658 Are you doing proper business or looking for fun (Chapter 6.27)

Link didn’t think that Helen would think of the differences between civilizations while everyone was still immersed in the shock and pressure of the advanced civilization.

Since Helen had asked, link would answer her truthfully.

“If we want to rank the space civilizations, then the human civilization on the previous planet can only be ranked as level 0. It’s mainly reflected in the fact that we can only use the resources of the planet itself for development, and we’re still in the fossil fuel stage.” Then link turned to Helen and said, ” however, Helen’s creation of the tokamark device has brought the wasteland into the clean energy era. The civilization level of the wasteland has now advanced to Level 1.

While link was explaining and everyone was listening, Troy was gradually approaching the transition portal under the guidance of Satoko.

However, everyone was too immersed in Link’s explanation to look at the grand transition door outside. On the other hand, the rest area of the mechanical fortress and the people of the major forces were lying on the porthole, looking at the miracle outside with a dumbfounded expression.

it’s too terrifying. This height is like a heavenly pillar!

“Quickly take a picture, quickly take a picture. I didn’t expect to see such a scene in my lifetime.”

“what kind of civilization could have created such a thing?”

Both the players and the NPCs were shocked. They had come out of the wasteland like children who had just entered the city. However, they didn’t expect that before they even entered the city, just a ” doorway ” in the remote suburbs had already shocked them to the point of speechlessness, and their minds were blank.

The mechanical fortress was getting closer and closer to the warp gate, and soon, the scene outside the flux window had reached the point where they had to look up.

The milky-white energy of the transition gate was like a pool of water, and it began to fluctuate as the mechanical fortress approached.

When the mechanical fortress was completely close to the transition gate, people could see from the porthole that the thickness of the transition gate ” Sky Pillar ” was beyond their imagination. There were still gaps in the modular installation, looking very mechanical.

Ya Zhi Zi had already jumped in advance, and the scene around him changed as soon as the mechanical fortress entered.

At this moment, in the control room of the mechanical fortress, everyone looked out of the scene and saw a bright light outside. On the front, there was a huge black hole, where light quickly dispersed from all directions. It was bright and colorful, as if it had entered some kind of colorful neon pipe.

Link’s expression remained the same as he continued,”a level 2 civilization is a star civilization. at this stage, the living beings can use the stars in their own star system to obtain energy. the most common one is the dyson sphere. However, such Level 2 civilizations were easily discovered and targeted by others. This was because the brightness of the stars decreased rapidly and would be observed by other civilizations. The competition for energy became more intense, so interstellar wars were the most common among Level 2 civilizations. Of course, this is only for technological civilizations. Other psionic civilizations absorb energy in a similar way, and they call it the Ascension mayfly.”

Just as everyone was listening to Link’s story, the mechanical fortress left the wormhole and the scene before them changed. after a while, they arrived at another galaxy, which was as empty as the desolation galaxy.

At this moment, Satoko, who was leading the way in the distance, suddenly sent back a warning message, interrupting everyone.

“Report, traces of battle have been found on the front line. There were energy field fluctuations that had not completely dissipated after the intense battle, and there were also fallen remains. According to preliminary analysis and appraisal, it was a medium-sized transport ship that was hit.”

fu looked at link in confusion when he heard the report from achiko. didn’t boss say before that the star systems here were all in the wilderness, and almost no outsiders would pass by? Why would they encounter a battle right after the warp?

Almost instantly, everyone’s eyes were on link, waiting for the leader’s order.

Link thought of what he had said to Fu and felt his face burn. He had just said that there wouldn’t be any Space Raiders in such a barren star system, and in the blink of an eye, he discovered traces of battle. The slap in the face came too quickly.

Link’s expression turned serious.

A medium transport ship was not a small matter. This kind of ship usually existed in a prosperous star system. Because it had both transportation and combat capabilities, it was often used as the most common ship under the command of a larger force or the moving ship of some mercenary battle groups. Even the first-rank only had two medium-sized transport ships, which were not easily used. Most of the time, they were only used for strategic needs.

The medium-sized transport ship had been blown into pieces, which showed the intensity of the battle.

