortex. It can sense your brain activity and mental changes, and convert mental signals into language through the headset. Besides, it was definitely inconvenient and unsightly for a girl to wear such a large piece of equipment. That’s why I made it look like a necklace and added a lot of design elements so that it won’t stand out even if it’s worn around the neck. The voice also comes from the throat and it’s a hidden design, so it’s difficult for others to notice the abnormality.”

Miranda’s eyes were wide open. She listened to every word Helen said, and now she was only left with anticipation.

seeing the eagerness in miranda’s eyes, helen took out her vocal device and said, ” when you wear this on your neck, it will Pierce your skin like a needle and connect to the nerves in your skin. It may make you a little uncomfortable, but you just have to bear with it for a while.

The shell of the sound device was made of a stable black crystal, and the integrated chip and circuit passed through the crystal.

after putting it on her neck, miranda felt a suction force on her skin, and the necklace stuck tightly to her neck. then, she felt a slight prickling sensation, which made her frown slightly. This uncomfortable feeling only lasted for a moment before it disappeared. Then, Miranda looked at Helen for help. Her eyes were full of nervousness, excitement, and anxiety.

To Miranda, opening her mouth to speak was something she had always dreamed of doing. However, before today, it had all been an extravagant hope, or even a beautiful wish. Now that it had suddenly come true, Miranda was so nervous that her mind went blank, and she didn’t know what to do. It would be fine if she made a sound, but if she couldn’t, her hope would be shattered again.

“Just focus and repeat what you want to say in your heart.”

Miranda nodded and turned to look at link. After receiving his encouragement, she took a deep breath and began to focus.

A moment later, Miranda suddenly said something in her throat. It was a rather biting sentence.

“Thank you, Sister Helen.”

Even though Helen was very confident in her products, she couldn’t help but cover her mouth when she heard Miranda’s first sentence. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she couldn’t stop crying.

She had imagined that Miranda’s first sentence would be ” I can speak now, ” ” this is my voice, ” or some meaningless exclamation. However, when Miranda expressed her gratitude, Helen felt a sense of duty for the first time after the equipment she made could change someone’s fate, and she was touched by Miranda’s gratitude.

Even Miranda herself was frightened by this childish voice, and she couldn’t help but reach out to touch her throat.

“Thank you for your care, head of state. I can finally speak!” Miranda was so agitated that even her breathing became rapid. As a mute, she had been separated from the world since she was born, and she only had her brother Sean to rely on. after going through so many things, he had now received the love of so many people, and he could even speak. In aiyah, the siblings were the lowest of the low. Even if they died in a corner, no one would remember them.

Now that she had received so much care and concern, there was only gratitude in Miranda’s heart.

It was fine for Miranda to be excited, but the moment she was, the shadow Force in her body began to stir restlessly. An energy field quickly formed around her body, and it was still expanding.

the teacups and newspaper on the coffee table rolled up, and a gray energy ring was visible to the naked eye like a tornado.

Link moved quickly and brought Helen away from the center of the energy field.

In the next second, the newspaper that was rolled up was torn to pieces by the energy.

tears welled up in miranda’s eyes, and she was at a loss as she looked at the scene before her in shock. she knew that the energy came from her body and was still boiling, but no matter what she did, she couldn’t control it. a deep sense of powerlessness welled up in her heart.

The more anxious she was, the more violent the energy became.

helen looked at miranda, who had suddenly gone berserk. she was still in a state of shock as she looked at the destruction she had caused, the shattered teacups, and the newspaper.

link got up and moved closer to miranda. in a gentle voice, he said, ” “Miranda, look at me.”

Miranda turned around and looked at link. ” ruler, big sister helen, i didn’t do it on purpose. i don’t know why it suddenly appeared, ” he said, choking on his words. meanwhile, the shadow force had already formed a ” hole ” two meters in diameter in the middle of the living room, tearing everything apart.

“I know, I don’t blame you. Now, look at me and follow my breathing rhythm.” Link began to take in deep breaths according to the rhythm. At the same time, he took out the hibernation crystal from his pocket. The soft green light helped Miranda control her emotions.

Miranda sobbed. Under the effects of the hibernation crystal, she quickly caught up to Link’s rhythm and began to adjust herself by taking deep breaths.

The violent Shadow Force gradually weakened, and the gray energy field became faint and invisible.

When there was still a bit of shadow power left, link quickly walked to Miranda’s side. Resisting the shadow power, he gently patted her back and comforted her, ” “It’s alright, it’s alright.”

miranda leaned on link’s shoulder, two lines of tears running down her cheeks.”Head of state, have I become a jinx?”

Miranda had suffered so much in life and lost her brother, so she was naturally more sensitive. Now that he saw that he had done something wrong, caused destruction, and even scared Sister Helen, he felt even more guilty and remorseful.

However, once he had such a thought, his emotions would become unstable, and he would release the shadow Force again.

This was the gift left for the wasteland that Shadow Demon saffron had mentioned-a time bomb that could explode at any time.

“don’t worry, you’re a victim too. As long as you can control your emotions and don’t let them fluctuate violently, you won’t cause any damage. I believe Miranda can do it, right?” Link’s tone was gentle and kind, just like a nanny.

Miranda nodded repeatedly. She stopped sobbing and wiped away her tears, her expression firm.”I can definitely do it!”

Helen also calmed down and walked to Miranda’s side.

Miranda was slightly shocked and hurriedly took two steps back, afraid that she would hurt Helen again.

