Chapter 27: Cosmic Cube (first)

A large number of soldiers rushed towards the Hydra headquarters from the jungle at the foot of the mountain, and fierce exchanges of fire with the Hydra soldiers occurred. The entire headquarters was in chaos, and there were sounds of shootings, shouts, and rushes.

Schmidt ran quickly, and the entire base could not wait any longer. Fortunately, he was ready for second hand.

A large bat-shaped plane, Schmidt ran over and quickly got on the plane.

Bang Bang!

The Hydra soldiers were firing wildly at the front, and the American soldiers had already entered.

Steve, holding his shield, ran towards the front in a frantic way. Wherever he went, I saw Hydra soldiers hit and fly, and no one could stop Steve.

The large bat-type aircraft had already started, and the wheels began to taxi rapidly on the runway. Steve tried his best to run behind the aircraft.

Although Steve has reached the speed limit of human beings, it is still too slow for operating aircraft.

"Come up." A cool car stopped next to Steve.

"Colonel Phillips." Steve gave a sting, then jumped into the car.

Xuan car chased after the plane, and it was no slower than the plane running on the runway, because this car was Schmidt's favorite car.

The front door opened, and after a while, the plane was able to fly out from here.

"Go on," Phillips called to Steve.

"Well." Steve nodded.

The moment the plane rushed out of the gate, it jumped out of the car and caught on one of the wheels of the plane.

The plane went up, and the wheels slowly contracted back, and Steve used the contraction of the wheels to enter the plane.

Steve experienced fighting back and forth with Hydra soldiers in the plane, and finally came to the main cockpit, quietly opened the door, and walked towards it.


A roar came, and Steve turned quickly, using a shield to block a blue energy bomb attack.

Schmidt pointed his gun at Steve. "You don't give up anyway, right?"

"That's right." Steve rushed to think of Schmidt.

Schmidt bombed Steve with a gun, but was blocked by Steve with a shield.


Steve yelled, the shield hit Schmidt, and Schmitt flew a few meters down, then suddenly stood up and fought against Steve.

The blow was fierce. You gave me a punch. I gave you a kick. Although Schmidt was injected with immature serum, the body has power no less than Wu Yang and Steve.


Schmitt was blown off by Steve, hit the steel, the skin on his face was torn, revealing the red flesh inside, but no blood came out.

"Your face." Steve frowned.

"My face, it's time for you to see my true face." Schmidt screamed, grabbed one's face with one hand, and tore open.

Schmidt's head became a red skull, only meat and no skin, looking at the disgusting, "I am the red skull Schmidt."

"Red Skull, really fits you right now." Steve rushed up.

The two sides scuffled again. In a fierce confrontation, they collided with the joystick, and the plane fell from a height of 10,000 meters downward. "Abominable." Schmidt called.

"Master Schmidt, keep fighting, I'll take control of the plane." A voice came.

"Wu Yang." Schmidt and Steve looked at the people who came slowly.

"It's me." Wu Yang walked to the manipulator, quickly moved a few buttons, and the plane stabilized.

"Wu Yang, you are here just to kill this guy with me." Schmidt called.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Master Schmidt, here I am."

Wu Yang came to Schmidt. "Captain, it's been a long time."

Steve looked angrily at Wu Yang. "Wu Yang, the crime you committed cannot be redeemed even if you died ten thousand times. I won't kill you today, and I don't deserve to be called Captain America."

"It's really amazing resentment. In order to calm you down, Lao Tzu is going to show you something interesting." Wu Yang laughed.

"Interesting thing?" Schmidt and Steve froze at the same time.

It's stabbing!

"Ah" Schmidt couldn't believe it, looked at a knife stuck in his back, and looked at Wu Yang again. "Why?"

Wu Yang pulled the knife out with a smile, "Because it is more fulfilling," "Get your trust and kill you, don't you find it interesting?" "

Steve points to Wu Yang, "you, you" seems angry.

"What's wrong with the captain? Lao Tzu did the job for you, don't you feel happy?" Wu Yang kicked Schmidt for seven or eight meters.

"You are even your companion"

"No no no." Wu Yang shook his finger. "Lao Tzu has no companions, and Schmidt is just the object of Lao Tzu's play."

"Abominable, Wu Yang, even you have been playing with me" Schmidt stood up staggeringly, the blood behind him was flowing wildly.

"Yes, is there any problem?" Wu Yang you spread your hands.

Steve smashed Wu Yang with his shield. "I don't care what you do, I just know that I'm going to kill you."


The shield in Wu Yang's hand collided with Steve's shield, and Wu Yang and Steve stepped back at the same time.


A gunshot came, and a shot was fired from Steve's shoulder, blood splashing.

Steve staggers his head and looks at the shooter, "Agent Carter, you"

"Sorry, I can't look back anymore." Pei Ji glanced at Wu Yang.

Based on the principle that Wu Yang killed his life, Wu Yang hit a shield on Steve. Steve gave a roar, and flew out.

Wu Yang walked forward, and Schmidt, who was seriously injured, punched Wu Yang.

"While playing with eggs." Wu Yang blasted Schmidt with a shield.

"Here it is." Wu Yang stood in front of the circular instrument with a slight blue light, and punched him.


The round instrument was destroyed, blue light flowed, and a blue transparent cube fell down.

"Universe Rubik's Cube." Wu Yang picked up the Rubik's Cube, and the blue light illuminated his face.