Chapter 10: Shield in hand (second more)

Now the whole of New York is under martial law. From time to time, police officers and soldiers can be seen. The streets and alleys are covered with Wu Yang's head.

Wu Yang, wearing a hat, walked leisurely on the street. Stark's lab, how can I get in?

Wu Yang's gaze looked at the soldiers patrolling the street, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It seems that I can only use you."

Wu Yang walked into a small alley, and the soldiers ran one after another. Wu Yang quickly stretched out his hand, blocked the mouth of the last soldier, and dragged it into the alley.

"Alas, alas," the soldier was struggling fiercely, but it was of no use.

The soldiers only heard the last sentence: Brother, you will die where you are, after all, it helped Lao Tzu.

Wu Yang twisted the soldier's neck, then quickly pulled off the soldier's clothes and put it on his body.

After putting everything on, Wu Yang looked at himself, "Yes, it looks like an upright person."

"Brother, good luck, the next life must be a billionaire." Wu Yang bowed religiously to the corpse on the ground. It's shameless. People are killed by you. Is it useful to say this?

Wu Yang, who became a soldier, was easily mixed into Stark's laboratory. After all, there are many soldiers here and many researchers.

In the men's restroom, Wu Yang and a researcher wearing a white coat stood peeing together. Wu Yang glanced at the other person's jb and smiled, "Jb is a bit big."

The researcher smiled a little embarrassed, but with a hint of pride in his eyes, "OK." After glancing at Wu Yang's jb, he cried in surprise: "Why are you so big? God."

"This is born. I heard that JB is very powerful. Would you like to try it?" Wu Yangxi laughed.

The researcher's face changed, "I don't do basic things, even if you do, you will be strangled to death."

"Who is going to mess with you?" Wu Yang grabbed the researchers' neck and lifted them up. "I want you to try, isn't it a terrible killing?"

The researchers moved their feet hard, seeing Wu Yang's face under his hat, and panic flashed in his eyes, "you, you" could not speak.

"Yes, Lao Tzu is the one wanted, isn't he happy?" Wu Yang smiled and twisted the researchers' neck.

"I'm glad to see." Wu Yang dropped the body on the ground, then quickly pulled the researchers' white coat, took off his military uniform, and put on the white coat.

Wu Yang looked at himself in the toilet mirror. "No matter what clothes he changed, he was still so handsome." He walked out of the toilet after speaking.

Wu Yang walked to a thick iron gate guarded by soldiers and saw that it was a researcher. The soldiers opened the door directly and did not see Wu Yang's face clearly.

Wu Yang walked in, all of them were researchers in white coats, who were seriously doing the work at hand. No one paid attention to Wu Yang.

Wu Yang looked around, all of them were developed weapons. Wu Yang smiled and saw that the round shield that had not been painted, the shield made of Edelman alloy.

Howard Stark studied the shield carefully, and didn't care about Wu Yang walking by.

"Mr. Stark, this shield is very powerful," Wu Yang said with a smile.

Howard Stark just looked at the shield. "Yeah, the strongest alloy on earth can invalidate the attack, but the material is too scarce, unfortunately."

"That's really amazing, can you give it to me? Mr. Stark." Wu Yang seized the shield from Howard Stark.

Howard Stark looked at Wu Yang with surprise, "What are you doing? You, you are"

"Wu Yang, Mr. Stark." Wu Yang pointed his gun at Stark's xiong mouth with a smile.


In the sound of the shot, the bullet hit Stark's mouth.

Stark's body trembled fiercely, took a few steps backwards, looked at Wu Yang unbelievably, and slowly fell to the ground.

The scene of "Mr. Stark" shocked everyone, everyone stared at Stark, who was lying on the ground, and the woman here was already screaming.

"Attack, attack."

Whether here, soldiers or researchers are holding guns and firing at Wu Yang.

Bang bang

Wu Yang leisurely shielded the shield towards the front, and the bullet fragments fell to the ground without causing any slight damage to the shield.

"It's really good." Wu Yang smiled, then threw the shield out suddenly, and hit two soldiers.

The two soldiers made a scream, they were hit by a fly, and the shield rebounded. Wu Yang took the shield that rebounded in his hands and fell in front of a soldier.

The soldier quickly pulled the trigger of the pistol, but it was too late, Wu Yang hit a shield on the soldier, and the soldier screamed and flew out.

"Kill him, you're about to attack." Roars and screams.

Another group of soldiers rushed in. There was no need to say anything more. In the sound of a gunshot, bullets swept towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang ran with the shield boarding, ran on the table with one foot, his body soared in the air, suddenly twisted his body, and threw the shield in his hand fiercely.

"Ah, ah" several screams, and several soldiers were smashed by the shield.

The shield bounced in one direction, hitting a wall, and half of the shield cut into the wall.

"Fire, kill him"

Wu Yang grabbed the two soldiers directly and made a block toward the front. The two soldiers' bodies shook like sieves, making a disgusting sound of "唔, 唔". The bodies were beaten into honeycombs by bullets.

Wu Yang arrogantly threw the two soldiers and said loudly, "Lao Tzu is here, come and kill Lao Tzu."

"Kill him, kill him"

Wu Yang ran again at a high speed, and ran along the wall towards the shield. As he ran, he left bullet holes in the wall behind him.

Wu Yang grabbed his hand, took the shield in his hand, and continued to run quickly, hiding behind a table.

Bang bang

The other side of the table was shot by bullets, and a round object fell in front of Wu Yang.

"I've found something good." Wu Yang smiled and took the dropped round object in his hands.

"Guys, it's time to take the medicine." Wu Yang stood up and threw the round thing in his hand.