652 mechanical fortress

The appearance of such an unprecedented behemoth in front of everyone was truly shocking.

It wasn’t just the audience and players in the arena, even the cameras were focused on the transport ship that covered the sky. All the TV viewers were dumbfounded. They couldn’t believe that this was a flying device that could be found on the wasteland.

The shadow shrouded their heads, but it also pressed down on everyone’s hearts, making it hard for them to breathe.

“The top ten of each class in this professional league, the top ten in the team competition and the top ten in the free-for-all battle, will be qualified to board the transport ship and follow me on the expedition. Of course, it’s up to your free will whether you want to go or not. I won’t force you.” After link finished speaking, he turned to look at the top ten players in the Esper category. Ivan thinks that you are all promising talents and wants to keep you and train you well so that you can become the backbone of the Brotherhood. Therefore, you have another choice.”

On the platform, when Ivan heard Link’s request without hiding any emotions, he was filled with admiration. She tried her best to catch up, but she seemed to be getting further and further away from link.

This mysterious benefit also caused an uproar among the players. No one thought that the hidden benefit would be to follow link to conquer the sea of stars. This also meant that they could leave the wasteland like the defectors and face the vast universe. Of course, the most important thing was that they would become Link’s true core. If they surrounded Link’s Expeditionary Force, not only would they be able to build a good relationship with him, but they would also be the first to know the progress of the plot and receive rewards.

The players in the audience were all envious. Unlike the defectors who lurked on foreign planets, they were on edge every day and their movements were limited. Following link, there would definitely be more plots and rewards. They could also enter space one step ahead of time. The benefits were endless.

The people on the stage were also stunned by this mysterious reward, and they could not help but look at each other.

Before this, they had never thought that this would be the reward. Now that they were suddenly asked to make a choice, it was difficult for them to make a decision.

Most of the players present knew each other. Moreover, most of them were from the top ten guilds. Only a small number of them were independent players.

The big guilds “actions were definitely carefully considered, and the decision-making was in the hands of their respective guild leaders.

On the other hand, it was the pub players who made their decisions quickly. Bombarding chicken was the first to step forward. He walked behind link and said,”I pledge to follow the head of state to the death!”

Wind didn’t think too much about it. The miracle Guild was able to suppress Dragon travel the world in fate all because he chose link. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be in such a good situation and wouldn’t even be able to take the title of the number one Guild on wasteland planet. He didn’t have to make a choice. He just had to stand by Link’s side.

Windchaser and the other members of the miracle Guild stepped out and stood behind link.

seeing this, the other guilds also stepped out and stood behind link.

Good guy, you got a version bonus during the open beta. Now that version 2.0 has just entered the universe, how can I let you be better than me? Pandora and Victoria, the two novice planets, were still being ravaged by the alien planets. Only if the wasteland destroyed the alien planets and entered the universe ahead of time would they be able to enjoy the first wave of benefits from the universe.

Moreover, if they followed link, they would have plenty of exciting plots and generous rewards.

Everyone on the stage made their decision and stood behind link. Everyone had a common consensus. Whoever could conquer the universe with link would get the first wave of benefits from version 2.0. Now that the majority of guilds had chosen to follow, the next step would be the internal competition between the guilds.

Now, only the Esper players were left in front of link. Compared to the other guilds and players, they had one more option. it was another legend who followed the wasteland, ivan. With a legend personally guiding them and promising them that they would become the central force of steel Garden of Eden, the temptation was huge.

Although space was a good place to go, it was too difficult to compete with the top ten guilds. There was also wind-chasing Wolf, who was Link’s loyal supporter. The pressure would definitely be greater. But following Ivan would not have such worries. Currently, there were no players that could catch Ivan’s eye. If they chose to join Ivan, they would at least get a wave of legendary bonuses.

The two choices left the Esper players in a dilemma.

Seeing this, Ivan couldn’t help but rise from the platform and control the magnetic force to float to the center of the venue.

