v2 Chapter 12: Submissive

Both Tessa and Cade stared at the crosshairs on the ground. "Nothing wrong, he defeated Transformers. He really defeated Transformers ?!"

"This monster." Tessa's eyes flashed with excitement.

Inspector, Bumblebee, and Drift all looked at all this silly. "Drift, even lost, to a human, my eyes are fine." Bumblebee took the drifting hand and wiped his eyes.

"Asshole, use your own hand." Drifted and pulled his hand away.

Inspector took a deep breath, "Optimus Prime, you're right, it's a terrible human."

"So be careful with him, let's go." Optimus went towards the line of sight.

The steel body of the guideline no longer slips on the ground and stops on the ground. The place at Xiong mouth is broken and the electric sparks are still flashing. The green Ye body is flowing from it. stand up.

"You lost." Wu Yang walked towards the line. "According to our bet, you need to take orders from me now."

"I didn't lose." The line shouted, lost to a human, and some pride was unacceptable.

Wu Yang said with a sneer: "The original Autobot couldn't afford to lose. The outer iron armor of your Tinder has been broken. As long as you break your Tinder, you will surely die. , It's easy for me. "

"Wu Yang, leave the line." Optimus Prime and the Hornet came over.

Wu Yang spread his hands. "I'm just taking my booty. Is there any problem?"

"Guidelines are not your loot," Optimus said with majesty.

"The Laozi you said doesn't matter. I only know that I won. He lost. From the moment he fought with me, the gambling contract officially took effect." Wu Yang's voice came with a hint of chill.

The line slowly stood up, watching Optimus and they said, "I lost. I didn't expect to lose in the hands of a human. It's really unwilling. But I'm part of the great Autobot, It was lost. You called Wu Yang, right? From now on, I will obey you. "

"Guideline." Optimus yelled.

The Inspector has pointed at Wu Yang with a big machine gun. "You stinky boy, let Autobot take orders from you, I killed you."

"You can try." Wu Yang said indifferently.

The line shouted, "You all stop, this is my own decision. Since you lose, you have to bear the consequences of losing."

Optimus looked at the guideline for a while, and sighed. "Since this is your own decision, then it's settled, Wu Yang, you have to be kind to the guideline."

"Leader!" Cried Inspector Bumblebee.

Optimus looked at the sky. "Freedom is the right of every Cybertron. Although I am the leader of Autobots, I cannot stop the freedom of Cybertrons."

"Poster, you can rest assured. Since the guideline is now mixed with Lao Tzu, he will definitely not let him suffer, hahaha." Wu Yang Yangtian laughed, the first rider reached his hand.

The Hornet looked at Wu Yang with a tilted head. "This guy looks very unreliable. Are you sure you want to follow him? If not, let's kill him together."

There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes, and he smiled lightly, "Wasp, you will regret this sentence you made today." Absolutely torture this mouth pumping stuff.


"Human, you are so arrogant." The Hornet said uneasily.

Aiming at Xiong, "I'm willing to gamble to lose. This is my pride and dignity, you don't need to say any more."

"Okay." The detectives looked helpless.

Tessa and Cade trot over, Cade glanced at the line, "He is now, become yours" Cade did not know how to describe it.

"He is now the younger brother of this seat. This seat will take him to pretend to fly together." Wu Yang's face was serious.

Tessa looked at Wu Yang's expression, and wanted to sneer a few words, "Return to this seat, don't you like to call yourself Lao Tzu? Why do you call this seat now?"

Wu Yang lifted his head. "Don't you think this seat is very suitable for Lao Tzu's identity? I'm such a bully man, I don't have a domineering self-proclaimed, what can I do? So from now on, this seat is me and I am this seat. "

"Cut." Tessa snorted disdainfully.

Wu Yang looked at Tessa, "Tessa, you're hanging."

Tessa's body shrank, and I didn't know why I felt a little fear of this monster.

"Brother I didn't say you were afraid of me." Wu Yang spread his hands.

"Don't tease my daughter." Cade called.

Wu Yang said indifferently: "Uncle your daughter is already old, don't worry too much."

"This is my daughter. She is only 17 years old." Cade called.

Optimus ignored the nonsense argument of Wu Yang and asked, "Do you have any other companion information?"

"No, we are the poor Big Four." Drift shook his head.

"Humans want to kill us one by one," the line continued.

Inspector shook his head, "plus you, it's just us."

"As Optimus Prime, because the life and death of you is unknown, the Hornet has taken over the command, but he does not have the appearance of a referee at all, he is like a child." Drift pointed at the Hornet with a knife.

The hornet walked towards the drift, and said unpleasantly, "This kid wants to teach you something." The hornet slammed into the drift, and sparks splattered.

Drifting is not vegetarian either. He waved the knife and the hornet dries up. He turned around and placed the knife holder on the hornet's neck. . "

"Haha, dueling again." Inspector laughed.

Optimus called out, "Autobots, stop fighting and disunity, confinement is pursuing us, and human beings are helping us. We must understand why."

Wu Yang stopped paying attention to bb's non-stop Cade, and smiled, "Optimus Prime, do you want a reason? There may be here." Wu Yang took out the aerial camera.

Brothers, there is no way to update. There is really no way. The exam must be reviewed. These days there are only one chapter, and occasionally two chapters. There is really no time. Please forgive me. When the exam is over, it will be greatly updated.