v2 Chapter 33: OK (fourth more)

Optimus nodded, "Yes, Shocking Sky will completely exterminate you humans this time."

"You greedy stupid guys are really digging their own graves, but I'm finally free after doing my shit. This result is good for me. I'm going home." Xiao Zhuge picked a flower proudly. .

"It seems very interesting." Wu Yang smiled.

"It's funny you, if we let the day to get the seeds, we are all dead." Su Yueming cried, "No, I want to call Joyce, don't let the day to get the seeds."

"It doesn't seem to be our thing, boss, can we go now?" Inspector asked.

"I can't wait to go home," Drift said.

Optimus Prime seems to be thinking about it, leaving in this way, if the conspiratorial conspiracy succeeds, millions of people will die once, and then the extinction of the entire human race, will it really leave like this?

"Is there a cell phone?" Su Yueming asked.

"No." Wu Yang spread his hands.

"What use do you want?" Su Yueming glared at Wu Yang.

"The cell phone is easy to make, you look at it." Guilin's eyes emitted a green light, shining on his own hand, and a cell phone appeared like this.


"Here." Passed the phone to Su Yueming.

"Thank you." Su Yueming hurriedly called. "Is it Joyce?"

"Sue, are you? Where are you now?" Joyce's voice came.

Su Yueming immediately said: "Joyce, where are you now?"

"In your country, heaven is in Guangzhou."

"Where are the prototypes in Shocking Sky? Did you take them with you?" Su Yueming asked.

"Yes, they are taken away."

"Abominable, your technology has been hacked, and your product prototype has been infected. Do not give Skyshine a chance to approach the seeds, otherwise everything will be over."

"Sue, what do you know? Shocking sky is fine, I'm controlling him," Joyce called.

Wu Yang took the mobile phone from Su Yueming and smiled, "In fact, you know very well that your product is controlling you, and everything you do is in harmony."

"Your voice, you are" Joyce growled.

"Yes, it's me." Wu Yang exploded the phone.

"I haven't finished talking yet." Su Yueming said dissatisfied.

"Optimus Prime, what should we do?" Inspector asked.

"Don't you understand your boss, he still can't let go of humans, it's really kind." Wu Yang said with emotion.

Optimus spoke, "Recapture the seed. It doesn't belong here. After finishing this last thing, we will leave."

"Recapture the seed? Don't you leave now?" Xiao Zhuge stunned.

"Get on the spacecraft and go to the other side of the earth, heaven." Optimus Prime walked towards the spacecraft.


In the depths of the universe, in the giant spaceship, the confinement was violently thundering. "Abominable, it even stole a part of my spaceship. You actually let this happen, turn off the dark matter engine, reverse the speed of light, return to Earth, Optimus took it away. My booty showcase, let him **** power. "

In the high sky, the subspace ship flew fast.

"In these cages are ancient legendary warriors, robotic dinosaurs." The crosshairs were facing Wu Yangdao.

Wu Yang watched the robot dinosaur hanging upside down in the cage. "This seat will conquer them and bring them glory and destruction."

Looking at the aggressive Wu Yang on the line, his body trembled. "They are all very powerful."

"That's because they didn't meet this seat." Wu Yang looked at his palms.

"Wu Yang, what is your purpose after all?"

"Destruction, evil, greed, possession, there are no friends and enemies in this seat's eyes, because they are all the objects of this seat's destruction, either surrender or die, the guidelines, how do you choose?" Wu Yang said lightly.

"You don't seem to be the same as I think."

"Really? There is not much time left for you to choose from." Wu Yang walked towards the outside.

Looking at Wu Yang's back on the line, he was relieved. Wu Yang had just given him a strong pressure. He was just a human. Why did he make him like a Transformer feel the fear from his heart? what?

Wu Yang walked towards the outside, and Su Yueming walked over, "Mixed ball, what exactly do you want to do?"

"For the peace of mankind"

"Don't tell me this, I know you have a secret that you can't tell anyone, and it's definitely not a good thing."

"You are really smart, in fact, I am a very bad person." Wu Yang said with a smile.

Su Yueming looked into Wu Yang's eyes and "can see it."

"Where is Tessa?"

"Falling asleep, the blow she experienced was too great." Su Yueming shook her head. "Other girls are still relying on their parents at her age."

"Let her rely on your sister in the future." Wu Yangxian smiled.

"Jumbo, don't think that your evil thoughts I don't know, would you like to take all the food, can you?" Su Yueming despised.

Wu Yang suddenly got angry, "Don't ask a man if you can, it seems you want to try it." Wu Yang walked towards Su Yueming.

Su Yueming stepped back, "What do you want to do?"

"Fuck you." Wu Yang pulled Su Yueming by one hand and pulled Su Yueming into his arms, blocking his mouth with Su Yueming's Xiao mouth.

"唔唔" Su Yueming's eyes widened. Last time he bit his lip with this asshole, now he is forced to be strong again. Damn!

There was a strong evil in Wu Yang's eyes, and Su Yueming's resistance aroused his desire to conquer.

Su Yueming's resistance was weakening, and his eyes were full of confusion. This guy was really overbearing.


Su Yueming woke up, pushed Wu Yang aside, looked at the sound of coughing, and stunned, "Tessa ?! Aren't you sleeping? Don't you misunderstand, I have nothing with this junk, nothing . "Su Yueming didn't want to hit Tessa anymore.

"I saw it. You don't need to explain anything. I don't want to lose anyone of you, so" Tessa walked to Wu Yang and Su Yueming.

Wu Yang pulled Su Yueming and Taisha into his arms together, and Wang Bazhi radiated, "So you have to be a woman of labor and capital together. You have only one choice."