v3 Chapter 15: Must not be human (fifth)

Wu Yang, who was hit by a bullet, slowly fell to the ground, his body twitching a few times, and he was motionless. Pretend to be dead, of course, the bullet didn't break his skin.

"Wu Yang" Terry shouted, tears could not stop flowing.

Jill shook his head constantly. "Why is this happening? You guy, why are you so dead?"

Asifford was shocked, staring at Wu Yang, he really didn't understand. This man actually blocked the bullet for him?

Asifford looked at Kane angrily. "What do you mean?"

Kane touched his head. "Doctor, you are so lucky. Someone is willing to block bullets for you. In fact, I want to say that you are our company's valuable property. I don't even care about you, other people."

"Can we start now?" Kane said to Alice.

Alice took a deep breath, "I see." He walked towards the vengeful demon.

"Roar" The vengeful demon uttered a roar, striding forward, and walked towards Alice.

"Ah, ha." Alice and the vengeful evil spirit fought, and they continued to collide with each other.

It can also be seen from this that Alice's power has exceeded the power of human beings, and she can compete with the vengeful evil god, even better in speed and skill.

"Ah" Alice was pressed to the ground by the vengeful demon.

Alice moved vigorously and gave the vengeful evil **** a strong kick. She suddenly stood up, again with a punch and two feet.

The vengeful demon screamed angrily, taking several steps backwards and hitting an iron building behind him.

In the roar of "Hou", the vengeful demon broke a steel pillar and took it in his hand, attacking Alice as a weapon.

As the Vengeful Evil God occupies the weapon's advantage, Alice is extremely struggling to cope with it, and can only defend and cannot attack.

Alice was knocked to the ground by a vengeful demon, and the steel pillar in the hand of the vengeful demon suddenly stabbed at Alice.

Alice rolled and hid, and the stone slab on the ground was pierced with a pit by the steel column of Vengeance.

Kane looked aside and threw two iron rods to Alice on the ground.

Alice quickly held and held the iron rod, blocking the steel column of the vengeful demon, and then jumped up.

Dangdang Dangdang

"Yeah." Alice slammed the steel post in the hand of Vengeance.

Alice saw behind the vengeful demon, where there was a sharp steel column protruding. Alice threw the iron rod in her hand, suddenly jumped, and kicked him on the vengeful demon.

The vengeful demon is constantly regressing, and this is the effect Alice needs.

"Ah" Alice hit hard.

"Scream" pierced the steel bar of Vengeance with a sharp steel pillar.

"Ah, ha," Alice's fierce attack nailed the vengeful evil **** to the steel pillar.

The vengeful demon uttered a painful howl and looked at the attacking Alice, remembering in his mind the constant recovery.

"Matt." These two words were issued by the vengeful demon.

Alice froze, looking at the vengeful demon, and kept shaking her head, "Oh my god, sorry, sorry, Matt, I'm really sorry, I don't know it's you."

"Kill him," Kane called.

auzw.com "No." Alice shook her head.

"Don't you understand how important you are to me, that beast is one thing, but you somehow fuse the t virus at the cell level, you accept it, change it, and become great. "Kane had a touch of excitement.

"I became a monster?"

"No, you are not mutated. You are evolution. With my help, you can imagine what you can accomplish."

"What about him?" Alice asked.

"Evolution sometimes enters a dead end, and now kill him so that he no longer suffers."

"I refuse," Alice said.

Kane shook his head. "You're disappointing me. You have a great power and you don't use it. It's a waste."

"It's really wonderful." Wu Yang slowly stood up from the ground. "This death is not in white."

Everyone was taken aback. They couldn't believe what they saw. How could Wu Yang be alive?

"Wu Yang." Terry cried again, with surprise and doubt in her eyes.

"This guy." Jill yelled, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

lj looked at Wu Yang, "Is this a corpse?"

Armed men of the umbrella company pointed at Wu Yang with guns, "Get down."

Kane walked a few steps forward, "You are not dead."

"Of course I didn't die, so I would die, and labor and capital don't need to be mixed up anymore." Wu Yang exerted a little force and broke away the handcuffs on his hands.

"who are you?"

"Wu Yang." Wu Yang slowly walked towards Kane.

"Shot, I'll see if you die." Kane called.

Bang bang

"You can try." Wu Yang smiled, his body twisted, while others could only see a shadow shaking.

"Is this human speed?" Lj cried.

"Isn't this guy hiding?" Jill frowned.

"Wu Yang" said Tai Rui.

Wu Yang no longer dodged the bullets, his hands swayed gently, and bullets fluttered beside him. "You shoot so much, aren't you afraid of kidney loss?"

Everyone was shocked to see the bullets flying around Wu Yang. This kind of thing they had never seen before, it was amazing.

"Who the **** are you?" Kane's eyes flickered with terror.

Wu Yang smiled, "Didn't this seat say that? Remember this seat's name, if you go to hell, you can be an understanding ghost."

With a wave of Wu Yang's hand, the bullets flying around him suddenly fired around.

"Ah, ah," the screaming sounded, and the armed men of the umbrella company fell down one by one.

lj swallowed, "it must not be a person, he must not be a person."

The fifth one is over. The brothers ask for some support. If they are able to give a reward, they will give a reward. Shahe will be very happy when he renews.