However, in the eyes of the mechanical fortress, these ships were only small.

In the parking bay of the mechanical fortress, it was not a problem to accommodate two medium-sized transport ships.

was he doing something serious or looking for fun?

Link instantly made a judgment.

With a medium-sized transport ship, whether it was a large force or a mercenary group, it was worth Link’s visit.

After all, for a medium-sized transport ship to appear in a small and declining star system like the Fandi star system, it was already very strange. Perhaps there would be a plot behind it?

Of course, the most important thing was that he was a bastard who didn’t eat the melon!

now that the melon was right in front of him, it was not link’s style to just leave.

“Go and see what’s going on!” Said link, raising his hand.

Everyone’s eyes flashed with joy, but at the same time, they were nervous. helen wanted to say something but hesitated. in the end, she couldn’t help but say, ” “head of state, the mech fortress currently only has railguns that can deal damage. We don’t have any conventional means of defense if we approach rashly.”

Link’s lips curled up slightly. He had already seen through Helen’s thoughts. don’t worry, I’ll act according to the situation. The nine-striped Dragon is on standby.

Not many people had seen the Black Throne before. Only Helen and a few staff members had seen the second form of the mechanical fortress.

Helen only had two words for the Black Throne-don’t worry.

The powerful firepower and exaggerated defense allowed the Black Throne to wreak havoc in the Galaxy. just in the fandi galaxy, he would have no problem doing whatever he wanted.

Hearing Link’s words, Helen immediately smiled and rushed to the control console. She began to adjust the course according to the information given by ya Jiko.

Troy didn’t stay idle either. He used the mechanical fortress ‘communication device to report to everyone what was going to happen next and make an early warning.

[ report to all members of the mechanical fortress. We have successfully passed through the hyperdrive gate and arrived at the ghostmelt Galaxy, but traces of battle and wreckage have been found ahead. [ we will now head towards the location at full speed. All combat personnel, please be prepared for battle! ]

Troy broadcasted it three times in a row. The players and NPCs were still immersed in the shock of crossing the Galaxy, and they were all shocked when they suddenly heard about the battle. Why was there a battle just after crossing the Galaxy? However, at the same time, a strong sense of excitement welled up in their hearts. This would be their first time fighting an enemy from outside the Galaxy. Whoever had the faster hand speed would be able to grab the credit and spoils of war.

All of a sudden, be it players or NPCs, everyone was full of battle intent and were eyeing them covetously.

The spaceship gradually approached. Through the porthole of the mechanical fortress, one could clearly see the debris in space. There were even corpses that had been thrown out and were floating in space. They were frozen to death. Link glanced at the clothes of the corpses. He could only see that they were all in the same blue combat uniform with the same pattern on the shoulders and back.

Link tried to see the pattern on the battle uniform, but he couldn’t see it clearly due to the distance and the twisted shape of the bodies after being thrown into space.

He couldn’t see it clearly, but link was sure it was a medium carrier. It must be a mercenary battle group!

Helen, who was at the control station, suddenly turned her head and said, ” “Head of state, Satoko has sent a signal!”

On the screen, two aircraft were chasing each other in the dark space background. The right wing of the medium-sized transport ship suffered large-scale damage. The porthole was destroyed, and debris scattered into space. The sub-engine at the tail had also died. The one that attacked the medium transport ship was a uniquely-shaped aircraft.

It was shaped like a medieval pirate ship, with energy cannons on the sides. a huge energy sail spread out on the mast above the pirate ship, relying on the high-energy particles emitted by the star to generate thrust. although its size was not as large as a medium-sized transport ship, its speed was more than a notch faster.

at the forefront of the pirate ships, there was an extremely long, extended metal thorn, which looked like the long and sharp upper jaw of a swordfish. It gave off the feeling that it could pierce through any aircraft.

The Corsair’s aircraft slowly approached the medium-sized transport ship that was forced to stop. Then, many hooks shot out from the side of the ship, firmly locking the medium-sized transport ship and not giving it a chance to escape. Many small aircraft emerged from the exit of the pirate ship and quickly approached the place where the transport ship had been blown up to begin the landing activity.

