702 Weapon extraction

Link tossed the throat-crushing dagger into the Dean’s magic box. The runes on the box began to flow, and the box even began to tremble when the energy was activated. The scene of attribute extraction was no different from the scene of opening a box in other pay-to-win web-based games.

after a shiver and a flash, the lid of dean’s magic box opened again, signaling for link to insert the main equipment that needed enchantment.

Link glanced at his current equipment. Whether it was the [ cutthroat ] or the [ sharp blade ] special effect, they would only be effective on short weapons. Link had already prepared the main weapon with enchantment. He picked up [ Kohler’s dagger ] and threw it into Dean’s magic box.

The box closed again and began to shake like a lottery.

After a burst of blue-purple light, everything returned to normal.

When the box was opened again, the color of [ Kohler’s dagger ] changed. the original dull color no longer existed, and in its place was an indescribable sharpness. The flash dagger was made of meteoric iron and had a very low brightness, so its original Blade was not visible. The most powerful effect was the space-time flash effect. But this time, after the special effect of [ throat crusher ] was added, the appearance of the dagger changed.

The dagger was still dim, but it gave off a sharp aura.

Lin Ke could not wait to pick up the flash dagger to check its attributes. This was the first weapon he had ever extracted in his life. If he failed, the flash dagger would have no potential to speak of. A blue-grade weapon had a maximum of three special effects, while a purple-grade epic-grade weapon had a maximum of four. Extracting enchantment could break this restriction, but it could only add one additional condition. If he failed to extract the word, it would be the end of his dagger flash.

After looking at the stats of the flash dagger, Lin Ke let out a long sigh of relief. All his previous nervousness had disappeared.

Luck was still on his side. This time, he extracted the enchantment and successfully attached a suitable word to his flash dagger.

Kohler’s dagger ” (soul-bound)

[ Rarity: Epic (purple) ]

[ parameters: attack power 100 – 130, length 27 cm, weight 1kg ]

[ equipment requirements: LV30 and above, strength 85, agility 85 ]

[ attribute bonus: strength +50, agility +50 ]

[ special effect: flash-the wielder can flash to the location of the dagger unconditionally, no distance limit (consumption: 25 stamina/time)

Evisceration-deals 150% damage when attacking from the back.

[ bestowment extrication-15%/10%/5% chance to deal 3/4/5 times the damage when using kohler’s dagger. ]

[ mastery-increases the effect of all dagger skills by 15% ]

cutthroat (additional)-attacks the throat with an additional 100% damage on top of critical hit.


the Dean’s magic box created by saffron is really giving me face, ” link exclaimed happily. With the special effect of [ throat cut ], the effect of the flash dagger had reached a new level. It had also successfully extended the lifespan of the flash dagger by a lot, allowing it to support higher level battles.

Of the five special effects, [ blink ] was the soul skill of the flash dagger. [ evisceration ] could cause 150% damage to the back, [ bestowment extrication ]’s special effect had a chance to cause multiple critical hits, [ specialist ]’s effect increased dagger skills and effects by 15%, and now [ cutthroat ] had an additional 100% damage when attacking the throat, directly increasing the attack power to the maximum.

With all these luxurious special effects added together, although the dagger was still displayed as a purple epic-grade, it now looked like a sub-legendary weapon. All it lacked was the parameter damage and attribute bonus. It was a pity that the parameters of damage and attributes could only be added in the later versions. if one had to mention one event, it would be the time when they left the morwall galaxy cluster and the starport!

After combining the dagger, link looked at the [ soul crown ] and the [ elemental ring ].

After entering the universe, the spiritual creatures he met were all stronger. The [ spirit crown ] couldn’t be used well anymore. Link thought of transplanting the Crown’s effect onto the [ elemental ring ]. With the [ spell disaster ] effect of the elemental ring, he could even increase the Crown’s effect. It was the best combination he could do right now.

the spirit crown had three special effects, namely-

psionic field-bind-the strong magnetic field unique to the crown will block any consciousness from invading from the outside world for 1 hour.

