v3 Chapter 9: transaction

Alice listened to the voice on the phone, her face slightly changed, "Who are you?"

"I can get you out, five of you, but first sign an agreement. Are you ready to accept the deal?"

Jill looked at the camera above, it seemed that this camera was monitoring their position, and there seemed to be many other cameras.

"Do we have a choice?" Alice asked.

"If you want to live tonight, you have no choice."

After a while, Alice hung up.

"Who is it?" Jill asked.

Alice walked towards the front. "Let's find somewhere to say."

"The bus in front is a choice." Wu Yang pointed to the bus in front, and there was no one on it.

Alice nodded. "It looks good."

Several people approached the door of the bus, and the door was closed. Wu Yang walked in the front. "Let me push it open, you can lean on."

"Is Wu Yang dangerous?" Terry worried.

"Some things must be done by someone." Wu Yang looked indifferent, and slowly pushed his hand toward the door.

The door was pushed open a gap. With Wu Yang's hard work, the gap continued to expand, and it was already possible to see the situation inside the car.

Wu Yang slowly walked into the car, no one, and no zombies, so it's too unreasonable.

Breathing, even the slight movements could not escape Wu Yang's ears and eyes. Wu Yang's gaze looked upwards with a smile, "Aren't you attacking?"

"Hou" a licker hung on the roof of the car and rushed towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang looked at the licking licker, and raised his gun without any hesitation. "If someone asks how you died? You answer that you died at speed."


The licker had rushed to Wu Yang's face, and the sharp, disgusting claws were about to catch Wu Yang. Suddenly his body was stagnant and a bullet passed through its brain.

"Hou" roared, and the licker's body flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

Alice and Jill rushed into the bus first, and looked at the painful struggling lickers. They were a bit shocked. In this small space, one shot can kill a licker, which requires how fast the response and speed.

"It's all right, come on." Wu Yang said to the door.

Terry came up and asked, "What happened, ah," a slight cry, startled by the lickers on the ground.

"It's dead, don't worry," Wu Yang said lightly.

Alice looked at Wu Yang. "Now I believe that the lickers in the church were killed by you alone. You are really amazing. What did you do?"

"He is a hunter." Terry has already answered Wu Yang.

Alice smiled, "Hunter? That's a really good hunter." Obviously, he didn't believe Wu Yang was just a hunter.

auzw.com "Even me can't do it," Gil said lightly.

Wu Yang spread his hands. "I said that you are skeptical. What is the most important thing between people is trust."

"OK." Alice nodded. "Let's just talk about business."

"Wait, let me record it all." Teri took the camera and "can start."

Alice nodded. "I was on the phone with Dr. Asifford, who is the director of the umbrella company's genetic and viral research department."

"What does he want us to do?" Jill lit a cigarette and asked, taking a breath.

"Rescuing his daughter, Angela, was trapped in the city. The umbrella company originally planned to pick her up, but she failed to make it. She is now hiding in school. As long as we rescue her, Asiford will Will help us to leave, "Alice replied.

"Impossible," Payton said. "We should find a place with thick walls and thick doors, shut ourselves in, and wait for someone to save us."

Wu Yang said with some sympathy: "Why are you still in a dream? From the moment the umbrella company closed the door of the bridge, everyone in this city was abandoned and left here, only to die."

"Abominable." Payton looked at Wu Yang angrily.

"It's impossible for anyone to come. The umbrella company knows they can't control the spread of the virus, so when sunrise this morning, Raccoon City will be completely dealt with." Alice said lightly.

Terry asked: "What do you mean by 'clean up'?"

"It is a high-precision tactical nuclear weapon."

"How powerful is it?" Gil asked.

"It's equivalent to 5,000 tons of tnt explosives."

Jill sneered, and then cursed, "fuck!"

"What does that mean?" Terry asked.

"That means it will stop the virus from spreading, and there will be evidence of destruction," Alice replied.

Wu Yang shook his head. "The virus will not be eliminated."

"Abominable, abominable, they will not escape punishment, and the media will report frantically." Payton exclaimed angrily.

"They will cover up the facts," Teri said, as a show anchor, he still knows the shady news.

"It's all ready. It's a simple matter of leaking nuclear power." Alice said.

Payton said relentlessly: "Even the umbrella company cannot cover the whole truth."

"That's why you underestimated the umbrella company. It's not that you can understand how powerful this company is in this world." Wu Yang interrupted.

Jill nodded. "Don't be disappointed. What shall we do now?"

"I think we need to flee this city before dawn." Alice said lightly.

"So let's go, Payton. You can find a place with high walls and thick doors to hide." Wu Yang laughed.

"Damn." Payton's fist clenched.

Several people got off the bus and headed for Raccoon City Junior High School.