“I can ensure your development, and the Brotherhood has the most variety of mutated humans, who can provide you with help and guidance. your potential is endless, and you will definitely become the trendiest among the mutants in the future!”

Ivan’s powerful words were extremely attractive, and a few Esper players had a look of yearning in their eyes.

After struggling for a moment, the ten of them finally made a choice, and seven of them moved to Ivan.

A trace of joy flashed across Ivan’s face.

Not bad, not bad. Two-thirds of them had come to him. This was really unexpected. It seemed that the olive branch he had extended was very sincere, and had a certain appeal among the Outlanders.

The seven of them came to Ivan, looked at each other, and bowed to him in unison, ” “Thank you for your favor, President, but we still want to go out and explore. However, don’t worry, President. When we reach the universe, we will not forget our identity as mutants and will still work for the Brotherhood!”

the corner of ivan’s mouth twitched slightly. he had not expected this to happen. These seven people were not here to join him, but to apologize.

Ivan concealed his embarrassment and smiled. it’s a good thing to go out. The Brotherhood will also arrange people to join the expedition Army. When the time comes, you have to help each other and spread the reputation of us mutants to the universe.

The others nodded and lined up behind link.

Ivan looked at the remaining three people. Although they were ranked at the bottom, they were still promising talents, better than nothing!

With a snap of Link’s fingers, a ring of light appeared at the bottom of the transport ship above them, enveloping everyone within.

A golden light flashed, and the light disappeared. Link and the players in the center of the arena disappeared.

The players and the natives were shocked by the unprecedented technology that only appeared in movies or games.

Oh, I forgot. This is a game.

Then, Link’s image appeared on the screen again.

Behind him was a high-tech cockpit with all kinds of holographic data that dazzled the eyes.

of course, we are not leaving the wasteland today. Before we leave, I will arrange everything on the wasteland and lead the wasteland Expeditionary Force to the universe! Next, please come with me to enjoy the scenery of the wasteland that we’ve never seen before.”

the image on the big screen suddenly changed to the front of the transport ship.

Through the camera, everyone saw the scene of Shandu from the perspective of the transport ship, which was a bustling modern city.

the transport ship’s engine twisted and shot out blue energy, gradually rising.

At this moment, many players and natives could tell that the sound of the transport ship was like thunder. He suddenly remembered the Thunder that appeared in the sky every night for no reason, and he suddenly realized.

As the transport ship rose, the image on the screen changed. The prosperous and vast sand became the size of a palm, and thin clouds appeared. The flat horizon suddenly had an arc and became curved. the sky below was covered in clouds. he had never seen such a clear sky before.

As the altitude continued to rise, the blue sky seemed to have been dripped with ink, gradually turning black.

There were only a few stars emitting light in the universe, and it looked unusually cold.

After the transport ship entered the low-Earth orbit, not long after, the mechanical fortress on the orbit began to show its might.

The mechanical fortress had been modified to adapt to space, and the modular divisions and settings had also been greatly changed. Therefore, it looked very different from the mechanical city that players had seen before.

The flashing indicator lights and the gradually opening hatch made people exclaim.

The players on the transport ship were all leaning against the porthole, their eyes wide open and their mouths full of surprise. They were like children who had just entered the city, curious about everything.

link went to the rest area and said, ” I’ve already arranged a place for you to rest in the mechanical fortress. You can go over and take a look.

then, under the lead of the mechanical squid controlled by troy, the players came to the rest area of the mechanical fortress.

“Oh my God, is this really the resting area?” Zhui Feng looked at the scene in front of him and was so surprised that he couldn’t even speak.

The others basically had the same expression as wind. In the huge Hall, there were not only individual living rooms, but also fighting platforms, weapon rooms, Assembly Rooms, meditation rooms, and even a bar! As long as they could think of it, this place had everything they could think of. It was just like a small city.

there were four types of rooms for players to rest in: single room, double room, four-room, and five-room. the size and type of each species were also different.

for example, the smallest single room was 20 square meters, with a bed, a table, and a bathroom.