Link saw the actions of the flying pirate ship and immediately understood.

It was just as Fu had expected. In a remote and desolate Galaxy like the Fandi system, they’d actually encountered a group of mercenaries and aliens.

link couldn’t help but smile after seeing the image.”Interesting, it really is a robbery. Let’s go, we’ll stop the fight!”

ya jiko continued to wait in place, transmitting the live images of the first scene to the mechanical fortress.

The mechanical fortress sped up, and at the same time, Troy made a broadcast in the fortress.

[ attention all members, attention all members, we will arrive at the first scene in three minutes. All units, please be ready for battle! ]

The small aircrafts in the pirate ship were all stuck in front of the gap of the medium-sized transport ship, looking like predators in nature that ate and parasitized certain creatures.

at the same time, inside the medium-sized transport ship, the mercenary group was making their final resistance.

The aliens had entered the cabin and completely occupied the latter half.

“guild leader, bad news! they’ve physically cut off the engine control, and we’ve lost control of the engine room.”

The leader of the mercenary group frowned and put on his helmet. “We need to take back control of the engine room. Otherwise, the aliens will come to us like a swarm of locusts. Send people to repair the shield as soon as possible. As long as we can fix it, the aliens won’t be able to hurt us. As long as we make it to the next warp gate, the first order in this system will help us deal with the aliens.”

“I’ll lead the others to take back control of the engine room. The rest of you, guard the front of the ship. Do not let the aliens enter the cockpit.”

The leader of the mercenary group was fully armed and was about to count his men to leave, but he was hurriedly stopped by the pilot.

“Guild leader! There was a turning point! a large aircraft is rapidly approaching. should we send a distress signal?” The pilot was so excited that his voice trembled when he shouted.

Super large aircraft.

The moment these six words came out, the dozens of mercenaries in the cockpit were all stunned.

Everyone knew what this meant.

Only advanced civilizations could create such a large aircraft. The appearance of aliens in this barren system was already shocking enough, and now there was one. It was like a ray of light in the darkness.

“Guild leader, do we really have to send out a distress signal? What if the alien is in cahoots with the alien?” One of the mercenaries couldn’t help but worry.

“Even if he’s the enemy’s ally, can he be worse off than now?” the captain chuckled. Even in the vicinity of the morwall Galaxy, there are only a handful of aliens with super-large spacecrafts, but they would never appear here!”

“So, let’s go!”

The regiment commander gave the order and the pilot immediately started operating. they were constantly sending signals for help and access to the mechanical fortress.

At the same time, the alien aliens detected the approaching ship and discovered the presence of the mech fortress.

Sir, it’s bad. We’ve discovered a large aircraft approaching at high speed!

The leader of the pirate ship’s aircraft frowned and immediately asked, ” “How long before they arrive at the scene?”

“Based on the enemy’s current speed, we have three minutes left,” the operator quickly replied.

The leader slammed his fist on the table, his face twisted.”Dammit! Why would there be a super large aircraft in such a remote place? Didn’t I do some research before I came here? where did this sh * t Galaxy come from?”

However, being angry at this moment wouldn’t solve anything. After the leader finished scolding, he immediately made a decision, ” “Order the landing team to finish the battle in three minutes! At the same time, arrange for a leash to drag this group of mercenaries forward!”

The aliens were well-trained and had done this many times in the universe. he easily and familiarly attached a traction rope to the medium-sized transport ship, and then directly dragged the transport ship away.

The interstellar aliens “actions shocked the mercenary group. The members in the transport ship turned pale and couldn’t help but exclaim, “”This group of lunatics!”

In the cockpit, the operator suddenly shouted excitedly, ” we’ve connected. We’ve made contact with the other party!

the mercenary leader immediately moved to the control panel and looked at the black-and-white noise screen that gradually became clear, and a young girl’s face appeared.

this is the mechanical fortress of wasteland planet. We have received your help signal and know your current situation. Please hold on for another three minutes. Our fortress will arrive at your location in three minutes.”

The entire cockpit was silent and dumbfounded.