668 The five rats Secret Service Squad moved out again

late at night.

in the resting area, batins and his trusted aides gathered in a room and had a secret discussion.

The entire room was isolated by the mutated humans who could control sound. There were also magicians who could control water to form a water ball around the room. The water ball tightly wrapped around the place where the few of them were seated. It was completely sealed in a large water ball.

“What do you guys think of today’s matter?” Batins asked.

He still felt a little uneasy. Although he had told them half the truth, he still felt that the Penguin that had come today would not be so easy to fool. Or rather, it would be more accurate to say that it would not be so easy to fool link, who was behind it.

“The Guild leader has made a good move today! he shared the mission and the disk, but he didn’t mention the item to minimize the suspicion of the other party.”

In the past, batins would have been smug. But now, thinking of Link’s deep eyes, he felt as if he had been seen through. He couldn’t help but shiver.

I don’t think it’s that simple. Besides, we’re still under house arrest. No one knows what’s going to happen next. Batins was careful, and he felt uneasy. If there had to be a reason, it was probably because they were in the rest area and not on their own spaceship.

“I think you’re overthinking things, leader. Based on the performance of macaw and silver hand today, the other party clearly has good intentions. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have taught lie Fu techniques for no reason. “In the eyes of such a high-leveled civilization, the things that we value and fight for might just be ordinary to them.”

batins was convinced by these words. The spirit-powered cannons were enough to destroy the aliens and force them to give up. He then thought about the strange creatures he had seen when he first entered the dock. They didn’t seem to be formed naturally. There was also a parrot that could act as a special envoy and was close to him in communication. There was also silver hand, who was his guard, and his strength was actually on par with him, or even slightly higher.

After boarding the mechanical fortress, everything he had seen and heard was extremely bizarre, subverting the common sense that bartings had known for so many years.

Lie Fu’s mechanical arm had already been removed, but he was still speaking up for silver hand.”Guild leader, I also don’t think they have any ulterior motives. silver hand’s advice was very helpful to me, and he held back at the critical moment, obviously not wanting to harm his life.”

If his subordinate’s stance before was half and half …

However, after the macaw incident today, the mercenaries ‘attitude towards link had changed to a 70 – 30 chance.

70% of them felt that the other party had no ill intentions, and only 30% felt that they needed to be vigilant.

It had to be said that the macaw and silver hand’s ability to accidentally stumble upon something was not small.

Now, there was an obvious difference in the attitudes of his subordinates. The members who had decided to wait and see were now either supporting him or still skeptical. Batins knew that this topic could not be discussed any further, or the group would fall apart first.

“Everything about the mission is the same. We only found the metal box, but there was nothing inside. I don’t want to offend this high-leveled civilization, but I can’t offend the Rothwell Foundation either. as long as we complete this task, our progress for the year will be completed ahead of time, and you can get whatever you want in advance. lie fu, the mechanical arm you want, oh, you might not want it anymore, old bai, you can get the control panel you want! That’s why I don’t want to cause any trouble at this juncture. Do you understand?”

His trusted aides nodded in unison, all of them promising to keep their mouths shut.

Soon, the water ball disappeared, and the sound isolation also disappeared. The trusted aides quickly left the living room and returned to their own rooms.

the lights in the resting area’s windows gradually went out. tang jiu and soda pork ball, who were standing guard at the door, yawned and couldn’t help but complain, ” the people inside are already asleep, but we still have to stand guard at the door. It’s really too tragic!

Tang Jiu winked and smiled. “What’s so tragic about it? we’re on duty today, and we’re lucky to know that the macaw and the Silver Hand are on a special mission. If there’s a next stage, we’ll definitely be of use. This is a good thing!”

Soda pork ball nodded and said,”that’s true!” We’ve been floating in space for more than a week, and now that we’ve encountered a big event, we have to seize this wave of version bonuses. Miracle Guild was able to establish an advantage during the open beta of Windchaser. In that case, the advantage of this version will be led by our Guild, the sentimental Guild!”

Just as the two players were having fun in their dreams, a few small things suddenly ran past a dark corner of the rest area in a row.

Led by the treasure-hunting mouse, the special Agent mouse team entered the rest area at lightning speed.

that night, link gave the treasure-hunting mouse and the agent mice team a difficult mission. he asked them to go to the rest area and steal the ancient scroll of life.

The macaw described the spatial container accurately, and link even drew a picture of the ancient Book of Life.

After the treasure-hunting mouse led the special Agent mouse team to study seriously, it took advantage of the late night to embark on the ” journey.

This was the second time the treasure-hunting mouse and the special Agent mouse team were out on a mission in their full form after almost a year.

The last time they sneaked in was during the battle of the floating mech city.

Therefore, the treasure-hunting mouse had three requirements for this mission.

The six mice sneaked into the rest area, avoiding the players ‘sentries and patrols outside. They also perfectly avoided the mercenary group’s sentries.

All the metals and treasures in this area couldn’t escape the treasure-hunting mouse’s sharp sense of smell.

As soon as it entered the rest area, it sensed a strong aura of treasure.

With the help of the five mice’s [ cooperative chip-reconnaissance ], the rest of the mercenary group in the resting area had nowhere to hide. They all appeared within their signal range.

The treasure-hunting mouse and the five mice were old acquaintances when it came to the mechanical fortress. after all, it was the place where the [ home of the brats ] fetter was first activated, which directly blew up the machine giant and saved link from the fire and water. Although it had been modified, he had become familiar with it again after playing with Miranda a few days ago.

The treasure-hunting mouse took the lead, and the five special Agent mice followed to assist.

Soon, the six mice stopped in their tracks, because the five mice’s synchronization chips detected danger.

The special Agent five mice’s perception ability was amazing. Water Rat, who was the largest, straightened his body and made a soft squeak. A moment later, Water rat’s eyes turned green, and a scanning ray shot out from his eyes. In an instant, the infrared rays in the air were all revealed. After the water Rat squeaked a few times, the other rats immediately understood.

The infrared rays in the air quickly turned green, and then the alarm failed.

It turned out that Troy had used the synchronization chip in the body of the five special Agent mice to temporarily take over Water rat’s body. He had used his own data analyzing ability to infiltrate the other party’s defenses and obtained a ” vacuum Defense ” for the ” treasure hunting team.

After clearing the obstacles, the rats immediately entered the room.

The treasure-hunting mouse arrived at the location of the treasure without much effort. It then found a sheepskin scroll in the interlayer of a stinky shoe. Looking at the lines and patterns on the parchment, she could immediately tell that it was exactly what link had drawn.

Water Rat, who was the largest among them, carried the ancient scroll, and the group of mice sneaked out of the rest area.

At the same time, in the laboratory of the mechanical fortress.

Link, Helen, Dave, pony the Penguin, and Troy sat around a round table. Ajiko hovered in the air, discussing ways to copy the contents of the ancient scroll.