The Guild Master of the sentimental Guild, Tang Jiu, leaned against the translucent glass and looked at the assembly room with eager eyes. He was almost drooling.

The equipment in the assembly room was extremely luxurious, and Tang Jiu had only seen many of them in Helen’s laboratory. He never dreamed that he would be able to use these instruments one day. As a mechanic player and the top mechanic in the inhuman professional league, he naturally knew the wonderful uses of these devices.

Other than Tang Jiu, the other mechanic class players were also leaning on the glass, sighing.

“Wu La, can we also use the assembly room?” Tang Jiu came back to his senses and asked while wiping his saliva with his sleeve.

” yes, ” the mechanical squid wu la replied, ” you can use the assembly room as long as you pay the fee. it’s the same for the other rooms. The detailed price list was reflected in the price column. Now, please choose your room and pay the corresponding fee.”

the players came back to their senses and went to the price list under the lead of the mechanical squid wu la.

because we need to bring a lot of food, water, and daily necessities for this voyage, ” explained the mechanical squid, ” many activities in the mechanical fortress have to be paid for.

the players looked at the price list and found that they were not paying in wasteland coins, but military intelligence points.

“In order to maximize the Inhumans” benefits, everything that needs to be paid in the mechanical fortress will be converted to points,”Wu La continued. These military intelligence points would then be converted into Expeditionary points. Similarly, your missions and actions in the universe will reward you with the corresponding Expeditionary Force points.”

At this point, a lot of players suddenly realized that no one recognized wasteland coins when they arrived in the universe.

Everyone looked at each other and decided to exchange their current wasteland coins for various supplies. Some even had the idea of purchasing supplies in large quantities.

Of course, the players ‘thoughts could not escape the mechanical squid Wu LA’s eyes.

” it’s fine if you want to bring the goods to the mechanical fortress, but you’ll have to pay the rental fee for the warehouse. ”

With the mechanical squid’s approval, the players ‘eyes lit up.

The first to bear the brunt of the attack was the Guild master of the world Dragon, heaven’s resentment Dragon. He was not happy about losing to the miracle Guild. now that they were in space, they had returned to the same starting line. how could they let reserve supplies affect the competition between guilds?

As the players who came up this time had all received the rewards from the Inhumans ‘professional league, they did not have to worry about points.

After a short discussion, they decided on their respective rooms.

a guild with a good relationship would naturally book multiple rooms for easy communication and discussion.

Most of the pub players had booked single rooms, and it was very fun to live alone.

After booking the rooms, the players boarded the transport ship again under the lead of the mechanical squid and returned to the dock on the second floor of the Colosseum.

you have five days to settle your personal problems. Five days later, we will gather at the Colosseum and set off officially.

As the players left, link returned to the wind howl Castle.

There was only one topic of discussion on the wasteland today. It was not about the Inhumans ‘professional league. Instead, it was about the huge transport ship that had suddenly appeared after the competition and the Expeditionary Army that link had mentioned.

They didn’t know who the Expeditionary Force was, but they knew that this group of top Inhumans would be participating in the attack on the alien planet.

More importantly, link had to personally lead the troops to fight against the alien planet and save the other civilizations.

What did this mean?

This meant that link was about to leave the wasteland.

The good environment on the wasteland was all thanks to link. Once he left, would the wasteland still be so peaceful?

He didn’t know any of this.

However, link had said that he would give everyone an explanation. Everyone believed that link would only leave after settling the wasteland down.

but now, almost everyone on the wasteland was waiting anxiously for the arrangement.

The next day.

There were two pieces of news in the morning Post on wasteland planet. The legendary King of Assassins, John, announced the establishment of the assassin Alliance. Gather the assassins and bounty hunters scattered on the wasteland and settle them at the Shatu Yuan joint pharmaceutical building.

The second news was that the wasteland Council welcomed the King of Assassins, the leader of the assassin Alliance, John, to join the wasteland Council.

At this point, the people seemed to have discovered something.