Psionic field-enhance-crown can enhance your spiritual power, allowing you to use psychic power like an Esper for 30 minutes.

[ magnetic field distortion ]-[ spirit crown ] can distort the magnetic field around it, causing the crown to disappear visually.

Either one of these effects would help the [ elemental ring ] level up. Of course, if he had to choose one, link would still think that ” bind ” or ” enhance ” were better. Magnetic field distortion could at most hide the elemental ring visually and cause an unexpected effect, but it was slightly less functional, and it could not enjoy the 30% increase of spell calamity.

With a two-thirds chance, link felt that it was worth a try.

After putting the soul crown into Dean’s magic box, everything returned to calmness after a dull twitching.

Then, link took off the elemental ring and put it in. After a bluish-purple light, the elemental ring with the new word floated out of the magic box.

[ elemental magic ring ]

[ Rarity: Epic (purple) ]

[ parameters: made of Mithril, engraved with secret runes ]

[ equipment requirements: LV30 and above, 100 energy points ]

[ attribute bonus: intelligence +30, energy +30 ]

[ special effect: elemental control-randomly releases an arcane, frost, flame, Holy, lightning, physical, and poisonous skill (consumption: 50 energy points/time)

Spell calamity-increases the effect of a single element by 30%.

spirit magnetic field-increase (attached)-the magic ring can increase your spiritual power, allowing you to use psychic power like an esper for 30 minutes.


Link’s eyes brightened as he rubbed his hands together.

I’ll get whatever I want today. It seems that shaking hands with Fu this morning and getting him to praise me seemed to be of some use, huh? ” Said link, grinning from ear to ear.

His energy attribute was now 325 points. With the protection of the dream demon and Brain Seal, no one could break through Link’s brain without being prepared unless they were a class B+ spiritual-type master. As for the incident with the goddess of magic, it was the result of link opening up a part of his mind and brain after he discovered that she could communicate with him telepathically.

Therefore, among the three skills, the effect of ” amplification ” could be said to be the best.

After that, link extracted the effect of the [ kinetic boots ] and added it to the nano battle suit, giving it the “jet power” special effect.

After that, link put away Dean’s magic box happily.

After fusing three pieces of equipment in a row, not only did he strengthen his current equipment, but he also saved some equipment slots. In the future, he could equip more powerful parts to increase his combat attributes.

perhaps I can let the players try the effects of Dean’s magic box after I reach Victoria City.

The players were one of the few creatures in the mechanical fortress with unlimited potential. Although link had also set up dungeon crystals in the mechanical fortress, these were the elite players of the wasteland. A few dungeon crystals were enough to make them puke. whether it was a 5-man or 25-man dungeon, in front of these elites, it was as easy as chopping up vegetables. In addition, they could only clear 5-man and single-player Dungeons once a day, and 25-man Team Dungeons could only be cleared once a week. At most, it was considered a routine check-in, and the gain was mostly experience.

Although Dungeons could also drop some equipment, most of the dungeons in the mechanical fortress were around level 50. The equipment obtained was not as good as the ones provided by Helen. In other words, players could not gain much other than experience.

In this case, the extraction effect of Dean’s magic box would be introduced, allowing the players to use the equipment obtained from the previous dungeons for a second time, strengthening the existing equipment and improving the strength of the players in multiple dimensions.

of course, there was a price to pay for this improvement.

Link browsed the forums. Because of his butterfly effect, the alien planet had attacked the three novice planets in advance. The players ‘attention was focused on fighting the alien planet, and they didn’t have much time to explore their own planet. So far, Pandora and Victoria had not found any players who had extracted the magic box, at least not on the forums.

The first day’s competition was mainly for screening, to eliminate the contestants with ordinary strength. Therefore, the entire day’s competition flow was flat, with only a few highlights.

Even a dedicated subordinate like AFU, who would do whatever link ordered, was yawning when he returned.

Behind him, Ji Lu was still immersed in excitement.

Ever since the young man was brought to the mechanical fortress, he had seen things that he had never seen before and new people. It was a completely new experience to be able to watch a large-scale battle between Inhumans on another planet.