However, as soon as he stepped back, Helen grabbed his hand and said with a smile, ” ” i also believe that miranda can do it. she won’t hurt me. ”

helen knew that the energy in miranda’s body had gone out of control because of her agitated and negative emotions.

If she didn’t step out now, the incident just now would cast a shadow over Miranda’s heart. Every time she wanted to interact with someone in the future, she would recall this scene and retreat. Over time, his personality would become cautious and unsociable, which would only encourage the growth of Shadow Force.

But now, Helen took the initiative to stand up and set an example for Miranda, telling her not to be afraid of contact, breaking the little girl’s newly-born idea.

Link let out a breath of air. The sleeping crystal could only calm Miranda’s emotions temporarily. Right now, Miranda could still rely on herself to mediate and control the shadow Force. However, as the shadow Force grew stronger, it would be difficult to control it once it was triggered.

because of the commotion caused by the shadow force, many pets were also leaning on the garden window to look.

The treasure-hunting mouse even brought the five secret agent mice over and clung onto Miranda, encouraging her and making her happy.

“Miranda,” said link after some thought,”practice meditation and Buddhism with King Kong tomorrow. It’ll help you calm down.” of course, if you don’t like it, don’t force it. ”

“I’ll definitely learn from uncle King Kong,” Miranda nodded repeatedly.

Link nodded slightly. Even if he couldn’t learn meditation and Buddhism, he could ask Jin to play with Miranda for a few days when the macaw returned. He believed that the shadow in Miranda’s heart would be removed soon. After all, old Jin had this kind of magic.

After the treasure-hunting mouse and the five mice left the living room with Miranda, link asked, ” according to the news from the Suicide Squad, the mutated human brotherhood’s diplomatic mission will arrive in Shandu the day after tomorrow. Are the repairs of the transport ship ready? ”

Helen nodded. it’s all ready. Troy simulated the spaceship’s appearance after it was repaired. He has prepared the corresponding alloy according to the proportion. after saying that, helen raised her own question, ” “But head of state, the Brotherhood’s purpose is that the mutants are the Masters of the wasteland. They will eliminate all ordinary people and create a garden of Eden for the mutants, a Utopia. Their leader, Ivan, is also a legendary master. Will he definitely help us?”

link smiled. ” the so-called doctrine is only for the purpose of strengthening the rule. it’s not the result. ” As the person who had single-handedly forged Eden, it was impossible for Ivan to not know this. We have to look at the problem from the perspective of development. If we stick to the old rules, we will end up like The Platinum Hotel, crushed mercilessly by the wheels of the times.”

“as the leader of the brotherhood,” said link,”if ivan couldn’t even understand this, he wouldn’t have made it this far.”

In his previous life, Ivan’s strategic vision was very advanced. He used all kinds of diplomatic means and could always lead the Brotherhood to wander between various forces, allowing the mutated humans to survive. From the 1.0 era to the 6.0 era, their shadows were present in the universe, and they were thriving.

helen nodded as if she understood. she knew nothing about politics, but as long as the spaceship could be repaired, it would be a good thing. this was because only after the outer shell had been repaired could the next step of the auxiliary engine’s restoration be carried out. there was nothing more exciting than personally repairing a spaceship and putting it into operation.

It was already dark when Helen left the castle.

Before resting, link browsed the forums. Victoria and Pandora’s forums were normal. They were all asking about coordinate missions, exchanging thoughts, or just chatting. But when he entered the wasteland forum, the style suddenly became comical. The top posts on the forum were all about the alien planet.

Most of the content was self-deprecating, explaining, and popular science.

Things like ” I was too careless and didn’t run away. Exploration of the lower class life on a foreign planet “, ” the years I spent on a foreign planet “, ” the story of the Banshee and I “, and so on.

Anyway, the title could attract people however it was.

After all, all the information had been sent to the military through the informants on the wasteland. In order to let the players know their contribution points and act as a disguised incentive, the contribution points were all tied to the informants in a locked state. As long as they asked their informers in the offline communication, they would know their current contributions.

Among these posts, the one that was pinned the highest and had the most replies was the edited video posted by su ye.

First of all, su ye’s analysis in the forum was very good and was known as the ” old king of understanding ” by the players. He had guessed it correctly several times before. In addition, su ye was one of the two ” leaders ” handpicked by link for this infiltration mission. The angle of view here was more comprehensive, and everyone hoped to find more details from su ye’s video.

Link clicked into the post and the video began to load.

The dubbing of the video was done in post-production because the Inhumans had not yet gained the full trust of the alien planet, so some things could not be said carelessly.

After watching the 20-minute video, link had a clear understanding of the current situation of the players who were executing The Invisible Guardian.

First of all, the withered wasteland planet that the players were on was not an alien planet, but a transit planet. This used to be a prosperous and civilized planet, but unfortunately, the arrival of the alien planet caused the planet to suffer a disaster. A large number of shadow hounds hatched from the ground. This was the home of dog trainer Douglas, and it had now become a barren planet where alien planets bred shadow hounds.

The person holding the fort on this planet was the direct superior of Tulu and Ganis, the Adjutant of the alien army, Abu Muslim. in addition to the shadow dogs, there was also a steady stream of demons sent over, who were then subjected to inhumane training to improve their skills in the form of life-and-death battles.

Banshees and terror tacticians had also gathered here through the teleportation gate. Then, through the teleportation gate that was connected to other planets, they would go to battle.

In short, this place was the training ground and barracks of the alien planet, and also a transfer station.

P.S. [ seeking monthly votes at the end of the month, 50 more to go! ]