v3 Chapter 4: Church (third)

Gil's brow frowned slightly. The look of the man who looked at her was too brazen. The hotness could ignite her clothes. I really wanted to smash these eyes with a single shot.

Wu Yang looked up and down Jill, yes, yes, it is more beautiful than watching in the movie, the big legs are good, and it should be very strong to clamp on g. The idea of ​​livestock is always so cheap.

On the stage above the entrance, a man in a suit said to the armed men next to him: "It's here, it's spread here, close the door."


"Close the door, close it." The suit man repeated.

"Our people are still"

"Excuting an order."


The thick steel gates quickly closed and no one could enter again.

"They closed the door, opened the door, opened it quickly, and let us go out." The panicked people were immediately excited and noisy.

"This area has become a biochemical quarantine area. Because of the danger of infection, you cannot leave here." The suit man said with a loudspeaker.

"What's going on?" Cried a woman with a camera in her hand. She was the beauty anchor Terry Morras that Wu Yang saw on the screen during the day.

"We are taking all appropriate measures and the situation is under control. Please go home."

The angry people shouted, "You won't end well."

"Go die, let us go out and open the door"


With a single gunshot, all the noisy people were quiet.

"I'll give you five seconds and go home," said the man in a suit.

"Authorized use of weapons, five or four"

Jill looked coldly, and when it was one, she yelled, "Hurry up, leave here, hurry."

Payton was also yelling, "Hurry up."

Bang bang

The sound of machine gun fire continued, and people ran frantically.

"Ah" people who are fleeing madly will always fall, but no, Terry, who is wearing a professional skirt, has fallen.

"Get up." A big hand pulled towards her.

"My camera." Terry called.

"In my hands, go quickly."

Terry grabbed the man's hand, and the man pulled her and ran quickly.

"Thank you, my name is Terry Morras." Terry called.

"My name is Wu Yang." There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes, and Gill ran along with the injured Payton.


Wu Yang pulled Terry quickly and ran over, "Come with me, here, here."

Jill looked at Wu Yang. This was the man who shot the gun just now. Jill didn't say anything and followed Wu Yang.

The four ran to a sparsely populated place with a cathedral in front.

"Let's go and find a place to temporarily hide." Wu Yang said in a hurry, his expression still a little panic, and he had to say that he acted like an ordinary person in panic.

"Uh-huh." Terry nodded hastily.

Jill glanced at Wu Yang. "Your marksmanship is accurate."

"My job is hunting, so I've practiced some marksmanship." Wu Yang ghost dragged.

Several people slowly opened the church door and walked in carefully, Payton looked around cautiously with a gun.

Wu Yang looked at Payton, always felt a bit redundant, how can there be men other than him here? But Payton can't live long, after all, his legs have been bitten by zombies.

"You guys get out, this place is where I hide." A man with a gun suddenly rushed out, pointing his gun at the four of Wu Yang, his expression excited.

"This place is big enough, not a few of us," Teri immediately said.

"Don't tell me this," the man called.

"Calm down, put the gun down, put it down," Payton muttered.

The man looked at the four men and slowly lowered the gun, probably thinking that just a few more people would be like that.

"Well, it's time to rest, and everyone is getting to know each other." Wu Yang said with a smile, but his eyes were on the Xiong Department of Jill, and it felt different from close observation.

"Take another look at it, I'll blow your eyes." Jill pointed his gun at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang smiled wryly, "Ding Ding, Ding Ding, you can't help but feel like you can't help it." My sister's, let you see the labor and capital alone.

Gill slowly put away his gun, "note where your eyes should be."

Jill took out a cigarette, put it on his mouth, lit it, and slowly exhaled a spit of smoke.

"Smoke, why didn't you say it earlier, let me take a sip, I haven't smoked for a long time." Wu Yang reached out and took the cigarette from Jill's mouth, and quickly took a big sip. "


"Do you want to continue smoking? Give it back." Wu Yang passed the cigarette toward Jill.

Jill took a deep breath, "You suck." Damn, if in the past, such a guy has been punched on the ground by her, now this special period, forget it.

Teri held a camera and filmed Jill. "So, what do the police in Raccoon City think about these monsters?"

"What are you?" Payton asked.

"My camera, it would be useful in case some of us can survive." Suddenly Terry's face changed, and she seemed to see something flashing through the lens.

Others felt it too, because a wind passed, although not very much.

"Woohoo" a low cry came from deep in the church.

The expressions of Jill, Terry, Payton, and the dragon man tightened up, and the tense atmosphere enveloped here instantly.

The beauties of the biochemical crisis are all in their pockets. Please rest assured that the purpose of this book is that if the beauties are swept away, the harem must be opened.