v2 Chapter 20: Fusion deformation elements

After listening to Wu Yang's words, Wembley's eyes lit up, "Oh, it's close, do you know what to do next?"

Wu Yang's hands tapped on the keyboard a few times, "What do you think?"

The Wembleys looked at the values ​​on the computer screen and called each one, "Perfect, how did you think of it?"

"Don't try it now?" Wu Yang smiled.

"Yes, yes, what are you still doing? Quickly bring a mouse to the test." Wembley called.

A poor mouse was taken over, and the technician carefully took the needle and injected it into the mouse's body.

The mouse kept shaking and made a painful squeak. The technician put the injected mouse in a transparent glass cover and observed the mouse's response.

The mouse kept rolling in the glass cover and looked very painful. After a few minutes, the mouse's body trembled, and a layer of metallic luster penetrated from the surface skin.

"Oh, oh," Wembley and a few technical staff cried excitedly, "Success, success, integration successfully."

The mouse turned into a metal rat at this moment, slamming against the glass cover, but the hardness of the glass cover was not so easy to break.

"It's incredible," several technologists marveled.

Then something even more surprising happened, and the mouse's body began to deform, turning into a tapered metal body and hitting the glass cover.


A crack appeared in the glass cover.

"A tiny mouse has become so powerful." Wembley called.

Suddenly, the tapered metal body began to twist, returned to the shape of a metal mouse, and made a painful cry, turning back into an ordinary mouse in the cry.

"What's wrong?" Wembley whispered.


The mouse exploded, and the flesh in the fried glass cover was blurred.

"Failed?" Wembley said disappointed.

Wu Yang shook his head. "No, there is no failure, but this mouse cannot bear the power of the deformed element, so it needs to be replaced with a new subject."



"What?" Wembley yelled. "It's inappropriate for human experiments now."

"Well, this is for scientific dedication, whoever wants to come." Wu Yang smiled.

Wembley and other scientific and technological personnel all took a step back, leaving Wu Yang alone in front.

"It seems you all want me to come."


Wembley smiled and said, "We are all very confident in you." Just kidding, they didn't want to explode like the mouse.

Wu Yang nodded. "Then try it."

"Are you really coming?" Wembley called.

"of course."

"Okay, don't blame us for being dead," Wembley said immediately.

"Don't blame you, because this seat will not die." There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes. If the deformed element is injected into the ordinary person's body, the final result will be the same as that of a mouse, and it cannot bear the explosion.

Wu Yang lay on the alloy alloy g. "Come on, remember, inject deformed elements into my bones."

"I know, let's get started." Wembley's eyes flashed with excitement. I didn't expect to be able to conduct human experiments so soon.

Rows of needle tubes are under the control of the robot hand, standing by around Wu Yang's body.

"So let's start, injecting deformed elements into your bones." Wembley pressed a button.

Rows of needles were inserted into Wu Yang's body, and a bit of pain flashed in Wu Yang's eyes. It was really uncomfortable to insert so many needles.

"Ah" Wu Yang's hands clenched, he already felt the needle stick into the bone.

Wembley shuddered aside, and it felt painful to look at it. If it were ordinary people, it would hurt him directly.

Wu Yang's eyes were full of bloodshot blood, and the muscles of the whole body were violently burst out, and a roar of pain was made. "Ah" felt it, and there was juice flowing in the bone marrow.

"Ah" Wu Yang roared in pain, a burst of crackling sounds of bones from his body.

Wembley looked at the computer screen and shook his head constantly. "It's incredible, it's incredible." I saw the red bone marrow cells and white particles swallowing each other, like a battlefield.

"Oh my God, his bone marrow cells and deforming elements are engulfing each other, and they are in an evenly matched state. It is incredible, incredible, that human cells can fight each other with deforming elements." A technician shook his head.

"Ordinary people's bone marrow cells will be directly swallowed by deforming elements, and eventually the bones can't bear it, and the body will explode," said another scientific and technical personnel.

Wembley looked at Wu Yang, who was screaming. "He may be able to succeed and fuse the deformed element with his own cells."

"You see, it's changed." A techie yelled at the computer.

"His bone marrow cells are changing. The color has changed from red to light red. The main thing is the nucleus of the bone marrow cell. The nucleus has been replaced by a deformed element. Is this a sign of successful fusion?" Wembley said, Never encountered such a thing.

Originally, red and white were in the dichotomy. With the engulfing of each other, the two colors merged together and became light red. The nucleus of each bone marrow cell was replaced by white particles.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, not only these, each of his bones is no longer dominated by calcium, calcium is replaced by deformed elements, which means that his current skeleton is made of denatured elements, but His flesh and blood has not been affected in the slightest, and it is still human flesh and blood, so amazing, so amazing. "A science and technology staff screamed as if he found a new continent.

Wembley said excitedly: "The human body is really fused with the deformed elements. The boss knows that it will be crazy. Quickly, copy each piece of data, these materials are too important."

"Ah," Wu Yang roared, and suddenly sat up, all the needles inserted in his body reflecting out.

Bang bang

The ejected needle tube shot into a horse honeycomb around it, both quartz glass and steel instruments were penetrated. Technologists wanted to avoid it at all, and the needle tube pierced their bodies.