730 Reverse life replacement

Link’s undead aura armor fell off like withered petals and scattered in the wind.

destruction and rebirth reached a harmonious unity and transformation at this moment.

hearing link’s words, saffron suddenly had a bad feeling.

The next second, a red bolt of lightning filled with murderous intent shot out from Link’s fingertip. It was like a Soaring Dragon, hurtling towards saffron.

one of saffron’s hands was still accumulating energy for an elemental explosion, and his other hand had just used the powerful purification effect of the alchemy hand. at this moment, he had fallen into a moment of silence, unable to make any defense or means.

If he had been of his normal size, saffron would have been more agile in both movement and casting spells. however, in the state of the enlarged void projection, although some skills were improved and the prestige was more terrifying, against an opponent of similar strength, such a bloated body was nothing but pretentious.


The Scarlet lightning struck Saffron’s body accurately, and the violent lightning wreaked havoc once again, spreading across Saffron’s body like a spider web.


Lin Ke was not satisfied with the damage dealt. His second attempt at chasing the dream had failed.

The reason why the damage was higher than before was that after being hit by the first [ Finger of Death ], saffron had an abnormal status of [ death misfortune ].

[ death’s misfortune: marks the enemy, causing them to be favored by death. All damage received is increased by 30%, and the target’s luck value is reduced (based on your luck attribute). The insufficient luck will randomly reduce other attributes. Lasts for 2 days. ]

although saffron was a level 80+(leader), he was no match for link, a weirdo who did not use the normal way of adding points.

188 points of luck, even if there were billions of living beings in the universe, it would be hard to find a few with similar luck.

Therefore, after being hit by the Finger of Death, saffron realized that the violent power of death not only caused damage, but also weakened his void projection body.

although he had failed to chase his dream, he could not lose verbally. link was a win-win person. if he could not win, he would have to make up for it in other ways.

“i already said that it’s easy to be at a disadvantage if you can’t hide your body, but you still don’t believe me. It seems like the alien Army’s stubbornness isn’t without reason. After all, a Crooked Stick will have a crooked shadow!”

The elemental explosion in Saffron’s Black flames was still accumulating power. Seeing the pure elements return to their positions, he was about to release the move. Link didn’t stop and shot out another Finger of Death.

The sky had just regained its peace for a moment, but in the next second, all the light dimmed. It was as if the dark red beam of death was the only thing that could attract people’s eyes.

Saffron had just used dark void energy to suppress the energy of the Finger of Death’s rays, and there were still some faint traces of lightning on the Black Flame’s body. Then, another Finger of Death hit the same place. This time, the red lightning spread even more wildly, as if it was going to crack saffron.


Lin Ke was speechless as he looked at the number.

Did the Finger of Death look at the opponent’s weakness too? when faced with the heavy punch of the war envoy, it entered the soul. Facing Shadow Fiend saffron, he was so submissive that he didn’t even dare to deal a critical hit. This was too realistic.

However, the three consecutive shots dealt 82000 damage, and in the blink of an eye, safurong’s void projection lost two-thirds of its HP. It was truly terrifying, and even safurong felt a strong sense of threat. If he didn’t get rid of this person, he would definitely become a future trouble!

The dark flaming hand’s elemental power had finally been fully condensed. The seven elements-wind, fire, earth, lightning, dark poison, and water-surrounded the Black Flame.

The next second, the seven orbs flew towards link. They were connected by a weak electric current, forming a large net.

Link sprinted towards the demon forgers ‘camp on the ground. As he ran, he taunted, ” come, let me see if your elemental explosion can match the damage dealt by my spatial rend. ”

Seeing this, saffron carefully aimed the seven beads at link, not daring to be distracted.

These seven elements were all refined from the resources he had obtained from hundreds of invaded planets and the magic boxes he had released. It could be said that these were the purest elemental energies he could find in the Fandi system. The power of such an elemental explosion was so great that even link had to be extra careful. If he had been slightly distracted and caused the elements to explode in the camp, not only would link die, but the Army members in the camp would also have died.

Link’s tactic of ” using the casting demon camp to control the shadow Fiend ” was very effective. Although the shadow Fiend’s pressure was almost tangible, the seven elements did slow down slightly. After all, link knew that the demonforge camp had a magic circle that maintained Saffron’s void projection. If it was damaged, the black fire would be kicked out of Victoria City, and the alien planet’s attack would fail.

Urey was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood when he saw that link didn’t care about morals.

They were being treated like soft persimmons. Although link was powerful, he had broken into the demonic Foundry’s camp alone and even attacked the Dark Lord. If they let link enter as if no one was there, how would they be able to keep their face?

Urey immediately ordered the alien army in the camp to attack link, trying to drive him out of the camp.

Link wasn’t reckless. He knew how to dodge when he saw this attack. In any case, he was all alone now. Most of his troops had gone in the opposite direction, and he was probably a few hundred kilometers away now. Shadow Fiend saffron was too far to reach him. On the contrary, he could make use of the opponent’s fear of the home field to weaken the opponent’s attack.

The seven elemental orbs were extremely fast. They blocked or blocked link from all sorts of angles and appeared from all sorts of unexpected places.

Link activated [ haste ], and with the help of the [ multi-purpose combat growth ], [ nano battle suit ], and [ Kohler’s dagger ], he barely dodged all the attacks.

The three Finger of Death shots had consumed two-thirds of Saffron’s health, but he had to burn his own life and energy to use this move.

After three consecutive shots, link only had 12000 health points and 2000 energy points left.

It was too dangerous for him to face thousands of alien soldiers and the void projection of the second-in-command of the alien forces.

But even if he had to dance on the tip of a blade, link had his reasons.

“You won’t be able to escape!” one of saffron’s hands was controlling the seven elements, while his other hand was already free. this time, countless green runes appeared around the blackflame hand, forming a chaotic pattern.

But as saffron chanted an alchemy incantation, the chaotic runes began to show a state of laws.

non-periodic crystals, negentropy, genetic code, quantum transition mutation, life maintenance, sequence Pixiu, ” all kinds of difficult words came out of Saffron’s mouth. The reverse life replacement had officially begun!