Link was amused by the two’s different states.

He patted Fu’s shoulder and consoled, ” alright, tomorrow’s competition will be held in the mechanical fortress. You can just take over as the commander. You don’t need to be in the guest seats.

Ah Fu heaved a sigh of relief. Behind her, Jilu’s dejected expression was fully captured by link.

Giroud, wait behind the podium tomorrow. I’ll call you if I need anything.

The main platform was the best place to watch the entire competition venue. Ji Lu immediately showed an excited expression and agreed.

The next morning, many players left the city of dawn and arrived at the mechanical fortress.

The first day of the qualifiers had ended, and the second day’s matches were all held in the mechanical fortress.

the contestants could enter by identity, but there was a restriction on the number of viewers. only those with more than 20 wasteland expeditionary reputation points could enter. This measure was mainly because the space inside the mechanical fortress was limited and could not accommodate so many players, so they could only use this method to select. In the data center in Troy, there were about 20000 people with a reputation of 20 or more points in the wasteland Expeditionary Force, which met the venue’s accommodation standards.

After all, only players who had completed missions for the wasteland and were loyal to the wasteland could enter the mechanical fortress to watch the battle.

This was very reasonable.

If yesterday’s battle was a small test of strength, then today’s opponent would be like a lion hunting a rabbit, because no one knew if there would be a Dark Horse. due to his own carelessness, he was unable to board the mechanical fortress and was unable to participate in the storyline of version 2.0. he could not allow such a mistake to affect himself.

“I’m sure everyone is clear about the purpose of the professional league. All of the shortlisted participants were the most outstanding mutants of Pandora. Today, everyone had gathered at the mechanical fortress to select the strongest in each class, the strongest in the group, and the strongest in the free-for-all. and you will represent pandora to join the wasteland expeditionary force to fight against the alien planet!”

Link’s speech was short. At his current status and level, there was no need to put on any extra airs.

As long as he was sitting there, he was already showing off.

As for the rest, there was no lack of imaginative monsters among the players, and they would help you complete the rendering.

The match began soon. Link was unperturbed and decided to browse the forum. Only when the more famous Pandora players from his previous life appeared would he switch to the game view to take a look at the match. However, the players ‘strength was no longer enough to catch Link’s eye. He could only rely on his memories of his previous life to carefully search for their future achievements and see what he could use them for.

For example, Windchaser of slywin had full luck. All link needed to do was to have some tea and breakfast in the mechanical fortress and he would be able to receive a generous mission reward. He would then become the man behind the players.

However, because link had been in the wasteland in his previous life, his understanding of planet Pandora was limited to a few well-known players. Therefore, after all the competitions had ended, link had only watched a few. individual players were famous for flying dragon, when the rain stopped, and stinky who died from the smell. the two most famous guilds were the two foreign guilds-winterfell and hogwart.

En, just by looking at the name of the guild, one would know what it was.

old an, the strong Dragon’s soar has obtained the first place. Are you willing to follow me to the universe? ” Link looked at Antonidas teasingly. He had stolen Gamesh, and now that the flying dragon had won first place, he would definitely get a ticket. He had stolen two of the big prizes beside him, and Antonidas would be all alone in the future.

Antonidas smiled and shook his head. “I’m more than happy to have the opportunity to go out and see the vast world. Moreover, I have a premonition that we will meet again in the near future.”

Antonidas’s attitude was positive, mainly because after experiencing the near destruction of his home, his attention had to be placed on the recovery of the People’s livelihood and Prevention of disaster. He had put his personal emotions to the back of his mind.

finally, lin ke went up on stage to give his closing speech. it was no different from when he was on the wasteland, just talking about the future and hopes. however, after he finished, he added a sentence that shocked all the players present.

from tomorrow onwards, I will personally teach you all the skills. This will be my last gift before I leave Pandora.

Link had personally taught them the skills. He remembered that the last time something like this had happened was almost a year ago.

They could learn skills from anywhere, but being able to interact with link up close and learn his skills and even see what his abilities were was was enough to satisfy all the players.