650 Wasteland expedition Army

As the cloudy weather ended, the mechanical fortress above the planet could no longer be hidden. Especially during the new moon period, the stars were bright, and the mechanical fortress was exceptionally bright, causing all the stars in the night sky to lose their color.

The sudden appearance of such a bright object in the sky naturally attracted the attention of many players.

The ‘behemoth’ could be seen with the naked eye, and the players only needed to use a little telescope equipment to see the full appearance of the mechanical fortress. It was then that the players realized that the abandoned mech city had disappeared!

The players had no idea how the huge mechanical fortress rose into the air. However, the scene in front of them was extremely shocking.

As the competition progressed, it was already halfway through. The preliminaries in other places had also ended, and the players who had advanced took the train from all over the world to Shandu. Even many ordinary players had come to the sand City to watch the competition.

Because of the mechanical fortress, the players had a heated discussion on the forum. Most people believed that the appearance of the mechanical fortress in the sky foreshadowed the next step of the plan. Now that link had pacified the wasteland, he had established the wasteland Council. The opinions within the planet had basically reached a consensus, and there was no threat to speak of. Based on the situation with Pandora and Victoria, as well as the information published on the official website, the enemy in version 2.0 was an alien planet!

This time, link might be one step ahead of them again.

that was why these players swarmed to the sand capital to see if they could find an opportunity.

after three days of rest and link’s lack of response, the matter of the mechanical fortress was a hot topic. there were all kinds of speculations.

It wasn’t just the players. Many natives on the wasteland had intense discussions as well. They even tried to use their connections to get some inside information, but the result was fruitless.

Lin Ke also found the correct answer in the forums. Some players had guessed that the mechanical fortress in the sky might be related to the mysterious reward of the professional league. However, there were more refutations and ridicules under the post. People could not connect the mechanical fortress with the mysterious reward.

Someone even laughed,”could the so-called mysterious reward be a day trip to the mechanical fortress?”

After the end of the off-season, all the players who had qualified arrived in Shandu, and the subsequent matches continued.

Now, the focus of the entire wasteland was on Shandu. Some players who performed well also had native fans.

Of course, as a business genius, how could penny let go of this excellent publicity opportunity? He personally looked for these players and had a friendly discussion with them, signing business contracts.

The so-called business cooperation was to let these players endorse and sponsor. Of course, there were many things that they endorsed and sponsored. There were weapons and equipment, various advertisements, and food and clothing. all of this would be shown when the players appeared on the stage or on the s of the clothes they wore. Weapons and equipment endorsements were even more direct. In addition to their own regular weapons, players had to bring sponsored weapons and equipment onto the stage.

In terms of endorsement fees, penny didn’t disappoint the players. The players would receive 80% of the 82 points, while the Lin Financial Group would only receive 20%.

To the shortlisted players, this was a windfall.

This was because they had no way of getting sponsorships on their own, and they could not distinguish the authenticity of the company’s qualifications. However, with penny and the Lin Financial Group behind the scenes, they were not afraid of being scammed, nor were they afraid of the quality of their weapons.

As the competition resumed, some of Dragon City and magic night’s powerful players also entered the public’s view.

The number of participants whose names he could name increased, and the battles became more and more intense.

The match was like a game of cards. From the initial probing, to further damage, and in the end, if they were evenly matched, he would reveal his hidden trump card. However, if they were certain that they would win the competition, they would hide their moves for the next stage of the competition.

The intense competition, the mentality of mutual games, and the endless killing moves made the audience feel great.

The players who had a good relationship with link had all ranked high in the competition and had displayed extraordinary strength. however, people noticed that there was one player who was an exception, and that was the thief liangren who followed beside penny. As a member of the think tank, the bandits did not like to fight, but were very interested in making plans and stratagems.

this time, the players didn’t sign up for the inhuman professional league. instead, they made a series video to introduce these players and the competition situation.

Because the thief Liang was a think tank, he knew a lot of information. In addition, su ye, who liked to analyze and make videos, had gone to an alien star as a traitor and lurked there. Once the video of the thief was posted, it attracted the attention and discussion of many players. It was even hailed as the first professional video in the professional league. It wasn’t just the players who liked to bet on dogs to join in the fun. Even the players who made it into the next round used the videos as a main source of information for their opponents.

Time passed by so quickly that it was already the final round.

The line-up on the stage for the finals was dazzling, and the big shots from all over the world were gathered. The players were amazed.

The first was naturally the president of the wasteland Council, link, who sat in the center. On his sides were the famous King of Assassins, John, and the leader of the Brotherhood, Ivan. Beside John was the rarely seen Silverhand, who had his hands crossed in front of his chest and a cold expression on his face. silver hand was rather unhappy about being assigned to john’s side.

The four legends were here!

It could be considered the strongest lineup on the wasteland, a heavenly team!

As they continued to extend to both sides, there were the commander of the Shatu Army, Li Zijun, the Fox hunting Special Forces, the leader of the wasteland Wolf cavalry, Benjamin, the Queen of Banshees, grace, the great elder and fifth elder of the moon Shadow Council, the Holy Knight Commander of the cross Army, Arthur, and the Duke of Essia, the highest commander.

In the second row behind them were the master of array and divination, star constellation, Allen, who was good at witchcraft, the count of the blood clan, Simon, Mr. Cong, the three heroes of science, Helen, Dave, Ludovic, old turtle, Li Chao, the libation of Dragon city’s luozhe Palace, and the five members of the Suicide Squad.

of course, there were still two figures missing from the dazzling starlight on the platform.

One of them was Link’s personal servant, AFU, and the other was the Pharaoh tumeng.

both of them had been sent out on missions by link. Link had contacted Fu two days ago, hoping that he would participate in the finals of the Inhumans ‘professional league. Although Fu really wanted to attend, he still refused in the end. before hanging up, fu revealed an important piece of information to link. he had already gathered clues about the wasteland singer aria and the dynasty’s treasure. if everything went well, he should get useful information soon.

Since Fu had already said so, link had no reason to force him to come back.

Fu was a determined person. Once he set his mind on a target, even link couldn’t pull him back.

So sometimes, link was curious whether his luck was good because of his strong will, or if it was because of good luck that his will was strong.

There was one more important person who was not sitting on the podium-the macaw.

The macaw was today’s finale host, and it was hosting this exciting battle on the field.

In particular, its unique ridicules became a golden sentence, Holy Bible, and daily joke for countless players. It was spread in the forum as a popular language and even became a hot search for a time.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Colosseum! Today is the highly anticipated final of the player professional league. The top ten have already been born, so let’s wait and see who will take the crown.” Because it was the opening ceremony, the macaw had to restrain itself. when it was time to explain, it would go all out.

after these few days of battles, the atmosphere did not need any decoration at all. the audience had automatically entered the state of mind and were shouting the names of their supporters in a tsunami. Most of the people in the city were gathered in front of the TV, holding the lottery tickets in their hands tightly, waiting for their dreams to come true.

The top ten players also enjoyed the support of the public. During this period of time, they had endorsed and shot advertisements. They even had a fan group and became the big stars of the game.

“I know you guys can’t wait, so let’s cut to the chase and start the match! “The first match, lost mo Wen versus wind-like floating softness!” following the macaw’s announcement, the audience burst into cheers again.

Lost mo Wen walked out with a red spear in hand. On the other side, the gentle and Swift mo Wen was wearing a pair of metal boxing gloves and an armor with electric currents flowing around his body.

With the macaw’s command, the competition officially began.

On the platform, the crowd watched the competition with interest, sighing at the rapid progress of the Outlanders.

It had only been a year, but the strength of these Outlanders had improved by leaps and bounds. Moreover, they seemed to have no shackles and were not worried about their cultivation being stagnant. They couldn’t help but be impressed by Link’s foresight. When the Inhumans had just appeared and were weak, he had built a good relationship with them and actively guided them to complete the mission and give them rewards. This made these Inhumans rely on link very much.

Ivan leaned in and asked, ” “Link, when I came out of my meditation, I noticed a giant object in the near-Earth orbit. It seems to be the bi ‘an mech city?”

Ivan was not aware of Link’s plan, so he decided to ask about it since he was invited to the finals.

Link’s lips curled into a smug smile. you didn’t expect me to launch a mech city that weighs millions of tons into the sky, did you? ”

Ivan couldn’t help but nod. He could no longer imagine how terrifying Link’s technology was. At least from his ability to control the magnetic mutated humans, to be able to launch millions of tons of steel into the air was already beyond human power.

How many more terrifying trump cards did this guy have?!

do you still remember the plan discussed by the wasteland Council? ” Asked link.

ivan nodded. ” i’ve already picked the candidates. they’ve all come to shandu with the team. ”

“It’s just a transport ship. It’s too weak to travel in the vast universe alone. That’s why I’ve launched the city into the sky as well, to act as a mechanical fortress for the transport ships.”

Ivan couldn’t help but look at the duel below the stage and asked, ” the inhuman professional league and entering the universe, these two times coincide, could it be a coincidence? ”

“Of course I won’t!” link looked at the players fighting in the arena and said,”They are an important part of the wasteland Expeditionary Force.

wasteland expeditionary?

evan became shortly stunned,”that’s an interesting title!”

P.S. [guaranteed chapter, more chapters tonight ~]